Blessing to Be Alive Quotes

Life is a gift. There are times when we forget this fact and take everything for granted, but it’s important to remember that each day is a blessing. Life is full of ups and downs. There are days when things don’t go exactly as planned — you might have a bad day at work or get into an argument with someone close to you. And then there are other days when everything seems to fall into place perfectly — you’re able to accomplish everything on your agenda and enjoy spending time with family and friends. All these can only be achieved by being alive.

There are many benefits of being alive. For one thing, you can experience the world around you. You can enjoy the beauty of nature and all the pleasures it has to offer. You can feel gratitude for your own body, which is far more complex than it might seem at first glance. You can feel gratitude for the people in your life. The people who love you, who support you, who inspire you to be a better person — they’re all blessings that come with being alive today.

So, why don’t you express and show how thankful you are to be alive because it is only when you are alive you can make things right and have more hopes about life. Remember, the dead have gone and all their hopes have being dashed. Therefore, why don’t you take these blessing to be alive quotes and use as messages to send to loved ones, friends and family? Be rest assured you will get a quote that appeals to you and the situation you are facing press gently. Believe me.

It’s a blessing to be alive. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and think that life is just one long series of problems and challenges. But if you step back and look at things from a different perspective, it becomes clear that life is not all bad.

1. It is a blessing to be alive. Every moment is precious and is what we make of it. Each day we are given another opportunity to breathe fresh air, eat delicious food, or feel the warmth of an embrace so let those simple things give you joy.

2. It’s a blessing to be alive today. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day, I wish everyone could feel your love as much as I do. We stand on your shoulders and graces, please give us strength.

3. Life is nothing but a blessing. It’s a joy to be able to breathe, feel, and live. Thank you, God, for everything you give us every day.

4. It’s a blessing to be alive. Every moment is a gift. Our lives are what we make of them, and everything we do means something to someone else. Let us show our gratitude for this blessing that we have received.

5. I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and taking in the beauty around me. There was nothing like being alive, and I wanted to make sure that I never took it for granted. It’s a blessing to be alive.

6. It’s a blessing to be alive. To see the world, to breathe the air, to feel my heart beating with the rhythm of life.

7. It’s a blessing to be alive, and I’m grateful for the time I have on this earth. I have a lot to look forward to still, and so much love in my heart—for you, my family, and all of the weird people out there who are also looking for their tribe.

8. Every morning is a wonderful day because the sun is up. It’s a blessing to be alive!

9. It’s a wonderful blessing to be alive and on this beautiful planet. I love the life I have, my family and friends, my faith and religion, my pets, and the nature around me. Life is good.

10. When you are awake and alive, it’s a gift that you cherish. Don’t just take it for granted.

11. It’s a blessing to be alive, and I live every day to the fullest. I enjoy food, travel, family and friends.

12. It’s a blessing to be alive. I’m grateful for the ability to walk, run, swim, and sleep in a cosy bed. Every day is an opportunity to “live your dream” so seize it!

13. It’s been a long road, but here I am. It’s a blessing to be alive.

14. Being alive and breathing is a blessing, so if you’re not thankful enough to live your life then stop complaining, and be thankful for what you have right now.

15. I have a beautiful family and a roof over my head. Thank you, God, for blessing me with such a wonderful opportunity. It’s indeed a blessing to be alive.

16. It’s a blessing to be alive. Smile, and be happy every day.

17. It’s a blessing to be alive. It’s an honour and a privilege to have a life. Appreciate each day, and count your blessings.

18. It’s a blessing to be alive. To have the ability to feel, think, and love.

19. It’s a blessing to be alive. Today, I am grateful for everything good in my life, and I’m grateful that you are a part of it!

20. I have been given a gift to be alive, and I would like to express gratitude for this. I wish to live my life with a purpose of service and compassion. I humbly thank everyone who plays a role in bringing me here today and all those who are in my life.

21. It’s a blessing to be alive, but it’s a greater blessing to love and be loved.

22. It’s a blessing to be alive, but it is also a blessing to be surrounded by others who care.

23. It’s a blessing to be alive. So take a moment and be thankful for the life you have. At that moment, you’ll create a shift.

24. It’s a blessing to be alive when you feel the peace in your heart and mind.

25. I’m so grateful to be alive. I have a lot of work to do in this life, so I enjoy each moment and live it as best as I can.

26. Some days are hard. Some weeks are harder. But the fact that we can wake up, breathe, and be alive is a blessing.

27. Every day is a blessing. It’s great to be alive and breathing.

28. You are blessed to be alive at this moment. And every day you have the opportunity to take advantage of it and make a difference in the world.

29. Being alive is a blessing. Success can mean something different for everyone. But for me, success means being alive. It means I’ve been given another day to do what I love. For that, I am incredibly blessed.

