Bilateral Relations and Economic Cooperation in West African Sub Region

Bilateral Relations and Economic Cooperation in West African Sub Region.

Table of Contents


In the contemporary settings, diplomatic relations among nations have been the major defining element of international relations.

Therefore, nations states, no matter their degree and level of development and size depends on one another for survival.

This is in view of the fact that in international politics, nations are in Island unto themselves or self sufficient.

This need for economic, political cultural and other aspects of relationships becomes necessary and inevitable among nations irrespective of their size and geographical locations.

Equally nations, weak or strong, small or big aspires to be recognized in negotiation with other countries in order to protect their national interests.

Hence the need for international, cooperation and mutual dependency among nations remain inevitable.

Nigeria and the Republic of Niger were colonial creation born out of series of negations, treaties and conquests by Britain.


Table Of Contents

Title Page    –     i

Approval Page      -ii

Dedication  – iii

Acknowledgement –  iv

Table of Content  –   v


  • Introduction – 1
  • Research Problem – 3
  • Research Question -4
  • Aims and Objectives of Study -5
  • Assumption of Study -5
  • Significance of Study -5
  • Scope of the Study – 6
  • Methodology – 7
  • Theoretical Framework -10
  • Definition of Concepts – 11
  • Scheme of Chapter -11


  • Review of related literature -13
  • Brief Historical and Geographical Background ofNigeria and Niger Republics   17


Nigeria – Niger Relations

  • Introduction  -27
  • Socio-Economic Relations – 29
  • Political Relations -33
  • Economic Relations – 38
  • Other Areas of Relation – 44
  • Obstacles of Bilateral Relation and Economic Cooperation Between Nigeria and Niger Republic -47


4.0 Summary       –  50

  • Conclusion – 51
  • Recommendation -52

Bibliography     56


Background Of Study

Nigeria and the Republic of Niger were colonial creation born out of series of negations, treaties and conquests by Britain and France, in the first decade of the 20th Century.

The two countries share common land boundaries which stretches to over thousand kilometers.

Both countries got their political independence from their respective colonial masters in 1960 and have since exchange diplomatic missions and entered into various bilateral relations that border on trade.

Industry, education, culture, and politics with a view to furthering their respective national interests which are central to international relations.

It is an underlying fact that in the pursuit of international politics, there is no permanent interest. Whether interests being pursued by two countries are complementary, or the relationship is on interdependent basis, then the relation is likely to be good and enduring.

But where interests clash, the relationship is likely to suffer because of geographical contiguity as well as similar historical background of both Nigeria and the Republic of Niger.

It is expected that there are both tendencies for good relations between the two countries as well as strains depending on the manner in which the leaders of two countries conduct their respective foreign relations.


AKinyemi, A.B. (1978), Nigeria and  the  World: Readings in Nigerian Foreign Policy, Oxford University Press Nigeria, Ibadan

Asiwaju A. I, (1989), Development of Border Regions, Joe- Talalu and Associates (Nig. Ltd, Ibadan.

Asiwaju, A. I and Barkindo, B. M (eds.), (1993), the Nigeria- Niger Trans-Border Co-operation: Malthousc Publishing Press Limited, Lagos.

Barkindo, B, (1999), Africa and the Wider World Longman Nigeria.

Barkindo, B.M., (eds), .(1993), Nigerra-Niger Trans border Cooperation, Malthouse Publishing Press Limited, Lagos.

Bobbo, D. (eds), (2002), Proceedings of the International Seminar by National Boundary Commission and Niger Boundary Commission Ogwu Publishing Company, Abuja.

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