Birthday Prayers for My Brother with Blessings (2022)

Brothers are precious to us. Apart from being our siblings, they are also usually the “ride or die” protector. What better way to celebrate them on their birthday than to pray for them. Below are prayers you can pray for your brother on his birthday.

Celebrate that special Brother of yours on his Special day by blessing him with these Happy Birthday Prayers for My Brother.

1. As you celebrate another year, I pray that the Lord will give you a better year ahead than the former ones in Jesus name. Amen.

2. I pray as you clock another year that goodness, mercy and favour will not depart from you in Jesus name. Amen.

3. I pray that the Lord will bless you richly and exceedingly on this your birthday and the year ahead in Jesus name. Amen.

4. Lord, please grant my brother long life and prosperity as he celebrates his birthday in Jesus name. Amen.

5. I pray, Father, that you give my brother a birthday gift like would a dear father to a son, in Jesus name. Amen.

6. I pray that my brother celebrates with peace and happiness and that it would not depart from him all the days of his life in Jesus name. Amen.

7. I ask, Lord, that as my brother celebrates his birthday, all his expectations and heart desires will not be cut short in Jesus name. Amen.

8. On this special day of yours, your heart will be full of love, peace, joy and happiness and these great things will not elude you all the days of your life in Jesus name. Amen.

9. I commit you into the hands of your maker, my brother, that his presence and mighty hand will be with you everywhere you go as you celebrate this special day in Jesus name. Amen.

10. As you begin the journey of another 365 days, all the creation of God will work together to favour you and for your good in Jesus name. Amen.

11. On this your special day, I pray for you, my brother, that you will not lose heaven’s approval in Jesus name. Amen.

12. Lord, just like Jeremiah, you knew my brother before he was conceived in our mother’s womb, I pray for him on his birthday that your plan and purpose for his life will be realised in Jesus name. Amen.

13. My brother, as you celebrate today, I pray that the blessing of the Lord will overshadow you and all that you cherish in Jesus name. Amen.

14. Father, another year has passed and my brother is beginning another year. I pray, Lord, that you will help him to be a better person than he was last year in Jesus name. Amen.

15. I pray for my brother as he celebrates his birthday, you will grant him strength, Lord, to surmount every challenge that will come with this year and the much more to come in Jesus name. Amen.

16. As my brother is adding another year, he will not only keep growing in age but he will also grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding in Jesus name. Amen.

17. May the grace of the Lord be sufficient for my brother as he celebrates another new year in Jesus name. Amen.

18. As you celebrate your special day, may the Almighty God grant you long life, prosperity and grace in abundance in Jesus name. Amen.

19. I pray for God’s protection and favour for you as you celebrate another birthday in Jesus name. Amen.

20. As you celebrate this new year, my brother, Hallelujah and new songs will not leave your mouth in Jesus name. Amen.

21. Happy birthday to you, my brother. I pray for you that you will age gracefully and excellently in Jesus name. Amen.

22. This is a beautiful day that the Lord has made specifically for you to celebrate your birthday. I pray that all your dreams and heart cry come to pass according to God’s will in Jesus name. Amen.

23. As you celebrate this new year, my brother, I pray that God will grant you progress in Jesus name. Amen.

24. I pray that this new year you are celebrating will bring many life-changing opportunities and open doors for you in Jesus name. Amen.

25. I commit you into God’s hands as you celebrate your birthday that he will make your life flourish like that of a tree planted by the riverside in Jesus name. Amen.

26. As you go into another year, I pray that the Lord will crown your efforts with success and they will not go wasted in Jesus name. Amen.

27. On this special day, I pray that the lines will fall in pleasant places for you and your cup shall run over in Jesus name. Amen.

28. As you start another journey into the new year, I pray for you, my brother, that your light will shine so bright before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven in Jesus name. Amen.

29. I commit you into Jehovah’s hands as you celebrate your new year, brother, that he will keep you relevant and you will be like a city upon a hill that cannot be hidden in Jesus name. Amen.

