Bond Between Husband and Wife Quotes

Picture a husband and a wife without a strong bond. You’ll agree that that’s a disaster disguised as marriage. That’s what makes “bond” an important thing in marriages.

If you do searches about bonds and bonding between husbands and wives, you’ll see so many opinions and points of view being explored. But you may not need to do that, and I’ll tell you why.

Among these quotes, we explore different opinions and points of view of strong bonds and emotional bonds between couples in marriage—over a hundred quotes on these for you.

You can use these bond between husband and wife quotes in a speech, on social media, and for many other things. You can use some of them as text messages.

Now, let’s dive in and see these quotes about and around the bond between a husband and his wife.

The bond between a husband and a wife that really love themselves is one that is so strong it feels like it was made from diamond. A bond that is weak can be broken, but a bond just as strong can only be rocked!

1. The bond between us is strong. Our love for one another is strong. You’ll always be there for me to hold me up when I fall.

2. A bond with a ring is a bond between your soul and mine. The person you love is with you, and I’m proud I share this bond with you.

3. The bond between husband and wife is not the bond of a master and a slave, but of two people in everlasting love—a love which is built on trust, respect and faith.

4. The bond between husband and wife is strong when it’s a bond that’s built on love and trust and the faith that both partners have in their love lasting for life and through life’s tests.

5. When a husband and a wife are still in love, the bond between them grows and grows. No matter what happens, no matter what you do, you will always find your way back to her.

6. They say that the bond between a husband and wife that are crazy about their marriage is the strongest of any connection. It spans time and space. It can never be broken apart.

7. There is a bond between husband and wife that are committed to their relationship—a bond that is greater than any other. It is the love that they have for one another, the passion and the spark that never fizzles out.

8. The bond between husband and wife is a bond that can last a lifetime. It is something that should never be broken. It’ll make both husband and wife always be there for each other, through thick and thin, to always be true to their love and commitment.

9. The bond between husband and wife that really love themselves is something that cannot be bought. It’s a bond that’s built on trust and faith and grows to be something so great.

10. A bond so strong it will never break, a bond formed by two hearts that speak love for each other, a bond that is pure and not fake, the bond between husband and wife that are crazy about each other.

11. A bond between two people that can’t get enough of themselves—a bond that is like no other. This should be the bond between husband and wife.

12. A bond between husband and wife is the greatest kind of bond that ever was. And the love that prevails is the love that will conquer all.

13. You love her, and she loves you. You share the bond between husband and wife that’s more than whole and complete, that can’t be broken. She’s your wife, and you love her. You’ll never let her go.

14. The bond between husband and wife is a lifelong bond, a bond that is strong and will only break if they try.

15. The bond between a man and a woman in a happy marriage is beautiful to see. And being married is the most important thing to me.

16. The bond between a husband and a wife in love is one of the strongest bonds that have existed. It is a bond that will always remain if fed well. It’s the kind of bond that literally grows and grows.

17. I thank the gods I found you. The bond between a husband and a wife who are crazy about each other is something that’s very hard to find. It’s a gift from the gods that only a few will ever see.

18. For better or worse but never for worse is a promise that can be kept. And the bond between a husband and wife is something that can keep thriving for life if fed well.

19. The bond between husband and wife is a bond of love, trust and faith and can last a lifetime if fed well.

20. A strong bond between a husband and a wife is like a sturdy bridge holding up a life. If you don’t have a strong foundation, your life will be full of strife.

21. The foundation of the bond between a husband and wife is the same foundation that God has built his church on.

22. The bond between a husband and a wife in love is a bond that cannot be denied. When they’re together, they are bliss, but when they’re apart, they’re both in misery.

23. What the bond between a husband and wife should be built on is respect for the other and love.

24. A bond between a husband and a wife has a really strong pull. The bond is what brings them together. The bond is what makes them stronger together.

25. The bond between husband and wife is like the bond between a mother and child. It can’t be broken or destroyed, but not as long as they both keep working on it.

26. The bond between a husband and a wife in love is so strong, so true. No one can ever mean as much as the love between you two.

27. The bond between a husband and a wife in love is a thing to behold. When they’re together, there’s a glow, and you can tell that they’re madly in love with each other.

28. When the bond between a husband and a wife is strong and true, you’ll find giving and communication. They’ll be supporting each other. You’d know this is for better or for worse.

29. Although it goes unspoken most of the time, the bond between a husband and a wife will not be experienced by everyone.

30. You are my true love, and I am your love. We have a bond that will never die, and I will always love you because you are my one true love.

31. The bond between a husband and a wife is unbreakable when love is involved. And it’s not only when those two are together that you will see true love.

32. The bond between a husband and a wife in love is a bond stronger than the mightiest of tides, a bond built on trust, honesty, and respect—something a lone soul can never possess.

