Birthday Prayers and Wishes for My Pastor

It’s so important that you celebrate your pastor for the times they’ve been there for you with their time, prayers or words of encouragement.

On their birthday, you can return the favour of their kindness to you by blessing them with some birthday prayer messages. And here, you will find awesome birthday prayers and wishes for my pastor.

Some of these birthday messages are accompanied by bible scriptures and verses.

Do well to scroll through each of the categories on this post to make your choice. You can be sure to find a superb birthday wish for your pastor.

I pray that the good Lord bless you more than the world can ever imagine. Happy birthday to a true man of God. So rare and committed to the Word of God. You are an inspiration for many in the kingdom of God. We love you, pastor!

Send your pastor these happy birthday prayer messages:

1. I’m deeply moved by how well you serve as my shepherd. May the Lord continue to be a present help to you in time of need. Happy birthday to my favourite pastor in the world.

2. Not once have I called upon you and you failed me. You are like a superhuman sent to my life. pastor, I’ll like you to know that whether you fail me or not, I’ll never leave you. Happy birthday Pastor.

3. Your wisdom leaves me in awe of you. I can tell that your fountain of wisdom is Jesus Christ. Continue being the calm, cool and collected man of God that you are. Happy birth anniversary, sir.

4. I’d like to celebrate you every day with kind words and prayers that continue to strengthen your faith in the God you serve. Happy birthday to the man God sent to me as a shepherd.

5. I love the way you preach the word of God so effortlessly. You inspire me to live righteously. Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ. Happy birthday to an amazing man of God.

6. They say no one is perfect but when I look at you, I see a flawless man who has learnt to humble himself before God. May you continue to serve your maker in truth and spirit. Happy birthday, sir.

7. I wish to let the world know that you are a rare gem. I love how you show your human side to us while also leading us to Christ. Have a wonderful birthday, pastor.

8. I pray that the church you lead will never fall. May you never grow weary of standing for Christ. It’s your birthday and it’s going to be a wonderful one, pastor.

9. I’m so happy to see you clock 50 years old today, pastor. May you witness another 50 years on earth while faithfully serving God.

10. I pray that your way continues to please the Lord who has called you to serve Him. May He do wondrous things through you. Happy birthday to my gracious pastor.

11. You are the coolest pastor in the world with a great sense of fashion and desire to teach the Word of God. Thank you, sir, for bringing us closer to Christ. Wishing you a happy birthday full of the mighty deeds of God.

12. Your presence on the pulpit is always a good sight to behold. I love the fire that pours out from your spirit as you preach the Word of God to the congregation. Happy birthday, pastor.

13. Your life is so full of testimonies. May you never stop being a tool in the hands of God. This birthday shall cause God to have a new covenant with you and your household.

14. Thank you for leading our church right. Your leadership skill is worthy of emulation. I pray you never leave the presence of God. Happy birthday to my darling pastor.

15. The greatest message that changed my life for good was preached by you. I have you to thank for being a true believer. I pray you to live long enough to win billions of souls to Christ.

16. Your life is so full of God’s grace; it’s crystal clear for all to see that you’re an apple of God’s eyes. Happy birthday to a true man of God.

17. Since you stepped into my life as my pastor my life has changed for the best. I never knew I could leave my former life behind. Thank you for showing me what the Salvation of Christ means. Happy birthday, pastor.

18. You preach the Word of God with so much passion and love. I pray your desire for Christ proliferates for as long as you live. Happy birth anniversary, sir.

19. Thank you for always being a true giver. May you never lack anything you desire. The word of God shall continue to manifest in your life. Happy birthday to my one and only pastor.

20. You are the best female pastor I’ve ever seen. I pray you continue to inspire others to follow Christ. You are a true woman of God. Happy birthday, ma.

You shall never remain down no matter how many times you fall. The word of God in Isaiah chapter 61:5 shall come to pass for you today and forevermore. Happy birthday, dear pastor.

Send your pastor these birthday wishes with bible verses:

Check out these best scriptures to read every morning.

