Blank Canvas Quotes and Sayings

Life is like a blank canvas. You can paint whatever you want on it. You can make it as colourful as you want or you can choose to leave it blank. But if you want to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, you need to start painting on that canvas now. You need to start living your life now!

The good news is that no matter how old or inexperienced you are, there’s still plenty of time for you to make things happen. It’s never too late!

The bad news is that if you don’t start today, then when exactly do you plan on starting? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? If you keep waiting until then, then “then” will never come!

You’ve got to live every day like it’s your last because one day it will be. So make sure that when it does happen you don’t look back at your life and wish for more time or opportunities to do things differently because the only thing that matters is now and right now there are so many things you can do that will impact the rest of your life in either a positive or negative way.

To be truly encouraged and motivated to paint your world the way you want to, I have got these blank canvas quotes and sayings to help you out. Find them below.

Your life is like a canvas. Filled with possibilities and blank spaces, and it’s how you fill them in that makes the difference. Always remember that you’re not a piece of paper, you’re a canvas for something new. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination colour in the lines.

1. The good thing about a blank canvas is that it allows you to create possibilities. Whatever your mind can cultivate is what forms your reality.

2. Every entrepreneur’s journey, struggling or established, started on one blank canvas. What you do or how you do it doesn’t matter to the world until you become successful.

3. Give everyone a blank canvas, and they will all paint different pictures. That’s the basis of originality. We are all humans with working minds different from one another.

4. It’s the ingenuity in man that turns a blank canvas into a delectable masterpiece. Otherwise, we’d all call it magic; the most straightforward word associated with what man doesn’t understand.

5. It’s not every artist that can stand before a blank canvas with confidence. Sometimes, confidence comes with the first stroke of the brush. The first step towards achieving anything is the most difficult.

6. You don’t sit in front of a blank canvas with empty hands. Otherwise, how do you plan to birth the ideas in your head? You need resources; paint, brush, and other accessories. Same with life.

7. The connection between humanity and God is that, drafted out of one big blank canvas, can be a life well programmed, designed, and structured to serve time after time.

8. Life is a canvas, and you get to choose what you paint. Choose health and happiness.

9. See today as the first day of your 365 and a blank canvas. So, you’re free to do what you have always wanted to create the life you want.

10. Your life is a canvas and there’s no right or wrong way to fill it in. It’s how you choose to live your life that makes the difference.

11. The easiest way to know your worth is on a blank canvas, therefore feed the world every day with your uniqueness.

12. Everything a music artist does on stage is programmed, their real life is a blank canvas.

13. To most artists, the scariest gaze they have ever had to ignore in order to create art is that of the blank canvas.

14. Leave no blank canvas, we are all running out of time. Fill the world with the beautiful colours in your mind, it’s better to die empty than full. Going back with the gracious resources deposited inside of you will never better anybody’s life.

15. If ever you want to be remembered forever, leave no blank canvas. Your life is like the colour room, how do we appreciate beauty if it’s not seen?

16. We are all canvases. We all have blank spaces, and we can fill them in with our imagination, experiences, failures and successes. Let your imagination colour the lines in the canvas of your life

17. The end of a man’s life is like a blank canvas. No one knows or does anything beyond it.

18. Your life is a canvas, you the artist. The shape and colour of it will always be unique to you. It’s how you fill in the blank spaces that make a difference.

19. There is no blank canvas in the world that passion, dexterity, and discipline can not beat.

20. Your life is a blank canvas. Paint it however you want, and make it sparkle with your own unique personality.

Fill your world with colour and make it beautiful. Because every blank space can be filled with a story that makes you smile. Your world is the canvas. You are the painter. Paint the picture of your dreams, and see what happens.

21. The world is a blank canvas, we are all observing and letting people live their truth. Just once in a while, we adjust our focus to more interesting views.

22. The world is a blank canvas with a huge playground daring all who are courageous enough to a fistfight.

23. The world is a blank canvas; we could either paint it with beautiful lasting memories spent with loved ones or we could just sit and watch others have the best times of their lives.

24. Nothing means much to people these days. The world is a blank canvas; perhaps only the gorgeous colours of nature and the traditions of diverse people, and races make it somewhat interesting.

25. Time is fleeting, human beings are forgetful, the world is a blank canvas, and you only get to remember what you put down in record.

26. Your world is the canvas and you are the canvas of your life. Paint it the way you want it to be and fill it with the things that excite you!

27. The world is a blank canvas, whatever you paint is eventually the reality you get to live.

28. Every new dawn reminds us that the world is a blank canvas, what you make of each day is up to you.

29. The world is a blank canvas, we are all looking for what makes it all complete. Every tiny detail we put together brings us a step closer to a complete masterpiece.

