Beware of the Quiet Man Quotes

Are you searching for beware of the quiet man quotes? Then, you are about to see many quotes on beware of the quiet man. Just read further.

The saying, “beware of the quiet man” is one that many people are familiar with yet few heed. The reasoning behind this saying is that some people believe it is usually the quiet man who harms. They believe they often appear to be harmless but are sometimes calculating people, who wait for their prey to make a wrong move before striking.

This reasoning takes the loudest guy in the room to usually be the biggest jerk, that it is the quiet man that you need to watch out for. That quiet people are not necessarily stupid, they are just as smart or even smarter than those around them. Hence the need to be cautious.

Apparently, you are here to get the best quotes to caution yourself or someone against silent perpetrators. So, proceed to see the best collection of beware of the quiet man quotes below.

He who is loud and controls others may be powerful…but he who is quiet and has mastered himself is mightier still. Quiet men are the ones you should really look out for. They don’t make much fuss, but they’re off doing incredible things. Beware of the quiet man.

1. Beware of the man who works quietly and without show. He is the one who will achieve what others only talk about.

2. Beware of the quiet man. The one who doesn’t immediately chime in with his thoughts. The one who displays no emotion on his face or in his actions. This is the person who will destroy you.

3. It is often the quiet men who do the things that no one else sees. Beware of him.

4. Beware the man who speaks softly, but carries a big stick; he’s probably up to no good.

5. Beware of the quiet man. He’s like a volcano. One day the pressure builds inside him, and he may erupt with such violence that you’ll never forget it!

6. The quiet man is the hardest to read and the most dangerous to underestimate.

7. Beware of the man who won’t engage in idle conversation; he’s thinking of something else.

8. If a man is quiet, thoughtful, cautious, and slow to speak; there is probably a very good reason why.

9. Sometimes, the angry man is silent, while the calm accepts it without resistance and says something politely. Beware of the quiet man.

10. Beware of the quiet man, he may be planning his revenge!

11. Beware of the man who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.

12. Beware of the man who does not return your blow: he neither forgives you nor allows you to forgive yourself.

13. Be careful of the silent man because he’s a thinker and may strike when you least expect.

14. A quiet man can do more damage than a loud one. Be careful of the silent man

15. Watch the man who says little and does much. The quiet ones are the ones you should fear.

16. The quiet people are often the most dangerous. Don’t let the enemy fool you with his quietness.

17. The loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room. The quiet ones have the loudest minds; be careful of the silent man.

18. Don’t mistake the calm before the storm for tranquillity… Beware.

19. Beware of the quiet man. He’s more dangerous than you realize.

20. Beware of the quiet man. For he is about to speak.

21. Watch out for the quiet man. He’s up to something evil.

22. Beware of the quiet man. He may just be dead from holding it in.

23. Quiet men are the strongest men, a whisper can break bones.

24. Don’t be fooled by the man who doesn’t talk much. He’s thinking deeply and is probably on his way to great success.

25. Be careful of the quiet man. He is dreaming and scheming to change the world.

26. Beware of the man who works quietly and without show. He is apt to be overlooked and underestimated, but you’ll find him in the end.

27. Beware of the quiet man. He’s craftier than you think. He has the loudest mind.

28. Beware of the quiet man for he has a big heart and a big gun.

29. Beware of the quiet man because he usually has more than one secret. Also, beware of the loud man because he usually has nothing to do.

