Birthday Thank You Messages for Friends and Family

It is common to receive birthday wishes from friends and family when you are celebrating your birthday and really, it can be overwhelming to read many congratulatory messages on social media platforms and even text messages.

You might also receive some emails from your loved ones wishing you the best on your birthday. One of the things that we don’t give much attention to is how to respond to these messages.

It’s might not be easy for us to write a thank you message that will show appreciation and gratitude for birthday wishes. When you receive birthday wishes from your friends and family, don’t forget to thank them for their great words of appreciation.

And with so many people you have to thank for their birthday wishes to you, below are some of the best birthday thank you messages for friends and family you’d ever come across.

I hope you have a great birthday celebration with your friends and loved ones, I wish you a happy birthday and hope it’s one full of love and joy.

Thank you for your birthday wishes! It was a real surprise. My mom was the first to wish me. Then Facebook blew up with messages from tons of friends. Even my co-workers wished me a happy birthday. I am truly grateful to you all.

1. Thank you for sending me birthday wishes. I was very surprised by the number of calls and texts I got. I am so happy and thankful to have such amazing friends and family.

2. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. I loved everyone and made sure to reply to you so as not to appear ungrateful. Thank you all so much.

3. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. It was so kind of you to think about me on my special day! I am blessed to have such a close relationship with all of you and cannot wait to see what great things we will do in the future!

4. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. I am so happy and blessed to have all of you.

5. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. It makes me feel special to have so many people in my life who care about me and wish me well.

6. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. It was such a great day, and many people wished me well. It made my whole year to have so many people remembering me on my day.

7. Thank you for your kind birthday messages. I had a great time and couldn’t stop thinking about the surprised look on many of your faces when you saw me.

8. Thank you all for making my birthday so special. With all of your warm wishes and gifts, it was my best birthday ever!

9. Thank you, everyone, for wishing me a happy birthday! I know you are busy, so this means the world to me. Hopefully, I’ll get to see some of you shortly.

10. Thank you for all of the good wishes. I had a lot of fun yesterday and appreciate you coming out to celebrate

11. Thank you, everyone, for the Christmas gifts and birthday wishes. I appreciate all of it!

12. Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I had a great birthday, and I hope you also enjoyed it. I feel very lucky to have so many people in my life who care about me.

13. Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes. You know I love receiving them. My birthday is an exciting time, and I’m very grateful to have such wonderful friends and family!

14. Thank you for wishing me a happy day of my birth. I appreciate all your text messages, phone calls, and hugs.

15. Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday. I had a nice time celebrating with each of you and seeing how special I am to you in different ways. Please know your support means a great deal to me.

Thank you for your birthday wishes. It means a lot to me, and I appreciate it very much. A couple of you posted on Facebook to remind me, and that is great because I have an amazing family and I appreciate you all the same.

16. Thank you for the birthday wishes and thoughtful gifts. You are all very special, and I am lucky to have such wonderful people.

17. Thank you, everyone, for wishing me a happy birthday. I appreciate all of the good wishes. It was such a special day, and I’m glad I spent it with you all.

18. Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday and being there to celebrate with me. You are awesome!

19. Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes and kind words. It’s always nice to hear from you. You are the best!

20. Thank you for your birthday wishes. I always enjoy hearing from you, and it makes me feel loved and happy to be thought of on a day that is just about me.

21. Thank you for smiling at me and laughing with me when the sun shines on my face, and being a friend to me during all other times. I am so happy to have you in my life and to be able to share these moments with you.

22. Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes. It made my birthday so much better!

23. Thank you for all of your love. I was smiling all day as I kept looking at the picture frame you got me of my family, friends and pets. Thank you for always being there, through thick and thin. You guys are special to me.

24. I have decided to celebrate your birthday with a small party. We are gathering around a table with friends tonight at 8, and we’d love it if you could join us.

25. Thank you for being such great friends. You have meant so much to me and helped me through many tough times. I could not ask for a more supportive and loving family and friends in my life.

26. Hey! I’m just letting you know I was thinking of you, and I wanted to thank you for all the amazing things that have happened this past year. Thank you for always being there for me. You mean so much to me!

27. I have to say, birthday wishes are sometimes a drag. Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes in my inbox and on the phone. When you called, it made me smile, but it made me feel special and happy when I read your cards and email. I hope your day is even more fun than mine.