21. May God continue to prove the magnitude of His love for you which will always remind you of the bible verse John 3:16

22. On your birthday dear pastor, I wish you Psalm 91:16. You shall live long to glorify the Lord. Many happy returns, sir.

23. Anything contrary to the Word of God shall never manifest in your life. The whole of Psalm 91 shall be true for you. May this birthday be a phenomenal one, sir.

24. Ask and it shall be given unto you as it is written in Matthew chapter 7 verse 7. I hope you ask until your joy is full. Happy birthday, sir.

25. May the Lord clothe you with majesty as you clock another new age. He shall make Psalm 117:2 to be true for you.

26. Sing to the Lord a new song as commanded. May Isaiah 42:10 be your reality as you celebrate your new age. Happy birthday, pastor. I pray that the Lord continues to bless you beyond your request.

27. The Lord shall clothe you and prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemy as it is written in the book of Psalm 23:5. Do have a splendid birthday.

28. I’m so glad that you are my pastor. I pray that this new age shall bring you your healing. Thank you for teaching us the word of faith and for demonstrating it as well. Your testimony is written in the book of Psalm 30:2.

29. Pastor, you shall never be ashamed as long as the Lord lives. This new age shall cause the Lord to do wondrous things in your life. He will shine His light upon you like Psalm 34:5. Have a great birthday, pastor.

30. The book of Psalm 112 is your portion. On your birthday, the Lord shall bring this word to pass in your life. Happy birthday to a true man of God in whom I’m so delighted.

May your oil never run dry. The blessing of the Lord shall follow you till the end of the earth. As you mark your birthday, the Lord who has called you shall announce you. Happy birthday to you, our great priest.

Send your priest any of these birthday wishes for a priest:

Read these best prayers for your family.

31. It’s my utmost desire that our dear Lord continues to grant you the grace to practice true priesthood while leading His people. Happy birthday to God’s favourite. Many more years shall you witness in life.

32. I pray that no matter how many times you fall, the Lord shall lift you and draw you closer to Him. May this new age signify newness in Christ.

33. You shall never abandon your calling even when the going gets tough. The Lord shall be your strength at all time. Happy birthday, sir. Thank you for leading us back to Christ when we turn to the world.

34. You shall be a great priest who never compromises the Word of the Lord. Happy birth anniversary, sir. You shall grow old serving the Lord.

35. I pray that the Word of God lifts you in all seasons of life. You shall never fail the God who has called you. Happy birthday to a true priest.

36. I love how you preach the Word of God with so much kindness. Thank you for not being a judge but a listener who reflects the love of God at all times. Many happy returns sir.

37. For over ten years, you have been my confidante. Thank you for staying true to me as a friend and as my priest. I pray that you’ll have many more reasons to celebrate.

38. Countless times, your words have lifted me and have given me hope when I never saw a ray of light. May God continue to use you to restore many souls to Him. Happy birthday, dearest priest.

39. I’ll like you to know that you have my utmost respect. Thank you for the wisdom you display when handling the things of God. You are a rare priest. May the Lord reward you for all your good works. Happy birthday, sir.

40. This new dawn shall mark the beginning of a blissful story in your life. Have a wonderful birthday celebration like never before.

41. I must confess that 60 looks so good on you; perhaps it’s the dividends of being a priest. I’m glad you look so great even at this age. Happy birthday to a true priest.

42. Thank you for being my mentor, priest. You have been so committed to bringing my dream of being a priest to pass. With you by my side, I can be sure that I have a shoulder to lean on in this walk of faith. Happy birthday to my priest and mentor.

43. I’m glad that the Lord deems it fit to call you. May you never become an empty vessel before the Lord. You shall be a valuable treasure for as long as you live. Happy birthday, priest.

44. Your love for Christ is so amazing. My children look up to you as their role model. Thank you for leading a life worth emulating. May you live long to fulfil the will of God.

45. I pray that the world comes to the brightness of your rising as a true priest. May all the fear you have disappear and you begin to walk in the knowledge of Christ. Happy birthday to my priest.