33. The bond between a husband and a wife in love with each other is more powerful than any other. It can shake the very earth and is made from two hearts that are two beats apart.

34. I see the love between two people who were meant to be. I see the bond between a husband and his wife. This bond is something so sweet, something I wish to share with someone too.

35. We’ve grown old together. Through the years, we have walked together. Our lives were entwined by God, who made us one, who created the bond we now enjoy.

36. When you’re down and you need a friend, I’ll be here. I will be the one who will stand by your side through any and all of the strife because the bond we share is the strongest bond ever.

37. I am filled with delight that we have a bond so tight. It makes me feel so loved. I’m so glad to have your love. Please never let me go.

38. The bond between a husband and a wife is something unimaginable to us. One day she is your everything. The next day she’s nothing to you.

39. It’s so important to me to have you in my life because of the bond we share. So I’m glad because no matter what happens, I know that you’ll always be right by my side.

40. In the twilight of the day, in the darkness of the night, in the calm of the ocean, or in the stormy winds, you will always be my wife because the bond between us is so sweet.

41. A bond between a husband and a wife in love is like a bond between a candle and a flame. They will light up each other’s lives and always be there in times of need.

42. The bond between a husband and a wife who are happy together is beautiful to see. It’s the strong glue that keeps them together, no matter what the weather.

43. The bond between a husband and a wife is like the bond between the earth and the sky. Both are equal in their own way. Neither one is better than the other.

44. The bond between husband and wife is not by chance; it’s divine. When it’s strong and true, it’s a bond that’s one of the best of life.

45. The bond between a husband and a wife built on trust is an everlasting symbol of trust, a bond that will never, ever shrink but keep on growing new roots of trust. It’s a beautiful thing.

46. The bond between a husband and a wife who love themselves is the strongest bond I know. Separating it’s the hardest thing to try to do.

47. There are bonds between a wife and a husband that are so strong they can’t be broken apart.

48. There is no bond like a marriage bond. The bond between a husband and a wife in love is the strongest bond that I know. It’s unbreakable, unconditional and true.

49. This bond between us means so much to me. Your hand and my hand, your heart and my heart, your love and my love, are all better together.

50. I was once told that a husband and wife should be just as close as a hand is to a glove when worn. I was once told that with a bond that’s pure and true, they’ll always be together.

51. The bond between husband and wife in love is a bond that can’t be broken if they want to stay together for the rest of their lives.

52. It’s a bond that’s meant to be, a bond that is for eternity — the bond we share. We are two people in love who decide to spend their life together.

53. The bond between husband and wife in love is strong. It’s a bond that cannot be undone, especially if it’s a bond that is built upon trust and respect for each other.

54. The bond between husband and wife in love is a bond that is strong and so deep. It’s a bond that may have been for many years but will most likely last for many more to come.

55. I’ve been in love before, but this is the first time it’s lasted this long. I wonder what could go wrong? Nothing, as I see it because we have the strongest bond!

56. The bond between husband and wife who are crazy bout each other is the strongest bond of all. When you are sure that your love can make things right, you have a bond that is as strong as a rock.

57. Like two trees, branches entwined, we create the strong castle of our home. Together we are strong. Together we are free. Together we soar. And together, we grow because our bond is strong.

58. How did we get so lucky to be the ones that the others envy? We met, never thinking that we would, but here we are, bonded by the magic of love, held together with love stronger than diamonds.

59. The strong bond between husband and wife can be broken but never be defeated. Love can always be renewed with a kind word and a little apology.

60. When you are both in love, the bond between you is so strong. You go through good and bad together, and together you can overcome whatever challenge. So don’t be afraid to fight. Just remember to fight together.

61. The love for each other is evident. Like two peas in a pod or two matching gloves, they are both made special, and that’s what makes their bond so strong.

62. Soon, the day will come when the bond between you and your life companion will be put to the test. You’ll be happy because he’ll show how much he cares, and the love between you will grow.

63. I’ve never known anyone with a bond as strong as this. It’s sacred and strong like the roots of a tree and is a bond between you and me.

64. When you find that one you love, and they love you back, a bond is created, a bond of trust. Nothing can break the bond you’ve made except yourselves.

65. The bond between husband and wife in love is a rare thing, a sacred and beautiful thing. Many may try to enjoy it, but it won’t be enjoyed by all.

66. The connection between husband and wife and the love that they have for one another can be so strong and so deep that’s it’s unbreakable and unreachable by an external force.

67. I may not be the woman you first met, but I will love you till the day I die. Through thick and thin, we’ll always be together. And that’s because we have a bond every husband and wife should have.