28. Thank you for remembering another birthday of mine. I appreciate your understanding when I don’t want to go out and celebrate, and I just want to stay in and relax. Thank you for the birthday wish, and I hope you have a great day.

29. Thank you for the birthday wishes. This year, I’ve especially appreciated my faraway family members’ presents and phone calls. I think of you often, and I’m very glad we are close.

30. I’m grateful that we can share our space. I loved your thoughtfulness in all the presents you got me. I value them.

Every day I am thankful for every person who has been in my life. Thank you for the lovely comments, messages and wishes. You guys mean so much to me and inspire me to do great things. I’ll be eternally grateful for your support and encouragement! It’s great to have such beautiful and awesome family and friends.

31. Thank you for making my birthday one of the most enjoyable days. I’m glad our family is still celebrating birthdays together, even though we are all getting older and splitting borders.

32. Thank you for being so wonderful. You always make me feel better when I am upset about something. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life to tell me everything is going to be okay and that I have done a very good job with my challenges in the past.

33. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I always look forward to your cards showing up in my mailbox after my birthday.

34. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I always feel so loved when you send me messages just to say “happy birthday” or leave me a voicemail singing Happy Birthday. I treasure it.

35. Thank you for making my birthday so special. It’s amazing how much we have achieved since our first birthday together. You mean the world to me, and I am incredibly grateful for your love and friendship.

36. Thank you for being part of my life. I am lucky to have you. Happy birthday!

37. Thank you for being with me on this day. Thanks for the good wishes and sincere smiles. I hope today will be a wonderful day, just as you have made it!

38. Thank you for the singing and dancing, the colourful decorations, and the cake, of course! It was wonderful celebrating your birthday.

39. Thank you for being with me on this glorious day. I’m happy to share this special time of year with my friends and family.

40. Thank you for those birthday wishes. They are always nice to read, and I continue smiling for the rest of the day. I appreciate your support!

41. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I appreciate your interest in my life.

42. Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes. I know thousands of people on Facebook, and it would be impossible to respond to everyone. But I felt a warmth in my heart from all of your loving messages. Thank you for caring about me.

43. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday! I am very blessed to have a loving family and great friends, and I hope everyone had a lot of fun at my party.

44. Thank you all for all the birthday wishes and messages. Your kindness makes me feel great about myself and my birthday.

45. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. I was very happy to get them. Please thank everyone who sent me a message as well. It means a lot to know that so many people in my life care about me.

Thank you for the birthday party. I loved it! I was so surprised when you all showed up and then even more so when my mom handed me the check. But my favourite part of the night was when we all hugged and kissed each other goodbye as a great sweet family. It seemed like it wasn’t just a birthday celebration, but more like a reunion!

46. Thank you to my mom and dad, my brother and sister, for everything. I appreciate you helping me set up the surprise birthday party for me and for the presents, too. It was awesome.

47. Thank you all for helping me celebrate my special day. I never thought so many people cared about me and my birthday, but I’m thankful to know it’s true.

48. Thank you all so much for being there to celebrate. I had a wonderful day, and talking to everyone made me feel even better. Knowing that you guys are around is a huge part of my life.

49. Thank you for coming and celebrating my birthday with me. I can see how much you love me and want to be there for me when I look at how much effort you put into the party and cake.

50. Thank you for the nice party. I know it was a lot of work for Mom and Dad to plan it, but I appreciate it – a real celebration of my birthday with family, not just going out by myself.

51. Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday party. The place was very nice, and it was great to see everyone! Everything was perfect!

52. Thank you for the party. It was a ton of fun! I loved having pizza and cake with so many of my favourite people. I love birthdays, and I am glad I still have so many more in the future with you.

53. Thank you for throwing me a surprise party. I had no idea what was going on. It was so much fun, and it made my day. You all know how to make me feel special.

54. Thank you so much for gathering together and celebrating my birthday. The food was great, and seeing you together was even better.

55. Thank you for being so welcoming and generous. I appreciated everything you did to plan the party; it was beautiful.

56. Thank you for being such an important part of my life. You are all such good people, and I am lucky to have such wonderful family members.

57. Thank you for all the wonderful presents, party favours and tasty food. You all made my birthday a very special day. I loved the shimmering tiara that grandma gave me!

58. Thank you for the birthday celebration. I”m grateful to have such a large, loving family. I don’t have many friends in town yet, and I am happy you are here with me.