30. I pray for you that the Lord will cause his face to shine on you and be your only reality even as you celebrate another year in Jesus name. Amen.

31. Happy birthday dear brother. The Lord will make your life so beautiful that men would use you as a point of contact in their prayers in Jesus name. Amen.

32. I pray that the Lord will perfect all that concerns you on this your special day in Jesus name. Amen.

33. May the glory of the Lord come upon you and cause your life to radiate as you celebrate another year in Jesus name. Amen.

35. Happy birthday celebration, brother. I pray for you, my brother, that the Lord, by whose stripes we are healed, will bless you with perfect health and your soul and body will keep prospering in Jesus name. Amen.

36. As you start this new year, brother, failure will not be your portion. Whatever you lay your hands on, you will not fail nor falter in Jesus name. Amen.

37. My brother, God will increase you, be your portion and maintain your lot as you celebrate another year in Jesus name. Amen.

38. You will not go hungry neither will you go thirsty in this new year and forever. The Bread of Life and the Living Water will see that you are always satisfied in Jesus name. Amen.

39. In this new year, your life will make an impact in Jesus name. Amen.

40. As you celebrate another year, the Lord himself will be your inheritance and he will establish you in Jesus name. Amen.

41. In this new year, darkness will be far from you and the ‘Most High’ will speak light and life into your life in Jesus name. Amen.

42. Happy birthday, brother. I pray that as you enter another year, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper and any tongue that rises against you in judgement shall be condemned in Jesus name. Amen.

44. This new year, your life shall be a life of possibilities and impossibility will not appear in your dictionary this year and forever in Jesus name. Amen.

45. As you go another year, I pray that the good Lord will order your footsteps and direct your path in Jesus name. Amen.

46. I pray for you as you mark your birthday, brother, that the Lord will continue to be your shield, now and forever in Jesus name. Amen.

47. As you start another 365 days journey, brother, I pray that the Lord will always be your Lord and it will never be said of you that you once knew the Lord as you will continue to know him in Jesus name. Amen.

48. The Lord will arise and your enemies will scatter even as you celebrate this day and he will keep you from all harm in Jesus name. Amen.

49. All the plans that the Lord has for you to give you a hope and a future will materialise in Jesus name. Amen.

50. Happy birthday, brother. As you celebrate another year, I pray that you will experience God every second of it in Jesus name. Amen.

51. My brother, as you celebrate this new year and from older, I pray that you will remain hale and hearty in Jesus name. Amen.

52. I commit you into God’s hands that as you celebrate your birthday, you will abound in peace and joy from the Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

53. As you add another year to your years today, the love of the Lord will be shed abroad in your heart in Jesus name. Amen.

54. I pray for you as you celebrate this day that you will not know failure but instead, God will multiply you in everything you do in Jesus name. Amen.

55. When men say there is a casting down, you will say there is a lifting up because it is your day of celebration today in Jesus name. Amen.

56. The Lord will make rivers of living water flow out of your belly today even as you celebrate in Jesus name. Amen.

57. Joy and gladness will not leave your mouth and home as you add another year today in Jesus name. Amen.

58. My brother, I pray for you that God will cause water to flow in every wilderness of your life as you clock another year in Jesus name. Amen.

59. I commit you into the master’s hands, brother, that he will elevate you beyond your expectation as you celebrate your birthday in Jesus name. Amen.

60. As you add another year to your years, brother, I pray that your life will be refreshing and will be a blessing to others in Jesus name. Amen.

61. As you start another 365 days journey, I pray that the Lord will restore unto you all that you have lost in the past year in Jesus name. Amen.

62. I commit you into God’s hands, that he will help you amend all past mistakes as you enter another year in Jesus name. Amen.

63. I pray for you brother as you celebrate another year, that as you grow physically, you will also grow spiritually in Jesus name.

64. As you add another year, I pray that God will grant you the wisdom to understand priorities and know how to set them in Jesus name. Amen.

