Black Is My Favourite Colour Quotes

Wonder why black is a favourite colour? It’s because it’s a colour of elegance, sophistication and mystery. It is the colour of authority and power. Wherever black is, it is seen as the absence of all colours, a symbol of death, mourning and evil. It’s very powerful in its own right, used to describe things like nightfall, black magic and black holes.

Black also represents maturity because it takes experience to know what’s best for yourself. In fact, I love black so much because black represents everything I believe in strength, independence and beauty at any age — even if it’s not always visible on the outside.

And for you to have come to this site means you also love black and you are looking for a way to express the fact that black is your best colour. So, check out these black is my favourite colour quotes to see why I love black out of all colours.

Black is powerful, and it’s my favourite colour. It’s strong and sleek. It makes you stand out from the crowd because it’s different from what everyone else wears. It’s more than just a colour; it represents an attitude towards life: dark, mysterious, enigmatic.

1. Black is my favourite colour. It’s not a colour that suits everyone, but if you can wear it, then you rock it.

2. Black is my favourite colour. I love it because it’s alluring, mysterious, and seductive.

3. Black is my favourite colour. It symbolizes power and sensuality, elegance, grace and mystery.

4. Black is my favourite colour. It’s new and different every time I see it.

5. Black is my favourite colour. It’s symbolic of strength, success and power.

6. Black is my favourite colour because it is so easy to integrate it into a home. It goes well with everything and hides dirt and marks.

7. I love black because it’s the easiest colour to wear and the most comfortable. I also thought that black has a lot of room for interpretation—you can wear it in a bright and colourful way too.

8. When we are talking about a versatile colour, then that colour is black. That’s why it’s my favourite colour.

9. A new season, a new colour. Black is my favourite colour because it’s always in style and never goes out of style.

10. Black is beautiful. Black is power. With the right foundation and a little bit of confidence, you can do anything.

11. I love the way black looks on my skin, especially when it’s paired with a vibrant colour like red or green. Black can be matched with virtually anything, and it always looks good with brown.

12. Black is a colour that can be used in everything from your wardrobe to your home decor. It’s versatile, trendy and effortlessly cool. Can you think of any other colours that work well with black?

13. I love how you can wear black with jeans and a white shirt or t-shirt and not look like you’re wearing your husband’s clothes.

14. Black is my favourite colour, and it always has been, always will be. I’m never ever going to change it.

15. Black is my favourite colour because it’s always been my favourite shade of grey.

16. Black is my favourite colour. It makes everything so much better.

17. My favourite thing about wearing black is how versatile it is. You can dress up or down depending on where you’re going and what time of day it is.

18. Black is my favourite colour because it’s a colour that makes everything else look better.

19. Black is my favourite colour, not only because of its versatility but also for the strong impact it has on my mood.

20. Black is my favourite colour because it’s the colour of wisdom, mystery and elegance.

21. I love how black is a neutral colour and can go with any other colour and still look great.

22. Black is the colour of power, elegance, mystery and sophistication.

23. We all have our different shades of black. The darker, the better.

24. There are so many things that I love about black, the way it can be worn in the winter, spring, summer and fall.

25. Black is my favourite colour. It’s dark and mysterious, a little bit dangerous. I like that about it. It makes me feel powerful and a little bit attractive.

26. Black is my favourite colour, it’s the colour of everything I love.

27. I actually don’t have a favourite colour, but if I had to choose one, it would be black because it’s classy and goes with anything.

28. Black is my favourite colour. It’s the colour of mystery and magic, of midnight and mazes. It’s the colour of magic carpet rides through the stars, exotic nights and mysterious dreams. Black is the colour of life, love, destiny and death!

29. Black is my favourite colour because it is a colour of mystery, strength and power. It represents freedom and independence.

30. Black is my favourite colour. It’s at the same time so simple and so complex. It can work in any context – but only with a certain amount of sense and lightness.

