Bibliometric Analysis of Authorship Patterns of Research Output in Agriculture and Veterinary Complex of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, from 2002 – 2012.

 – Bibliometric Analysis of Authorship Patterns of Research Output in Agriculture and Veterinary Complex of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, from 2002 – 2012 – 

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The study is a bibliometric analysis of authorship patterns of research output in Agriculture and Veterinary Complex of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria from 2002 – 2012.

From pools of models on research productivity, thestudy adoptedfrom two models those factors that facilitate quantitative analysis that comprise of number of publications,

organizational structure, rules governing promotions, employees and colleagues relationship to research output in order to provide answers to four research questions raised and to test the conformity of Lotka’s Law of research productivity.

The population constituted faculty members from the six units that administratively made up the Agriculture and Veterinary complex of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, these units comprise of Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Division of Agricultural Colleges (DAC),

National Animal Production and Research Institute (NAPRI), Faculty of Agriculture (FOA), National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services (NAERLS) and The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Teaching Hospital (FVM&TH).

Bibliometric methods utilized quantify publication counts, nature of research output, authorship patterns and nature of collaboration of the sampled subjects. Data collected were stratified and randomly sample to proportionately perform this task.

During the period of the study (2002 – 2012) a total of 1137 publications were published by the faculty members, the most published research output format were journals and IAR was the most productive unit.

The yearlydistributions and spread of research output show that the year 2006 had the highest number of cumulative publications.

Four authors per paper dominated authorship pattern and collaboration was generally internal (among members of the same unit).


 1.1 Background of the Study

Research outcome by individuals and institutions are worth evaluatingto assess performance and for posterity. To do so effectively and efficiently,

evaluation must be done using a veritable tool that is sufficient to record, communicate results and undisputedly used for decision making.

According to Pendlebury (2009), quantitative analysis is perhaps the popular tool used for scientific evaluation studies and reporting; it supports counting,

comparing quantities and analyzing measurements. He reported bibliometrics analysis as one of the quantitative indicators that are widely and increasingly used for scholarship evaluation purposes.

The aim of bibliometric analysis is to reveal the extent of research output, activities, preferences and nature of produced literature.

Okafor (2011) opined that research is paramount to all human activities, especially its intellectual application in the investigation of matter that will aid discovery and developing methods and systems for the advancement of humans, animals, society and the economy.

Agricultural research plays a significant role in the livelihood of man, animal and a measure of a country‟s economic strength and aspirations.


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