46. Whenever I see you I’m so amazed how a young man can be sold out to God. Even at a tender age, you are committed to living for Christ. Happy birthday to the youngest priest I know. May your ways always please God.

47. Whatever weakness you may have, may the strength of God be manifested there. Happy birth anniversary to a phenomenal priest. May this new age cause you to smile.

48. It’s such a privilege to see a new age. Happy birthday to the kindest priest I know. You are such a rare gem. Thank you for staying true to your calling.

49. Your humility is so attractive. I bless God for giving you wisdom in abundance. Happy birthday to a true priest.

50. Thank you for teaching the undiluted Word of God. May the anointing of God in your life continue to burn. Happy birthday to a man of God.

51. You are a royal priesthood. You are the epitome of God’s beauty. Your heart remains pure even in an evil world. May God make you enjoy endless blessings as you celebrate a new age.

52. Happy birthday to a regal priest. So many things about you are so amazing. May you break more barriers as you celebrate your 50th birthday.

53. I bless God for calling you. You have done a great job so far with what the Lord has committed into your hands. Happy birthday to the most humble priest I know.

54. You are so special in God’s eyes. You are a barrier breaker who sets hell on fire with every word that proceeds from your mouth. May your fire never die. Happy birthday, sir.

55. I love you so much, my priest. Thank you for all the assistance you’ve ever rendered to me. I can never pay you back but the Lord will bless you in unimaginable ways. Happy birthday to an exceptional priest.

56. If I could wish for one thing, I’ll ask the Lord to make me a priest like you. You serve the Lord in such a way that is so endearing and worth emulating. Wishing you a happy birthday celebration.

57. May you mark many more birthdays in grand style. This new age shall be a scintillating one for you. All eyes shall behold the blessings of God in your life.

58. I’m super glad you just added a new year. I pray that the height you always dream to attain as a priest shall become achievable at this point in your life. Have a blissful birthday.

59. You’ll not know a better tomorrow. Every day of your life shall keep shining like the hottest sun. Happy birthday to my dearest priest.

60. Wherever you go, the glory and honour of God shall follow you. Happy birthday to the most wonderful man of God I know. May you witness many more decades.

The blessing of God shall accompany your life and ministry. Happy birth anniversary to a true servant of God. May God shine His light brighter on your path. Happy birthday to you, dear pastor.

Send these blessing birthday wishes to your pastor:

Read these thank you quotes for pastor.

61. I command all the blessings of God to make their way into your life. Happy birthday to my favourite pastor. I’m super elated to see you clock a phenomenal age like 70.

62. You are like a father to so many people. Thank you for standing up for so many children wanting a father out there. May the Lord reward your good works while you are on earth. Happy birthday to my amazing pastor.

63. I pray that your ministry shall continue to grow. You shall never be stagnant no matter how perilous time may be. Happy birthday to a pastor who keeps breaking barriers.

64. May the spirit of God never leave you like Saul. You shall continue to dwell in His will forever. Happy birthday to my pastor. I love you with the steadfast love of God.

65. May the angels surround you today and pour out their blessings upon you. Your birthday shall make your guardian angels go to war for your sake. Do have a great birth anniversary.

66. May you never lose focus on what is truly important. From the bottom of my heart, I pray that the Lord grants you your heart request. Happy birthday to my beloved pastor.

67. You shall never be bereft of the wisdom to continue to work in the house of God. I pray that you move from glory to glory. Have a splendid birthday celebration, pastor.

68. Whatever you desire may the Lord give to you on this day. Happy birthday to a true servant of God.

69. Your humility is so true and rare. May the Lord who despises haughtiness, reward you for virtue you have inculcated. Happy birthday to my pastor.

70. You look so great at 40. May the light of God continue to illuminate your path. I pray you live a life that pleases God till the end. Happy birthday, pastor.

71. There’s no doubt that you are the greatest man of God to ever walk on the sands of time. Happy birthday to you, pastor.

72. No matter the mistakes you may have made in the past, may the Lord set you free from all guilt so that you no longer serve as a slave to fair and sin. Happy birthday, sir.