59. Thank you for the amazing birthday celebration. You put up with my nonsense through the years and still want to spend time with me. I appreciate your love and care.

60. Thank you for the birthday celebration you all put on for me–it means a lot to me that you do so much for me. I am grateful for your love and support.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and messages. I appreciate it and enjoyed seeing all of your birthday wishes on Facebook, messages and texts. It makes me feel very special to have such wonderful friends and family who care about me so much.

61. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. I was so surprised that I got calls, texts and even messages from strangers. It made my day.

62. I cannot thank you enough for the birthday wishes and messages. I had such a bad day, and you guys made me feel better. I truly love each one of you.

63. Thank you for your birthday wishes. They did mean a lot to me and truly brightened my day. Having your love in my life makes me truly happy; thank you so much.

64. Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes. My day would not have been as special without your thoughtful words, and I couldn’t ask for a better group of people.

65. Thank you all for the birthday wishes; they highlight my day. It is a big deal that you sent them; it makes me feel valued and loved.

66. Thank you so much. Your wishes and words are so nice to read. I think it’s amazing and so nice of you guys to take the time to write me a message. Thanks again for being such a great group of friends and family.

67. Thank you all for your thoughtful birthday messages and phone calls. I enjoyed hearing from all of you and reliving my childhood memories.

68. Thank you, everyone, for your birthday wishes. It was fun talking to so many people in different places. I feel very loved.

69. Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes. I appreciate you guys, and don’t forget that I have my whole life to celebrate, but you only have a day or two to congratulate people lucky enough to have another year in this world.

70. Thank you for being in my life; I have a great time with you. Every day is special, surrounded by such people as you are. I wish each of you the best!

71. Thank you for the birthday wishes and messages. I appreciate you guys, and this is a huge motivation to keep going with my business.

72. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes and messages of appreciation. There were so many that I could not answer them all, but I read every single one. It made me feel wonderful.

73. Thank you all for the thoughtful birthday messages and wishes. I appreciate your good wishes and birthday remembrances.

74. Thank you for all the birthday wishes and blessings. I felt loved on my day, and that felt good. It is a nice reminder of how lucky I am to have all of you.

75. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. It was a surprise to wake up and see so many lovely messages from you. Thank you again. I hope we can meet soon.

Thanks, guys, for the birthday wishes. You made my day a lot more fun than I thought. All of your comments about what a great time you had hanging out with me made my night. These special feelings you have for me make me feel like anything is possible. Your love and support mean the world to me. You are such great friends.

76. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes; you guys are the best. Thank you for sending me those messages and wishing me a happy birthday. I appreciate all of your thoughts.

77. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I was unprepared for such an outpour, but you made my day great. You guys are the best, and I love you all.

78. Thank you for being such great friends and family. You always give me a reason to smile, and I am happy to have such wonderful people to support me.

79. Thank you for your birthday wishes, especially for the card. It was fun to talk about old times when we went out together, and I can’t wait to do it again. Love you!

80. Thank you all for making my day special and for all the birthday wishes. I’m very grateful to have so many people in my life that care about me.

81. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. It meant a lot to me to hear your kind words, and I appreciated all the pictures you posted on Facebook.

82. Thank you guys for all of the birthday wishes; they made my day. Without your presence and support, I wouldn’t be doing as well in life.

83. Thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday. I appreciate all of your thoughtful calls, texts and memes, and I love each one of you dearly. I’m very lucky to have you in my life.

84. Thank you for the positive birthday wishes. Hearing from someone who has something good to say makes me feel even more special.

85. Thank you for being there for me and sending me the most amazing birthday wishes. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but the best is yet to come, so I look forward to what you might have in store for my 33rd birthday.

86. Thank you for being there for me on my birthday. It was great to see you, even though I had a lot to do and not much time to spend with each person individually.

87. Thank you for being who you are and caring about me. You have amazing gifts, most of all your friendship. I’m lucky to have you as friends.

88. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Your good wishes made my day so much better. Thank you for being such wonderful friends. I am lucky to have you in my life. You make me happy.

89. Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes on every social network I am on. I appreciate that you took the time to let me know you were thinking about me. You are so thoughtful and caring.

