Blasphemy have been defined as speaking reverently about God or scared things. However, during Jesus lifetime in the world precisely in Jerusalem. Blasphemy according to the Jewish law is a criminal offense and it is punishable by death. Though there is   this saying that “Ignorant of the Law” is not an excuse but He (Jesus) will not say he is not aware of the law because he said.  “That he didn’t come to destroy the law but to amend it” which shows that he

had a knowledge of the law.

Furthermore, Jesus demonstrated this act of blasphemy when he said that he was going to destroy the temple and re-build it in three day. Let not forget that it was this temple that Solomon had built that took almost century to build and not only that, the children of Israel were forced to hard labour by King Solomon in order to see the temple build and Jesus said that he was going to destroy the temple and no stone will be un-top of each other and that he will re-build it all alone in three days. When he made the statement, he knew that Jewish authority was going to come after him so he was not afraid because he wanted himself to be killed.

Also, He did not stop there, he went ahead to say things against the authority that was in power and even presented himself as the “King of the Jews” which was the highest crime to be committed in Jerusalem. According   to Matt 26:36 –75 where the was brought before the high priests and before the crowd, two men stepped up and said this man said  “I am able to tear down God’s temple and three days later build it up again” then the high priest stoop up and asked him whether he had no answer to give against the statement against him.   Instead of answering, Jesus kept quite because he was aware of the consequences of what he said. Then the high spoke to him again “In the name of the living God I now put you on oath” tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus answered him,  “So you say, but I tell all of you, from this time on, you will see the me (son of man) sitting on the right hand of the Almighty and coming on the clouds of heaven”.

Jesus said this to arose the anger of the high priest because he knew that the statement will definitely lead to his death so he want   ahead and made the statement. This statement alone has also proven that Jesus wanted to die.

When the high priest heard this, he tore his cloth and said “Blasphemy!  We don’t need any more witnesses!   You all have heard his blasphemy!  They told him that Jesus was guilty and must die.


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