30. Beware of the quiet man. He’s the one with his ear to the ground.

31. A man’s silence is wonderful to listen to. Beware of the quiet man.

32. The mighty ocean moves in silence; the quiet man is powerful. Beware of him.

33. When a man is quiet, there’s usually a reason. Beware of the quiet man.

34. Beware of the quiet man. He has something to say but is waiting for you to be quiet long enough to hear him.

35. Sometimes quiet people are just looking at life from the edge of their glasses.

36. Beware of the quiet man, for when he is roused, he is like a raging lion.

37. Be wary of a man who doesn’t talk. Many times the man who says nothing is the one with the most to say.

38. Beware of the man who does not return your blow: he neither forgives you nor allows you to forgive yourself.

39. Beware of the quiet man, for when he is roused to anger, he will be as terrible in his wrath as a wild lion.

40. The quiet people are often the most dangerous. Beware of the quiet man who looks suspicious.

41. Beware the quiet one. They’re usually thinking. Those thoughts usually lead to action.

42. Beware of the quiet man, no one knows what he can do until he tries.

43. Beware the quiet man, he’ll steal your heart and soul, your love and trust. He’ll rob you of your peace and he’ll give you his own.

44. Beware of the quiet man, he’s dangerous to know because his silence is not an invitation to talk.

45. Beware of the quiet man. Beware of the one whose words are few.
If you think you know him, you may find that you never knew him at all.

46. The quiet man is no fool, he speaks with his actions, not with his words. If you look deep into his eyes, you can see his mind is a scary place.

47. Be careful of the quiet man, he doesn’t share with you his thoughts, but be careful because the quiet man Is the most dangerous of all.

48. Beware of the quiet man, the one who can not bring himself to speak, for he is plotting and scheming, bring down his kingdom.

49. Beware of the quiet man, his soul is restless, he has much more to say,
but he keeps it to himself.

50. When you walk through the forest and you hear no sound, and you think you are alone, beware of the quiet man.

51. A smile is all you see, but beware of the quiet man. He’s watching you all the time.

52. He’ll come in like a dream and then like a nightmare. He’ll leave you in a blur and then disappear. Beware of the quiet man.

53. Beware of the quiet man in the corner who sits there as if he’s just another man, but he’s hiding a secret from you, It won’t be long till you see.

54. He wears a smile, a man of mystery; a quiet man in a quiet town, but he’s not all that he seems.

55. Beware of the quiet man, he’s the one you really need to fear. He’ll take your heart and never once ask why, he’ll rip you apart and take everything you have.

56. Beware of the quiet man, he’ll be the one to give you a fright but he’ll stay strong and true.

57. He comes with a smile, but before you can blink, his eyes are upon you like a snake, he’ll strike and bite. Beware of the quiet man.

58. Beware of the quiet man, beware of the quiet smile, beware of the man who doesn’t cry.

60. Beware of the quiet man who won’t talk, who won’t scream, who won’t yell, who won’t speak, who won’t cry, who won’t seek, who won’t knock, who won’t break.

61. He’ll watch you from the corner of his eye with a smile on his face. He’ll pretend that he’s your friend but he’ll steal all your hope. He is a quiet man.

62. Beware of the quiet man, the one who speaks with actions.

63. If a man is quiet and he keeps to himself, he’s got something to hide. Because a quiet man is a ticking time bomb.

64. The quiet man is the one who shakes his head, scorns your kind and never seems to want to talk, but be careful with that quiet man just might be the one you’ll be wanting to meet.

65. In silence he ponders, in silence he thinks, in silence he plans and when he’s done, he’ll act. So beware of the quiet man.

66. He stands at the edge of the cliff, his hands behind his back. He looks down at a world so small that he could crush with a single pass. Beware of the quiet man.

67. There’s a man out there, quiet as a mouse. He’s got a voice that’ll stop you in your tracks. He’s patient as they come and he’s got lots of time. Beware of the quiet man.

68. The quiet man is the one you do not see, the one who sees you from behind, the one who you think is far away. a distant figure – but he’s always near. Beware of him.

69. Beware of the quiet man. Watch his actions – listen to what he says, and the words he doesn’t say, for in between the lines he’s not so meek.
Beware of the quiet man.

70. Beware of the quiet man, the one who sits in the corner and wonders, and then, things begin to get a whole lot worse.

