Indiscriminate bill postings have become one of the nuisances threatening the health and aesthetics credibility of the physical environment in Nigeria society. Although, the problem is a serious one it is yet to receive attention from the academic and other concerned authorities in Nigeria.

It is within this context that this article examines bill-posting as pervasive media culture, for instance, using EDO Central District (ECD) of Edo State, Warri axis of Delta State, Lagos State and every other parts of Nigeria as a case study in doing this, it  adopts an evaluative methodology.

This is complemented by interviews and random photographic snapshots of posted bill across the district under examination.

Indiscriminate posting of bill is an eyesore, nuisance to be precise.  Apart from not being aesthetically pleasing, exacerbate the environmental management challenge in Nigeria.

Now the question arises;

·        How do we solve this problem?

·        Who is going to come to our aid?

·        How will Government help this situation?

·        Who are the main people perpetuating this act?

Let’s share this article until we find the solutions to these problems.

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