68. What is it that I see? A bond between a husband and wife? Yes, it’s true. The bond that they share is a bond that can’t be broken — whether the sun falls on it.

69. A bond that’s forged with love is a bond that’s never broken, a bond that’s so sweet. That’s the bond that makes a marriage work.

70. The bond between a husband and wife who genuinely love themselves is stronger than the strongest bars prisoners have ever been behind.

71. We were two people in need of each other. I was broken; he was the glue. He glued me back together, and the bond is so strong I think that it’s unbreakable. And that’s also how the bond we share is!

72. We have a bond like no other, a bond so strong, a bond that’s eternal, a bond that can’t be torn. We’ll be together forever and ever.

73. A strong bond between husband and wife can be likened to a chain made of pure gold. It doesn’t rust. It’s not cold. It doesn’t bend. It doesn’t fold.

74. We’ve been through so much, but we’re getting stronger. The love we share is so pure and true. The bond between us will get us through.

75. When the bond between you and your wife is strong, you will stay together through thick and thin, and when you look back upon the past, all you’ll see is happiness and love.

76. When the bond between husband and wife is strong, there’s no boundary that it can’t achieve. Because the love between them makes them complete, and this love is as pure as an angel’s clothing.

77. A strong bond formed from love and trust and respect between lovers will never be severed by any external force. It can’t be broken by outside forces, only by an internal debate.

78. I feel the love between us and see it reflected in your eyes. I’m so glad I found you. You are my true love, my best friend. And I’ll do all I can to preserve this bond we share.

79. I’m married to the love of my life, and we have a bond between us so tight. I’ll never forget the day she came into my life, and I gave her my heart, and I’ll never regret it.

80. It’s a bond that’s stronger than life and so much more than a ring—the bond between husband and wife in love. It’s what makes two people one

81. A strong bond between a husband and wife is not measured by how they fight but by how hard they work to put their marriage right.

82. When you love a man, and he loves you back, It’s a bond that’s cast in stone, a bond that can’t be broken, a bond that will last for all eternity if fed well.

83. When you have a strong bond with someone, there is never any doubt that they’ll be there for you when you need them the most.

The bond between a husband and wife that crazy in love is not just an emotional bond. It’s a friendship worth holding onto. It is a bond more valuable than a country’s worth. It is a bond that is stronger than any glue.

84. The bond between husband and wife that really love themselves is a bond that is not easily broken. It takes a special kind of love to keep it alive, to keep them together.

85. An emotional bond unites the two of us—a bond that no one can sever, stronger than any material. I love you and will forever cherish you.

86. Love is a very special gift, a passion that’s very valuable. It’s a bond between husband and wife that is the most important.

87. I love it when you hold my hand and tell me you’re my wife. When we first met, I never thought that we could have an emotional bond so special and grand.

88. No words are enough to describe the bond between husband and wife. But to say that it is one of a kind, I can’t resist.

89. It’s easy to enjoy an emotional bond with a wife that’s kind, loving, sincere, understanding and forgiving.

90. Emotional bonding between husband and wife is like a bridge between two hearts. It is the glue, the cement, the mortar that keeps them together.

91. Do you know the secret of marriage? It’s about the emotional bonding between husband and wife. You see, your husband is the half your half should keep loving and making happy.

92. How to build an emotional connection between husband and wife? It’s simple, really. Let there be no lies, and don’t forget to say “I love you” every night.

93. In case you did not know, men and women are different from each other. To understand them better, know what they want and how. You need to understand them so you can build a good emotional bond with them.

94. Emotional bonding between husband and wife, guided by love and care and trust and dedication, is a good road to a beautiful bond of love.

95. A good emotional bond with my love is a source of joy in my life and in my family. Since I love my wife, and my wife loves me, my marriage is something I’ll gladly invest in.

96. We are made to belong to each other. We are happy when together. Together, we’ll always keep making our emotional bond stronger and sweeter.

97. Emotional bonding is all about being honest with each other and being willing to give something of yourself for the good of your relationship.

98. Without emotional bonding, couples are left with what’s called socializing. Instead of feeling like teammates and partners, they feel more like roommates and acquaintances.

99. When couples build strong emotional bonds, they create a sense of love and unity that lasts a lifetime.

100. Want to strengthen your emotional bond? Put in the effort. You need to be vulnerable and give of yourself.

101. True emotional bonding requires mutual trust, respect and vulnerability. Acknowledge your issues, and you’ll be rewarded with loyalty and commitment.

102. Emotional bonding is as much about being honest with each other as it is about being willing to put in the effort to make your relationship stronger.

103. Want to strengthen the emotional bond you share? Commit to being completely honest with each other and put your relationship before yourself.

104. When you are emotionally attached, you experience a deep sense of partnership – you are willing to give something of yourself for the good of your relationship.

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