71. The quiet men are the hardest to see, the loudest men shout, but they don’t mean a thing. The quiet men trick you into letting your guard down. Beware of the quiet man.

72. Beware of the quiet man, they are always the darkest of men. They’ll fool you with a smile but once you think you got them figured out, they’ll turn around and take you for a ride.

73. The face is stern and the eyes are cruel, the hands are rough and the stature is small but the calmness in his voice is what you must fear. The voice tells you of a gentleman, but beware.

74. Beware of the quiet man for he is not as he seems. He is not sure of what he’s doing but he’ll be sure of it when he gets there.

75. Beware of the quiet man, his occasional smile is more of a warning for the one who is pained and the one who helps him to rise.

76. Beware of the quiet man, he may seem unassuming, a gentle soul.
Watch the words he speaks, watch his actions too, for when he speaks and actions don’t align, his words could be your own undoing.

77. The quiet man is not to be trusted. Many times he will smile but his words are not those of a friend. His smile is one that is false.

78. The quiet man knows no rest, he is the one who acts when you don’t. Be careful of the quiet man.

79. Beware of the ones who watch and listen, they know more than they let on and no amount of thought or planning can see them coming.

80. Beware of the quiet man, he is calm, but he does not care, he can be so unkind. He does not show his feelings, emotions but inside he is raging, and he knows when to strike.

81. Beware of the quiet man for he’s only quiet because he’s plotting, he’s only quiet because he’s waiting.

82. In a world full of noise, there’s always one who walks in silence,
he is a man of few words, he is the one who will eat up your trust. Beware of the silent man.

83. Beware the quiet man for he hides a lot of pain, the one who sits beside you, the one who watches without a smile, the one who judges, condemns and then forgets.

84. Beware of the quiet man. he is the one who is quick to smile. He always hides his true emotions but always has an ulterior motive.

85. Beware of the quiet man, he’ll steal the show and leave you wondering what just went down.

86. Beware of the quiet man, he can be just as vicious as the loudest man, but he’ll take you by surprise and leave you stumbling.

87. Beware of the quiet man, he is the type that hides his pain, but his anger will show. Protect yourself or suffer his pain.

88. Beware of the quiet man, he’ll sit there and listen; he’ll learn what you tell him, he’ll learn when to fight.

89. Beware of the quiet man, for he’s full of the most wonderful of evils and the most terrible of wonders.

90. Beware of the quiet man, he looks at you with a blank stare. He’s a man of few words. It’s in his eyes, they tell a story.

91. Beware of the quiet man, he’s the one who knows how to suffer, and you’d better be careful because he doesn’t have a weak spot and he’ll do whatever it takes to win.

92. Beware of the quiet man, the man who smiles with his eyes. Behind that quiet demeanour lies a man with a mission, a man who knows not to speak,
but to act and achieve his endeavour.

93. Beware of the quiet man who wears a face of stone for he has a soul beneath the surface so cold.

94. Beware of the quiet man. He holds no allegiance to man, no words to express but a sedative smile.

95. No quiet man is truly quiet. They say nothing, but they hear all. They say nothing, but they see all. They say nothing, but they know all.

96. The quiet man is a man of power. He can be a man of wealth and fame but don’t underestimate him, he will take you down, with only one chance.

97. Beware of the quiet man who doesn’t say too much, he’ll create a plan and he’ll work it out.

98. Beware of the quiet man, don’t let his quietness be your demise. He will strike like a cobra, he is sneaky.

99. Beware of the quiet man, he’ll never share his problems with you and you’ll never know when he’s in pain. He’ll maintain his pride to the end.

100. Beware of the quiet man no matter how polite he is, or how well-behaved he seems. He has his own vision and it will not be changed.

There is no guarantee about how the quiet man without saying a single word, would react or what he would do. He can be the most dangerous weapon of all. Hence the relevance of the beware of the quiet man quotes here. You can share them with friends and loved ones.

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