90. Thank you for the birthday wishes. The cake, the party you organized and me singing karaoke mean the world to me. I can’t stop smiling. You are all amazing!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It was a wonderful day, and the memories will last a lifetime. You are always in my thoughts, and I never forget to thank you for being so great. You make life fun, and I hope you all know how special you are to me. You guys are my very good friends.

91. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. Your texts and calls lifted me and made my day. You guys have no idea how much that meant to me!

92. Thank you for always being there for me. You make me feel good about myself, and you are so much fun to be around. I wish I had more than two hands to hug you all for your birthday wishes!

93. Thank you for the kind birthday message you left on my Facebook wall. It meant a lot to me that you took the time to write it. You are a really good friend.

94. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. I’m overwhelmed with love. It’s been very hard for me lately but knowing that I have such amazing friends makes it worthwhile.

95. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I needed to hear from all of you, and your kind words made my day. I’m so glad we met up and had a wonderful time together.

96. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Social media has become a huge part of many people’s lives, and it is very thoughtful that you take the time to wish me a happy birthday. My year is off to a great start, thanks to all of you.

97. Thank you for all of your birthday wishes. It was a great surprise to come home from work and find them. I appreciate everything you do for me, and I hope you know that I appreciate your love and friendship.

98. Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. It makes me happy to know that I have such wonderful friends. You are always there for me, and I appreciate that above everything else.

99. Thank you for your birthday wishes. I am grateful for every single one of them. It is wonderful to have so many friends who care.

100. I wanted to thank you for all the birthday wishes, flowers, and coffee. I was touched by how many people remembered my birthday. I was feeling a little down on the day, but your kind thoughts made me feel better.

101. Thank you for always being there for me, just like I am for you. Thank you for making my birthday so much better with your presence and the wonderful and thoughtful messages you sent me over the last few days.

102. Thank you for your birthday wishes and the presents. I feel very loved! The new music system sounds great! I needed it.

103. Thank you for wishing me a wonderful birthday. I do appreciate all of your thoughtful words. The simple things mean so much to me and keep me going when I don’t feel like it.

104. Thank you for all of your wishes on my birthday. I felt loved and appreciated on this occasion. The cake was especially sweet, but so were the wishes and kindness.

105. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes yesterday. I appreciated them and enjoyed reading what you said and seeing the cute drawings. It was a very fun day, and I hope your day was enjoyable.

106. Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes. I appreciate that you take the time to think of me on my birthday!

107. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday, just like you promised. It means the world to me that you all remembered. You are such wonderful people, and I am lucky to have you in my circle of friends.

108. Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes last week. I felt very loved, and it was a pleasure to go on this wild ride called life with you all.

109. Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday. I know it could get lost among your pushing deadlines, but you still took the time to think of me. I love you all so much and am very appreciative.

110. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. I feel like today will be better than yesterday with your good wishes. Everyone has been so encouraging to me, and I appreciate it more than you know!

111. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love how everyone took a moment to wish me a happy birthday. I feel so fortunate to have friends like you all.

112. Thank you all for making my birthday a happy event. I had such a great day with you by my side. I hope it will always be this way. You are the best.

113. Thank you for making my birthday special. The cake and presents were fantastic, and we had a lot of fun. I was especially glad that you were there to celebrate this day with me.

114. Thank you for being there with me through the good and bad times. You are always there when I need you, no matter what comes our way, and it means a lot to me! Thank you for making today so special.

115. Thank you. It was nice to celebrate together and be happy that we were all together. We always have a good time when we get together.

116. Thank you for all of your good wishes. I appreciate all of the cards, gifts and messages. I hope you are all doing well and that your lives are great.

117. Thank you for your birthday wishes. It’s funny how quickly we all got older, but how well we keep getting along is fantastic. It is a nice reminder to me of how great my friends are.

118. Thank you for celebrating my birthday. It was wonderful to be with you and many other people, too! The cake and the meal were very delicious!

119. Thank you for the birthday wishes. It feels good to know I am in your thought on this day. I love all of my friends, and I’m very lucky to have wonderful friends like you.

120. Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday and for the gifts. I appreciate all the love and support, your generosity and thoughtfulness.

There’s no better time than a birthday to express gratitude to friends and family. However, sometimes it can be difficult to put the right words down on paper.

The above birthday thank you messages for friends and family should help you express the appropriate level of thanks for those birthday wishes.

More so, always remember to thank family and friends, not only in words but also in actions. And never forget your friend’s or loved one’s birthday.

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