Better off Without Friends Quotes

There are some friends who are bad for you. They make you feel less than what you are and they push your buttons. The kind of friend I am talking about is the one who is negative, who makes you feel insecure, who puts you down and who makes you feel like you are not worthy of anything.

But there are also friends who can help us grow, who encourage us and inspire us to do better. These kinds of people can be a great source of support for us when we need them most.

So here’s a question: Is it better to have bad friends or no friends? The answer is neither. You can’t just cut out all your friends at once because that would leave you feeling lonely and alone in the world without anyone to turn to when things go wrong. But if there are some people in your life who are making it difficult for you to succeed then maybe it’s time to find new ones or at least those whose influence will lift you up instead of dragging you down.

Here below are some of the best better off without friends quotes you can use or send to someone, enjoy.

Friends make you healthier, happier and more productive. But not all friendships are created equal. Some are toxic, while others are actually quite beneficial to your health.

1. Better off without friends. They make us weak, they steal our money, and they give us a complex. We are better off alone with a cold one in our cup!

2. Better off without friends, who just want to talk about how much they hate your hair.

3. I’m better off without friends. They only bring me down. I don’t need them anymore

4. Let’s face it, we’d all be better off without friends. It’s not the friendship that is toxic, it’s you.

5. I’m better off without friends because they don’t understand me… they never will.

6. You are better off without friends. They will only drag you down, making your life more miserable.

7. Sometimes, you gotta put the friendship on the shelf. You’re better off without it.

8. Disconnect from the stream of friends and influencers who don’t add value to your life.

9. Ain’t nobody got time for that: no friends, no family, no enemies. Just me. And coffee.

10. You don’t need a friend who will be there when you fall. You need someone who will pick you up and throw you back in the air.

11. No one likes a clinger. The best thing is to be alone and not care what people think of you.

12. Better off without friends. I don’t have time for them, anyway.

13. Better off without friends who don’t see you when you’re down in the dumps.

14. I’m better off without friends because they can’t help me get through a breakup. So screw them.

15. You can be better off without friends. They’re nothing but trouble.

16. I’m better off without friends because I never had any to start with.

17. You’re better off without friends who let you down.

18. Everyone has their days when they’re better off without friends.

19. You’re better off without friends who are only there to remind you of things you already know.

20. When it comes to friendships, you might be better off without them.

21. It’s not the friends you don’t have who make you stronger. It’s the ones you do.

22. The more friends you have, the more they want. The fewer friends you have, the more time you’ll have for yourself.

23. The only friendships that are worth keeping are the ones you make with yourself.

24. The best thing about being alone is that you can do whatever you want and no one will judge you.

25. Better off without friends. Just me, you and the voices in my head.

26. Better off without friends than living a life of regret.

27. Would you rather be better off without friends or with fewer friends?

28. The best people in life are those that are better off without friends, you know.

29. Some people are just better off without friends.

30. You know what’s better than making friends? Not having to. You’re better off without friends.

31. You’re better off without friends who don’t believe in you.

32. If you’ve got friends, you’re doing it wrong.

33. You can get by on less sleep and less time, but you can’t make it with much friends.

34. You’re brave, you’re strong, and you don’t need anyone to be a complete human.

35. Better off without friends who make you feel invisible.

36. I’ve learned what I need to know, now I’m better off without friends.

37. We live in a world without friends. At least that’s what I tell myself.

38. You’ll be better off without friends who aren’t willing to make the same sacrifices you are.

39. Friends are like a breath mint—you might need it, but it’s not something you’d necessarily want to have in your pocket.

40. Friends are like shoes: When they’re comfortable, you aren’t.

41. I have no friends, but I have no problem with that. I am better off without them anyway.

42. Making new friends is hard. Keeping old friends is harder. I am better off with either of them.

43. How many of your friends/family members truly have your back? The only ones that count are the ones you can trust with your life and the only one you can depend on is yourself.

44. If you want people to like you, be like water. If you want to be more likable, learn to filter.

45. Better off without friends, who put you down. Better off without others, who can’t be trusted. Better off without a lot of things that make you sad or mad. Better off with just me…because I’m the best thing that could ever happen to me.

46. There’s no better way to start a day than by wishing you were better off without friends

47. We’re better off without friends. They just don’t understand us.

48. You are better off without friends. Don’t fall into the trap of keeping up with the crowd.

49. You are better off without friends that don’t care enough about you to push your boundaries and make you uncomfortable.

