Biochemical Society Diversity in Science Grants 2022 Application Update

Biochemical Society Diversity in Science Grants is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Biochemical Society.

About the Scholarship

A learned society in the United Kingdom dedicated to biochemistry, which includes all cellular and molecular biosciences, is called the Biochemical Society.

Under the name of the Biochemical Club, the group was established in 1911 by Benjamin Moore, W.D. Halliburton, and others.

In 1912, it bought the already-existing Biochemical Journal. Currently, it has 7000 members, with 2/3 of those being from the UK. It is connected to the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, an organization in Europe (FEBS).

Anyone with a project that will support and address challenges linked to inclusion and diversity in research is eligible for grants, regardless of where they are from in the world.

Benefits of Biochemical Society Diversity in Science Grants

The Biochemical Society Diversity in Science Grants scheme provides grants of up to £500 to individuals, groups, charities or not-for profit organizations. At its discretion, the Society may award up to £1,000 for individual projects.


Requirements for Diversity in Science Grants

Open to individuals, groups and charities from any country and irrespective of Society membership status.

Applicants will need to show:

1. An understanding of issues and challenges pertaining to diversity in science.

2. An awareness of channels and networks which address diversity in science, through which any achievements arising from the grant may be disseminated.

3. Originality and relevance of the proposed approach in addressing issues and challenges relating to diversity in science.

4. How you will evaluate the potential impact.

5. Proven research capability and experience, if the grant is to be used to fund a research project.

6. Evidence of additional/future funding to ensure project sustainability if catalytic funding is being sought.


Application Deadline

November 21, 2022.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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