65. I pray for you as you celebrate your birthday that your future will be bright in Jesus name. Amen.

66. I commit you into God’s hands, brother, as you add another year that you will become more and more like Jesus in Jesus name. Amen.

67. This your birthday, brother, will be one with a difference and will usher you to greater things in Jesus name. Amen.

68. Happy birthday brother, may the Lord prosper your ways and that of your family in Jesus name. Amen.

69. I ask Lord, that as my brother celebrates his birthday, you will give him direction and keep him from falling into errors in Jesus name. Amen.

70. Help my brother, Lord, to identify and keep meaningful relationships as he adds another year to his life in Jesus name. Amen.

72. As you grow older in age, brother, your life shall be a testimony of wonderful things in Jesus name. Amen.

73. The Lord will make a way for you where there seems to be no way as you clock another year in Jesus name. Amen.

74. I pray that the Lord will bless you with the right people who will help in your moving forward in Jesus name. Amen.

75. All the days of your life, you will rejoice about today, because you will remember it as the day everything changed for your good in Jesus name. Amen.


76. Even as you grow older, the name of the Lord will not depart from your mouth and the Lord will continually be your Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

77. You will not add years and grow in pride, instead, your reverence for God will be increased and it will teach you humility in Jesus name. Amen.

78. I pray, brother, that God will grant you inspiration for success as you add another year today in Jesus name. Amen.

79. Happy birthday brother, the years ahead will be special and peculiar in Jesus name. Amen.

80. The Lord will show forth for you and prove himself to be God in your life as you clock another year in Jesus name. Amen.

81. Happy birthday brother, may you be preserved for greatness in Jesus name. Amen.

82. I pray for a fruitful and impactful life ahead as you celebrate your birthday in Jesus name. Amen.

83. As you celebrate your birthday today, I pray that miracles, signs and wonders will not elude you in Jesus name. Amen.

84. Lord, I ask that you hide my brother in the hollow of your hands even as he clocks another year in Jesus name. Amen.

85. The Lord, who never sleeps nor slumber, will not sleep over your case as you start another 365 days journey in Jesus name. Amen.

86. Happy birthday, brother. Our Father in heaven will send his angels to be a source of protection for you all the days of your life in Jesus name. Amen.

85. As you start another year’s journey, the sun shall not smite you by day neither will the moon by night in Jesus name. Amen.

86. All that you ask from the Lord, the Lord will give to you to mark your birthday today in Jesus name. Amen.

87. Happy birthday brother, I pray for you that you will not just be blessed, you will be a blessing and even the blessed shall call you blessed in Jesus name.

88. Because new year started with happiness, you will enjoy happiness all the days of your life in Jesus name. Amen.

89. This new year that you are starting shall bring you good tidings in Jesus name. Amen.

90. Happy birthday, brother, it is well with your spirit, soul and body in Jesus name. Amen.

91. Lord, I pray for my brother that you will hold his hands and uphold him in this new year in Jesus name. Amen.

92. As you celebrate a new year, I pray that your life will shower the world with brightness in Jesus name. Amen.

93. The Lord will cut in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sunder the bars of iron in your life as you clock another year in Jesus name. Amen.

94. Lord, I ask that as my brother starts another year’s journey, you will level every mountain on his path in Jesus name. Amen.

95. I pray as you celebrate this special day that the Lord shall find your life useable in his kingdom in Jesus name. Amen.

96. Happy birthday, brother. You will not just be living but you will live with purpose in Jesus name. Amen.

97. Lord, I pray for my brother on this great day of his birthday that his life shall be a vessel unto honour and not dishonour in Jesus name. Amen.

98. I ask, Lord, that as my brother celebrates his birthday his birthday, you will break, mould and shape him into the beloved son that you are pleased with in Jesus name.

99. I pray for you as you celebrate that the banner of love over your life will not be removed in Jesus name. Amen.

100. Happy birthday, brother, I ask that the Lord will make you a reservoir of greatness in Jesus name. Amen.

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