30. We are all blessed to breathe, to see, to hear, to laugh, to love. Let’s make the most of it.

31. To be alive is a blessing. For me, I believe it’s better to live for today and enjoy life to the fullest rather than always looking into the future. The present is what matters most, and so should we use it wisely for our benefit in the future.

32. Sometimes we need a little reminder that we’re lucky to be where we are. It’s a blessing to be alive.

33. It’s a blessing to be alive, and I’m thankful for the peace in my life.

34. Every day, every moment, we are all so incredibly grateful to be alive, to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the simple pleasures that only exist in this reality. Being alive is a gift, and it’s a blessing to be here.

35. It’s a blessing to be alive. We have so much to be thankful for: our family and friends, our health, clean air and water, and the amazing wonders of nature.

36. It’s a blessing to be alive. Be thankful for what you have and the ability to live another day, or breathe another breath, then remind yourself that this is a gift and use it wisely, it isn’t guaranteed.

37. To be alive is a blessing. We could have been born in another time and another place, but we were allowed to be here and now at this moment. It’s a blessing that’s worth cherishing every day.

38. Just being alive is a blessing in itself. Every day we wake up to smell the roses or walk under the sun. We should never take this for granted. Be thankful for your life, and treat others with kindness and care.

39. I am grateful for my life, and all it has brought me. Each day is a new opportunity to live with joy, gratitude, and love.

40. It’s a blessing to be alive; to have so many people in our lives that we love and who love us back.

41. It’s a blessing to be alive, breathing, and feeling.

42. Every day we wake it’s a blessing. We give thanks for being able to breathe, feel, and look forward to another day.

43. We’re lucky for a lot of reasons. The biggest and most important one is being alive. There are so many gifts we receive each day that are too easily forgotten, like the fact that we can breathe and feel.

44. It’s a blessing to be alive. So many people go through so much suffering, and they’re gone before they’re even able to feel happy. We are so lucky that we are here today.

45. It’s a blessing to be able to breathe the air, drink the water, and eat our food. I was taught to live with a sense of gratitude every day and to realize how lucky we are as human beings. It makes me happy to be healthy and feel well.

46. It’s a blessing to be alive. We should share that happiness with others around us and pass on our blessings.

47. I am alive, it’s a miracle to be in this world, so I will take every chance I can get to appreciate what I have, and be thankful.

48. Being alive is a blessing in itself. Don’t forget to appreciate the things you have, and don’t take them for granted.

49. It’s a blessing to be alive, and I’m thankful for each of you.

50. It’s a blessing to be alive. I have many things to thank for and value, for instance: My life, my family, my wife, my son, and my friends. Remembering these things will help me focus on what’s important in life.

It’s a great thing to be alive, and you should be thankful to God because you have it better than some people. Instead of complaining about your predicament, be happy and hopeful for what’s to come. You still have a long way to go.

51. It’s great to be alive and healthy, with good relationships and the chance to make an impact in this world. People don’t reflect on these gifts enough.

52. Life is a beautiful thing. We are all so lucky to have it. It’s not easy, but we have everything we need to be happy and healthy. And most importantly we have each other. May your life be filled with love, peace, and joy at every turn.

53. It’s great to be alive That’s an easy thing to forget when your head is down when you’re dealing with all the day-to-day stressors of life. But just think about where we could be – we’ve made it through another year, and that’s something worth celebrating.

54. Yay, I’m alive! That’s great! It’s such a blessing to be alive!

55. It’s great to be alive. Thankful for health, happiness, and hope. Thankful for a good job, a loving family, and loyal friends. To all my loved ones who have passed away before me and to those who remain in this life, as well as those yet to come, I am grateful.

56. Life is a blessing. It’s true. We can’t go back to the past and change things, but we can always try to make better choices in the future. You don’t know what tomorrow holds, so take advantage of each day and always do your best. Life can be sweet if you let it.

57. I haven’t always had everything I needed, but I’ve always had everything important to me. It’s great to be alive.

58. It’s great to be alive and on this earth. Let it sink in and realize how blessed you are for your purpose in this life.

59. It’s great to be alive. I cannot count the many times I have been faced with fear and death, but each time I have miraculously been spared. My heart is filled with gratitude every time my children are born and every time they avoid serious injury or sickness.

60. It’s not just a saying, but really can be true to some of us. It’s great to be alive. and get to live in this world, surrounded by beautiful people and things!

61. It’s great to be alive. Let’s stop and appreciate the life we have and all the good things it brings us.

62. Life is sacred. It’s a privilege to exist in the world, and there’s always something to be thankful for.

63. I’m grateful for being alive, for breathing in this beautiful air, for being able to find my soulmate. It’s great to be alive.

64. We are so grateful for the opportunity to be on this earth, and to share our lives with people who mean so much to us. We appreciate all of you, who have helped us on this journey. It’s great to be alive.