31. I love black because it’s the most fashionable colour in the world and it looks good on every skin tone.

32. Black is my favourite colour, but I don’t mind if others like different colours. It’s all about preference.

33. Black is a colour that is tough to match. It’s bold, solid and always on trend. It goes with anything and everything!

34. Black is so timeless that the colour itself has actually gone out of fashion. I love the fact that black is always in style.

35. Black is just a powerful colour, and if you decide to wear something black, then everyone will know how strong you are as well as how great your style is.

36. Black is my favourite colour because it lasts. The beauty of black is that it can be worn at any time, anywhere, in any situation, and it never goes out of style.

37. Black is my favourite colour. And you know why? Because it goes with everything.

38. Black is my favourite colour because it looks good on everything. I like black so much that it’s the only colour I wear or don’t wear at all. I don’t really know why I like it so much, but I do.

39. Black is my favourite colour. It’s the most powerful colour in the world, it has a lot of meaning to it, and it always makes me feel confident.

40. Black is my favourite colour because it shows that I don’t care about what other people think. It’s a colour that says you can take risks and try anything new.

41. Black is my favourite colour. It’s the most versatile, easy to mix and matches the colour of all. I love the way it can be both feminine and masculine, depending on the accessories used with it.

42. Black is my favourite colour. It’s a happy shade of grey, not a depressing or depressing-wish-I-was-faded grey like the rest of the world’s shades. There’s something so powerful and inspiring about it—especially in the fall and winter, which is when I wear it most often.

43. Black is my favourite colour because it symbolizes mystery and magic. It reminds me of the night, which is when most things happen and where I love to dwell.

44. Black is my favourite colour because black is the colour of my soul.

45. Black is my favourite colour because it turns any outfit into a statement look.

46. Black is my favourite colour because it never fails to make an impact.

47. Black is one of my favourite colours. It speaks to me, it matches my personality, and it’s always in style.

48. When you’re wearing black, you’re making a statement. It’s a powerful way to express yourself and your values.

49. Black is my favourite colour. It’s a colour that makes me feel edgy and sophisticated & it goes with everything.

50. Black is my favourite colour, and I’m going to wear it all day long every day.

51. Black is my favourite colour. Black is my favourite colour, and I’m not afraid to say it.

52. Black is my favourite colour, and I wear it with pride—especially when it goes with my favourite jeans.

53. Black is my favourite colour. It doesn’t mean that I don’t like other colours, it just means that black is more my colour.

54. Black is the colour of night, darkness and death. It makes me think of all the bad things that could happen in life, but it also reminds me that there are good things too.

55. Black is my favourite colour, and it always has been. I’m not saying that as a fashion statement or to be cool — I’m saying it because it’s true.

56. Black is elegance at its finest; it doesn’t need anything to make it better than any other colour — just add some white accessories, and you’re good to go!

57. I have always been attracted to the colour black. I think it is beautiful, mysterious and elegant. Black is my favourite colour because it has a lot of meanings behind it.

58. Let your inner confidence shine through with these black is my favourite colour.

59. Black is my favourite colour because it goes with everything. I wear black when I wear red, and if you don’t like it, too bad. I wear black when I wear yellow, and it looks just right.

60. Black is my favourite colour. It’s the most sophisticated, difficult to wear and impossible to ignore.

61. Black is my favourite colour. It’s the colour of elegance, mystery and sophistication. I associate it with strong women & powerful men.

62. Black is my favourite colour because it’s the colour of everything I love and hate, but especially the latter.

63. Black is my favourite colour because it’s my colour and I think it matches everything.

64. The best colour for me? Black. It’s so versatile. It hides imperfections and lasts all day. It’s the colour I put on my walls to make them feel homey and cosy and to make my eyes feel big. It makes me feel powerful when I’m wearing black – I know that I can conquer any obstacle in front of me.

65. Black is a genius colour because it absorbs all of the other colours around it. It’s not just a colour. It’s a mood.

66. Black is my favourite colour. I don’t love it because it’s dark and gloomy or because it signifies death, though there’s some truth to that. It’s a beautiful colour, rich and deep, with a lustre that reflects light.