30. Are we not all confused in this world? Like a painter before a blank canvas, skilful enough to paint and careful enough not to ruin it.

31. The world is your canvas. As a creator, you control your own destiny and the canvas of your life. So play it forward, don’t be afraid to dream big and never give up on your goals. Let loose, create and paint a masterpiece.

32. At the dawn of each day, you only have two choices; to either get up and face your day or sit down and gloom over your past.

33. Making excuses doesn’t change the philosophy of the world, it’s a blank canvas, what you think of it, equals what you make of it.

34. The canvas of your world is yours to fill with the people, places, and things that make you happy.

35. The world is a blank canvas. People wake up every day to figure out what to paint to make their art stand out from that of the rest of the world.

36. The world is a blank canvas, so paint it how you want and make it your own.

37. The world is a blank canvas. So paint whatever you want and don’t worry about what others think.

38. From the day one was born until the day they leave the earth, the world to them is a blank canvas. They either have to get up and run their race or face the risk of being overwhelmed and overshadowed by the rest of the world.

39. The world is a blank canvas, you can paint it any way you want. Create your own world and make it beautiful!

40. The world is a blank canvas, and we are all artists. Our future is bound by the inventiveness of our minds.

Today is a blank canvas, filled with opportunities to make something great. Choose to be your best self and make it yours. The great thing about having a new day is that it is an opportunity to start afresh. 

41. Today is a blank canvas, ditch that fear, and go with the flow, you never know how much progress you can make in one day.

42. We don’t often get second chances in life. every day is a blank canvas, it’s up to you to decide what it is you want now.

43. Today is a blank canvas. Fill it with your dreams, aspirations and hopes.

44. Life is a continuous learning process, no one is ever too old to learn something new. Every day is a blank canvas to reinvent yourself and learn something entirely different.

45. Start a new page. Today is a blank canvas, so let your creative self go and paint whatever you see fit.

46. Today is a blank canvas. The only limit to what you can achieve is your imagination. No matter what’s holding you back, or what projects have been put on hold for a time, you need to think about that one thing that you want to do that will change your life forever.

47. Today is your blank canvas. It’s up to you to make magic happen.

48. Start your day as a blank canvas and let inspiration guide you to the perfect image for tomorrow.

49. Today is the perfect canvas to create the masterpiece of your life. It’s a blank canvas for you to create your life.

50. You are not stuck. Yes, life could be unfair sometimes but don’t give up. Today is a blank canvas, you can start something different, and you can change your life for good.

51. Blank pages, blank canvas and new days. Learn new things, grow, and make beautiful things!

52. Nobody is coming to save you. Today is a blank canvas, you might as well start now to save yourself.

53. Anyone privileged to see a new day should never take it for granted. Today is a blank canvas, and nothing can take effect if you don’t take up the responsibility to make it happen.

54. Sometimes all you need is just a little self-confidence. Today is a blank canvas, have some faith, pursue what your heart has been longing after, and don’t be surprised when you finally have them.

55. Today is your day to make whatever you want, whoever you want it with. Happy new day!

56. Today is a blank canvas, what’s on your mind? Look around you, the world is busy, and you shouldn’t be left out. Start doing something, anything at all but, don’t stay idle.

57. Today is a blank canvas. We can paint it with our hopes, dreams, and aspirations…or it can be filled with ugliness — the world we live in.

58. You can rewrite your script, today’s a blank canvas, do something different today to push you towards your goal.

59. Sometimes, the limitation could be the voice in your head telling you that you are good enough, that you can not make it. Today is a blank canvas, you either shush that voice or let it keep rambling.

60. You may never know how close you are to your breakthrough if you stop now. Today is a blank canvas, perhaps all you need is just one stroke of luck, so keep going.

Life is like a blank canvas. You can paint it whatever obstacles are standing in your way and how to overcome them, but there will always be more obstacles ahead of you along your journey through life. Just be bold and be yourself, you’ll see that you can create something spectacular to stand out in this world.

61. Life is like a blank canvas, the moment anyone is born, they take up different roles according to their divinely given assignments and predestination.

62. Life is like a blank canvas. You can paint it whatever you desire, but there will always be obstacles standing in your way.

63. Life is like a blank canvas, don’t let anything stop you. Even when faced with obstacles, start all over again to create the successful life you deserve.

64. Life is like a blank canvas. You can paint your life with as many beautiful colours as you can and create a life where you become too obvious and too valuable to be ignored. You deserve the spotlight.

65. Life is like a blank canvas. You can paint it whatever you want to be. Whatever you desire, it’s all yours for the taking!