50. The world would be a much better place if everyone just got rid of their friends.

51. I don’t want friends. I want a Jacuzzi and enough money to live in it.

52. They’ll get you down, but in the end, they’ll all be better off without you.

53. We’re better off without friends. That’s why we invented the hashtag.

54. Life is better without friends. They suck the fun out of everything.

55. I’m better off without friends, they’re boring.

56. It’s better off without friends. They only bring you down.

57. Friends are like underwear: they smell nice, but they get uncomfortable and they don’t fit any more.

58. I don’t need a Facebook friend, I’ve got myself.

59. It’s better to be alone than to be friends with someone who doesn’t understand you.

60. You can have the best of both worlds: you can be “better off without friends” and still have fun. Live a life that makes you happy, not one that depends on them to make you happy.

61. You should always be better off without friends. The people in your life who bring you down, make you feel bad and stop you from being who you are are not worth your time or energy.

62. You don’t always have to keep your friends by your side. You can be better off without them.

63. You are better off without your friends. You can do anything on your own because you have everything you need right here with you.

64. You don’t need friends to be happy. Happiness is a choice. You just need yourself to make you happy.

65. It’s always better to be alone than in bad company. You are actually better of without some friends.

66. Don’t be afraid to leave when you’ve had enough. Sometimes being alone without friends is the best way to be.

67. You are better off without friends and family, who never understood you. Better off without friends in your life, who always asked for something in return. Be free to be yourself.

68. Sometimes you need to be better off without friends. The ones who don’t share your goals and dreams and never speak up when they see you struggling, they never come to help you when you need them most. Who needs them?

69. You’re better off without friends. Don’t waste time on people who don’t have your best interest at heart.

70. You’re better off without friends who aren’t there for you. Live your life, focus on yourself, and find friendship in places where you can actually control the outcome.

71. You are better off without your friends who don’t want you to succeed, they want to take away everything you’ve worked so hard for.

72. It’s better to have no friends than bad friends. When your friends are holding you back and you need to break away, it’s better off without them.

73. Be your own best friend. The most successful people are the ones who have learned to stand on their own two feet without relying on other people.

74. Don’t let those around you bring you down. Keep your head up, and face the world on your own two feet. You’re better off without them.

75. It’s better to be alone than in a relationship you don’t want. You are better off without friends who don’t value you, that’s what I’ve learned.

76. You’re better off without friends. They only bring you down, take away your time and never make you happy.

77. You don’t need friends to be happy. You just need something to do when you’re sad.

78. You don’t have to have a best friend to be happy, but you can’t have a best friend if you’re happy, either.

79. Life is too short to spend with the wrong people, you are better off without them. Make friends who uplift you, support you, encourage you and make YOU a better person.

80. The problem with people is that when you finally meet someone who is as smart and kind as you are, they move away. Well, you are better off without them anyway.

81. When you can no longer stand the people in your life, it’s time to part ways.

82. You’re never happier without friends. And you’re never happier with them than when you’re single.

83. Don’t buy friends, they’re a waste of money.

84. Friends are like toast: easy to use, but impossible to replace.

85. It’s better to have no friends than bad ones.

86. Try not to have any friends. It’s hard, but it’s better that way

87. The only thing worse than being alone is having friends. Better off without them, anyway.

88. Friends are great. But better off without them anyway.

89. If you’re better off without friends, you’ll be happier—and a lot less stressed.

90. Don’t get stuck with the same friends you had in college. You are better off without them.

91. I’m better off without friends. They give me nothing but stress and suffering. So I’ll take the money they spend on me and spend it on myself instead.

92. Life is better when you have no friends.

93. You don’t need friends to make it through life. But having no friends is a bad idea, too. Try not to be alone

94. There is no need for friends. You’re better off without them.

95. I really don’t need friends. I can do everything on my own.

96. What’s the point of having friends if they don’t make you look good?

97. Sometimes you just need to know that the people you were friends with are better off without you.

98. You know what’s better than a bunch of friends? One good friend.

99. You’re better off without them. They’ll never make you happy and they’ll always bring you down.

100. Better off without friends who don’t have your back. Better off without friends like that.

101. I’m better off without friends. They drain my time, energy, and money.

102. We have to be true to ourselves and remember that we are better off without friends.

103. When it comes to your friends, you can either choose to be better off without them or you can choose to be better for them.

104. The thing about friends is that they’re usually more trouble than they’re worth.

I do hope you enjoyed going through these better off without friends quotes, kindly comment below and share with others.

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