65. It’s great to be alive. To drink in the world and all its beauty, to laugh and cry with friends, to use your imagination, to be fascinated by the mysteries of our past and the limitless possibilities of our future; is what gives meaning to our existence.

66. It’s great to be alive. This feeling comes from deep inside and shines through in everything I do. It helps me to smile, even when I’m not feeling it. Taking care of other people is one of my greatest passions and something that gives me purpose and meaning every single day.

67. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the blessings in our lives. But this is a reminder that life is precious, and it’s great to be alive.

68. Blessed to be alive, feel the sun on my face, and the wind in my hair.

69. You were born with a purpose, and I hope that you see it soon. The world is full of lots of treasures, but being alive is the most precious one. Don’t take this gift for granted or else it won’t be there forever.

70. You are blessed because you can breathe and move around, so don’t waste your days in sadness. Go out there, and spread your wings! Life is an adventure, and you can experience happiness every day if you let it.

71. I am so thankful to be alive. I’d forgotten just how much until a recent experience. The incident reminded me how fragile and valuable life is, and how we shouldn’t take it for granted.

72. It’s great to be alive. and living every day to its fullest. Life is too short to not appreciate everything you have.

73. It’s great to be alive. It’s a blessing to have someone to share my life with, and a blessing just to exist. Appreciate your blessings today and every day.

74. It’s great to be alive. Let it in, let it out, feel the blessings, and shower others with loving gratitude.

75. I think it’s a blessing to be alive and to live the life you have, the challenges, and the problems; all make you what you are.

76. For me, life is a blessing, and I am thankful for every day that is given to me.

77. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of everyday life, but it’s important to recognize how lucky we are to be here. Life is full of blessings. Take a moment to recognize them, and give thanks for what makes life beautiful.

78. It’s great to be alive, I know. I am grateful for the rain and the sun, the birds, and the flowers.

79. It’s a blessing to be alive. I feel so grateful for everything in my life. I’m thankful for what’s been given to me and the blessing that I’ve received.

80. It’s great to be alive and to have access to food, water and shelter. When we are sick or injured, we are thankful for those around us who help us get well. We can’t thank God enough for our family members and the beauty of creation that surrounds us every day!

81. Blessed to be alive. I have a lot of responsibilities, but I appreciate the fact that this body is working and my mind is clear.

82. Sometimes it’s easy to take a breath, stop, and realize the gift of life. It’s great to be alive.

83. We should be thankful for all the blessings we have. We are alive, healthy, and surrounded by the people we love. Make it a goal to think of something to be thankful for every single day.

84. It’s a blessing to be alive, even though we don’t always get to share that with the people we love.

85. We’re all grateful to be alive. We appreciate our little moments, big achievements, and everything we’ve learned along the way. It’s a blessing to be alive!

86. We are blessed to be alive, in a world of love and light.

87. I am thankful for the gift of life. I do not take it for granted, it is a blessing that most people never experience. Take the time to enjoy your family, friends, and everything you love.

88. It’s great to be alive. The world continues to surprise and delight me! I feel so lucky that I have the opportunity to live here. Let’s celebrate our precious life!

89. It’s great to be alive. It’s a blessing to be alive, at this moment. It’s a blessing to have your health. It’s a blessing to be able to hug your mother, father, brothers, and sisters. It’s a blessing that they are all healthy.

90. It’s a blessing to be alive. We were given life. We have the opportunity to wake up every morning, to feel joy and sadness, love and loss, and to experience the human condition.

91. It’s a blessing to be alive, and it’s more of a gift to experience life with the people you love. Life should be cherished every day and enjoyed even on tough days. We are so grateful for what we have been given.

92. Every day is a blessing. A moment to be grateful for. It’s a blessing to be alive, and make the most of every moment.

93. It’s a blessing to be alive! Every day, you are surrounded by your loved ones. Celebrate the precious gift of life with this uplifting floral arrangement.

94. It’s a blessing to be alive, to be able to go on. And we must take the time to pause, breathe, and appreciate all of the little things in life.

95. This is the perfect reminder of how blessed we are to be alive. It’s a good mantra to keep us grounded, no matter what situation we are in.

96. I am so thankful to be alive and to have everything I need. I am blessed with a beautiful family and good friends.

97. It’s great to be alive. Life is so precious, and I’m so blessed to have this time. The best thing about being alive is the feeling of being alive.

98. It’s great to be alive. To feel the sun on your face, and to fill your lungs with air. It’s a benefit to be able to see, hear and walk. Each day is precious – live each day to its fullest!

99. It’s great to be alive and breathing, living in the best place our planet has to offer. Thank you for spreading love and peace, and embracing every opportunity to share your gifts with the world. Love yourself, love others.

100. It’s great to be alive. The world is so beautiful and bright, filled with diversity and inspiration. One small breath at a time, one heartbeat after another. It’s what we live for and it’s what we work towards and celebrate when tragedy strikes.

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