66. You can start from scratch and still catch up. Life is like a blank canvas; it’s not how far but how well.

67. If you feel life is passing you by, pick yourself up, restrategize and pursue that dream. Remember, life is like a blank canvas.

68. Life is like a blank canvas. If you sit at a place bemoaning being handed nothing by your parents to make your life easier, remember, there are orphans who, even without knowing who their parents were, still wake up every day to chase after the life they want.

69. Life is like a blank canvas. You can paint it whatever you want. You can be anything you want to be.

70. There’s nothing new under the sun but, there’s power in having great ideas. Life is like a blank canvas, make a bespoke masterpiece of your ideas.

71. You have to consistently feed your mind with fresh ideas through reading and learning. Life is like a blank canvas. For your thoughts to be powerful, you must constantly feed them with powerful knowledge.

72. Nothing has to be hard to make sense of. Life is like a blank canvas, if you think your life is hard, you will keep reproducing that reality. Change your thoughts and change your destiny.

73. The same life you have and choose to only complain about, is the same life someone else has, and keep thanking God for every day. Life is like a blank canvas, if you don’t change your perspective about the world, you will get stuck in the same circle.

74. Life is a blank canvas. You can paint it whatever you want. You can be anything you want to be. The only limit is your imagination.

75. Did you know that every day is a blank canvas on which you get to paint your life? Whatever you are painting today, the next day and even years later will be the result of what you put onto it.

76. Life is like a blank canvas, you could either choose to be the artist of your life or be by the sidelines cheering others on.

77. Ideas don’t come fully formed, life is like a blank canvas, and even the most talented artists still make speculations. The beauty of the process is in the outcome.

78. Take risks, the more risk you take, the luckier you get. Life is like a blank canvas, if you don’t paint on it, you will have nothing to show and nothing to admire.

79. Life is like a blank canvas, every stroke of the brush births new details which is part of the intricate plan of the artist to be special, different, and recognizable anywhere.

80. No matter how hard life gets, never stop believing in yourself. Keep painting your masterpiece.

Your life is a blank canvas. You can either watch life pass by you or make the most out of life. You only live once, so make sure you’re living life to the fullest. You never know what tomorrow will bring—so take advantage of every day!

81. It’s the height of error to leave your success in the hands of luck and chance. Your life is a blank canvas, you have to be intentional about what you want.

82. You’ve got this. You’re doing great! Keep moving forward, keep pushing yourself and make the most of your life.

83. Your life is a blank canvas, what you focus on brings more life and substance to you.

84. Too many people often go about living someone else’s life instead of minding their path. Your life is a blank canvas, learn from the world but, maintain your path.

85. Your life is a blank canvas, the grass is not greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water the ground. Put the necessary efforts you need to effect the changes you want.

86. Channel your energy into modelling the kind of life you want; your life is a blank canvas. Until you decide what it is you want to make of it, your talent will remain undiscovered.

87. It’s not the day a child is born that he walks. Your life is a blank canvas, keep working and improving yourself till you get the right attention.

88. If you want your name to be on the lips of people, feed them. Your life is a blank canvas, give it what it wants and it will forever hold your identity.

89. Some people make good use of opportunities, and some others get lazy and say another one will come. Your life is a blank canvas; you will always replicate your choices.

90. Your life is a blank canvas; learn, unlearn, relearn. Do anything but don’t just be an observer.

91. We all know that life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain. Life is too short to be anything less than the best version of yourself.

92. Your life is a blank canvas, nobody is coming to save you, you have to start now to do whatever it takes to be where you want to be. If you do nothing, you will get nothing.

93. The brain is full of ideas, the problem most people have is that they don’t stop to ask why or think. Your life is a blank canvas. Begin now to ask certain questions you normally would not and think new thoughts too.

94. The fact that nobody knows when they will meet their zero moments should call for some reflection. Your life is a blank canvas.

95. Live every day like your last, your life is a blank canvas. It is better to die empty than to die with so many unfulfilled dreams.

96. People are too scared of change and because of that, hold on to less productive endeavours instead of getting ahead with the good plans they have for themselves. Your life is a blank canvas, even if you fail, you will know that at least you tried.

97. Your life is a blank canvas, you never can tell the opportunity you’d come across tomorrow that could change your life forever. Be prepared, always.

98. Write goals, smash them, have visions, and stick with them. Your life is a blank canvas, and whatever you do now has a lot to add to your life.

99. Your life is a blank canvas. Whatever decisions you make today will determine what your future will look like.

100. Your life is a blank canvas, be bold, do the extraordinary, and you can surpass even the most talented. Limitations only exist in the mind.

In conclusion, I hope this list of blank canvas quotes will inspire you to take your life into your hands and paint the picture you want. Did you find this post useful? Let me know in the comment section. Thank you.

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