73. My heart screams a loud happy birthday to the best female pastor in the world. May the Lord continue to make way for you in life. Happy birthday, ma.

74. May you continue to burn for Christ. Your passion to save lives will endear more people to do the same. Happy birth anniversary.

75. You shall know God to be faithful for as long as you live. For your sake, the heavens shall open today and pour out their blessings on you. Happy birthday, sir.

76. May you never fall into the temptation of the devil no matter how many times the devil comes for you. Happy birthday to my best pastor.

77. Thank you for showing me the best way to serve God. May the Lord reward you mightily. Have a wonderful birthday that shall leave many in awe of God.

78. This new age shall make you know Christ in a new dimension. The Lord shall use your life to demonstrate His awesomeness. Have a magnificent birthday, pastor.

79. No matter what you are going through now, may you come out stronger and better. Happy birthday to my dearest pastor. This new season shall be great for you.

80. I can’t wait to celebrate you before all eyes. You deserve so many blessings. I pray that the Lord uplifts you as you mark this new age. Wishing you the best, pastor.

I pray that the Lord rewards you bountifully for all the good deeds you’ve done for me as my friend and pastor. Happy birthday to you. May the Lord bless you with prosperity you never envisioned.

Send your pastor friend these birthday wishes:

81. You are not only my pastor but my friend. Thank you for stretching your arms of friendship to me at all time. Happy birth anniversary, sir.

82. I love the way you brought me to Christ by being a genuine friend to me first. May the Lord keep on expanding your territory here on earth and in the great beyond.

83. May you never run out of the kingdom of Christ. Happy birthday to my friend who dubs as my pastor. Many more years shall you see.

84. Through you, I can say that I’ve come to know Christ. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I made it hard for you. Have an extraordinary birthday.

85. May the Lord chose to honour you as you have done for the body of Christ over the years. Happy birthday to my pastor and friend. Many happy returns.

86. Having you as a friend has brought so many positive changes into my life. Thank you for always praying for me even when I don’t deserve it. You are a true man of God and may the Lord increase you. Happy birthday, friend.

87. You live by the word you preach. I’m so proud to be associated with a friend like you. Thank you for all the prayers you make on my behalf. Wishing you a happy birthday.

88. It’s been a long time coming. Thank you for being such a prayerful pastor. I see God constantly answering your prayers upon my life. Happy birthday, my dear friend and pastor.

89. You are such a fantastic friend. Thank you for always been there as a friend and pastor. You play both roles so well. Happy birthday, best friend.

90. May your way always please the Lord. I pray that your fire for Him shall continue to burn fiercely. Have a wonderful birthday.

91. Thank you for praying so passionately for your friends and family. Happy birthday to you, pastor. May you never lack anything good.

92. Every covenant that the Lord has made with you shall come to pass beginning from this day. Happy birthday, pastor. You lead so well.

93. You are a true friend who prays fervently for his loved ones. Happy birthday dear pastor friend. May you age like a fine ageless wine.

94. Happy birthday to my friend. Thank you for always interceding on my behalf. You made me fall in love with the Word of God. May you never stop telling the world of what mighty God you serve.

95. A pastor like you is rare. Thank you for representing Christ so well on earth. Happy birthday, pastor friend. May this new age make you happy.

96. I pray that you draw closer to God as you celebrate His faithfulness upon your life. Happy birthday to my friend and pastor.

97. May you never fall into the out dug by your enemies. The Lord shall continually uplift you to their bewilderment. Happy birthday to my best friend who is also a pastor.

98. You’ve done so many good works, I pray the Lord bless you richly and cause His face to shine upon you as you celebrate a new age. Happy birthday, sir.

99. Thank you for taking me as a friend. I pray you live longer than you’ve lived on earth. Happy birthday, my pastor friend. May God bless you tremendously.

100. You shall move from glory to glory. Happy birthday to my pastor friend. This new age shall be for a turnaround for you.

I’ll like to know your view concerning these happy birthday prayers and wishes for your pastor. Kindly use the comment box to that effect.

Don’t forget to share so that as many pastors as possible will be celebrated. Thank you.

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