67. Black is the new black. The colour of elegance, sophistication and sexiness. Wear it with confidence, knowing it will make you look chic and put together no matter what your style.

68. Black makes you feel like yourself when you look in the mirror: confident, beautiful and powerful. It makes you feel like you’re wearing nothing at all when you’re wearing it right.

69. Black is my favourite colour because black is the way I feel inside.

70. Black is my favourite colour because it is the only one that goes with everything.

71. Black is my favourite colour because it’s simple, elegant and versatile.

72. Black is my favourite colour because it makes me feel powerful and confident, it’s bold and striking, and it can be graced with many different shades of grey. I love how it can make any outfit fabulous.

73. Black is my favourite colour. It’s so easy to wear, goes with anything and can be worn by everyone.

74. Black is my favourite colour, but that’s not what I’m saying. Black can be versatile and smart, and chic, but it also has risks, and risks are usually not nice.

75. Black is my favourite colour, but my favourite season is winter.

76. Black is the colour of velvet, midnight and ambiguity. Black is the colour of a sleek panther on a black-carpeted runway. It’s not just a colour. It’s an attitude.

77. You can wear black anywhere and everywhere without worrying about whether or not it’s appropriate or if someone else will think so too — after all, black goes with everything else!

78. Black is the most luxurious colour because it has so many shades that make it look good on everyone.

79. The beauty of black is in its simplicity and elegance.

80. Black is my favourite colour because that’s the shade of elegance and sophistication.

81. Black is my favourite colour. It’s bold and elegant.

82. Black is my favourite colour. Black is the colour I wear when I am thinking the darkest thoughts and feeling the deepest emotions.

83. Black is my favourite colour; it’s the colour of mystery, adventure and the unknown. I love to wear black because it makes me feel confident, powerful and mysterious.

84. Black is my favourite colour because it’s not just a colour. It’s Blackness in motion, Blackness in art, Blackness in music. Black is the absence of colour.

85. Black makes me feel strong, confident and sexy. Black is my favourite colour.

86. Black is my favourite colour because it’s the colour of everything I love—the ocean, the night sky, cashmere scarves—it’s just so rich and textured and deep.

87. Black is my favourite colour. It speaks to my inner gothic and classic love of all things dark, mysterious, and mythical.

88. I love black, I know it isn’t for everyone, but that’s why I like it. Black is my favourite colour because I can wear whatever and still look good in it. In my opinion, every outfit looks great with black on top of it.

89. The colour black is like the unsaid secret to happiness. You can’t be too happy or too sad when you’re wearing black. It’s a perfect colour that makes you feel confident and invigorated.

90. I think that wearing black shows confidence and classiness as well. I love the way that it makes me feel when I wear it too.

91. Black is my favourite colour, bright and bold. It makes me feel more powerful and self-assured.

92. Black is my favourite colour because it’s a colour that never goes out of fashion.

93. Black is my favourite colour because I wish to merge with it, become one with the darkness–and then destroy it.

94. Black is my favourite colour. I love everything about the colour, its richness and boldness, which is a perfect complement to all shades of brown and gold.

95. Black is my favourite colour because it makes everything else in my closet look better.

96. Black is also beautiful because you can make it look so different depending on what you pair it with.

97. Black is the safest colour for me. It’s like wearing all black (understated) and not getting noticed.

98. I love black because it’s a colour that has so much more to offer than we think.

99. Black is my favourite colour. Black and white are the only colours that really suit my style.

100. I love the colour black, and it’s my favourite colour because it’s mysterious; if you look at something that is all dark, nobody can see you or what you’re doing unless they shine a light on you or get close enough to see what you’re doing.

101. Black is my favourite colour because it compliments any outfit.

102. Black is a cool colour that goes well with everything.

I know for sure you liked this collection of black is my favourite colour quotes because it has all the expressions of why you love black colour in it. Please hit the share button and drop any comments below.

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