Breaking Up With a Cheater Quotes

Cheating is not a small thing in any type of relationship, either romantic, friendship or business and summoning the courage to break up with a cheater too is not easy, and it is very painful, but it’s important for you to have peace subsequently in your life.

But like everything else in life, sometimes it takes great effort to get from point A to point B. But once you do make that leap of faith, there’s no going back. You can’t undo your life. So don’t cheat on yourself by continuing to stay in an unhealthy relationship with someone who doesn’t respect you or care about your feelings.

Also, do not forget that cheaters never change. So you shouldn’t keep going back to them on and on. You are worth better than them, and there are other faithful guys out there that will treat you more important than a cheater.

Therefore, think no further about the breakup and just use any of these breaking up with a cheater quotes to narrate to someone how it feels like to break up with a cheater.

Breaking up with a cheater is a hard thing to do. It’s even harder to do when you have children together. It’s even harder still when your partner has been unfaithful for years. The truth is that you are free from the cycle of lies and deceit when you break up with a cheater. Afterwards, you can take some time away from your relationship so that you can think clearly about what you want to do next.

1. When you break up with a cheater, you are letting go of someone who has lied to you, cheated on you and broken your trust.

2. If you are in a relationship that has been on the rocks for some time and you feel like you have tried everything to fix the problems in your relationship, it’s time to break up with that cheater who you thought is a lovely soul and friend.

3. It’s hard to break up with someone who has cheated. You might have spent months or years together and invested a lot of time, love and energy into the relationship.

4. Breaking up with a cheater can be very difficult. You might feel angry, hurt and confused. The best way to handle this situation is by being calm and collected.

5. Breaking up with a cheater can be an emotional roller coaster.

6. In planning to break up with a cheater, you may find yourself feeling shocked, angry, betrayed and sad all at once. You may feel like you’re going through the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

7. You’re confused about breaking up with the cheater because you don’t want to lose the person you love, but they’ve been unfaithful, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

8. Breaking up with a cheater feels like this person has hurt you more than anyone else ever could, and now it’s time to cut them out of your life completely.

9. You need to know that it is okay to break up with a cheater, and plenty of other people out there will be happy to have a relationship with someone like you who values loyalty above everything else.

10. It’s time to break up with your cheater friend. As much as you can’t stand what he is doing, it is not good for your mental health or your relationship with him.

11. In a business context, breaking up with a cheater early will save you much time and money. The more of your resources that you spend on dealing with a dishonest person, the less capacity you have to create something better.

12. The reality is that breaking up with a cheater friend is more than just saying you’re done with the relationship.

13. It’s time to break up with that cheater who said he/she would never cheat again but went back to his/her ex after just two weeks.

14. It’s time to break up with that cheater who said he/she will not leave me for anyone else but started dating someone new after six months.

15. It’s time to break up with that cheater who said he/she would wait for me until I was ready but went out with someone else while I was still confused about my feelings towards him/her.

16. Quitting the cheater is never an easy decision. But seeing your best interest at heart, it is.

17. There is never a good time to break up with a cheater. But in this case, there is no better time than now.

18. Having an affair is never pleasant, but breaking up with someone who has been unfaithful can be even worse.

19. If you break up with a cheater, everything becomes easier. Splitting up with a cheater in business will give you peace and time to focus on better things. No more lying, no more deceit, no more uncertainty — just relief, clarity and honesty.

20. Splitting up with a cheater is the best thing you can do for yourself. A relationship with anyone who has cheated on you is not healthy. You deserve so much better.

21. Splitting up with a cheater is the best thing that you can do for yourself. People who cheat on their partners will not change, so don’t waste your time.

22. Breaking up with a cheater is the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do. However, know that it is never too late to make a change when it comes to love. If you’re unhappy in your relationship, it’s okay to leave. You deserve better than someone who will cheat on you.

23. Splitting up with a cheater is the best thing you can do for yourself. You deserve to be with someone who values your relationship and treats you like a princess – which is how you deserve to be treated!

24. Breaking up with a cheater is the kindest thing you can do for yourself, your safety and your self-worth.

25. Only when you finally decide to cut the cord with a cheater can you truly begin to move forward and start living your life without that toxic presence.

26. Cheaters are bad news. If your partner has found someone else and wants to cheat on you, it is time for you to say goodbye.

27. In a relationship, you shouldn’t have to defend yourself against someone who doesn’t respect you. Remind yourself that the best thing that can happen to you is to break up with them.

28. Splitting up with a cheater in business will give you peace and time to focus on better things. You will be more productive, happier, and less stressed.

29. Splitting up with a cheater is the best thing you can do for yourself. Dump that loser and move on.

30. Splitting up with a cheater is the best thing you can do for yourself. Your ex-partner needs to be accountable for their actions, and they will remain toxic around you.

31. Splitting up with a cheater is the best thing you can do for yourself because it means you will no longer have to be hurt. You will be able to find tons of happiness and focus on rebuilding yourself after everything that has happened.

32. Breaking up with a cheater is the best thing you can do for yourself. It’s time to let go of all the negativity in your life and look forward to becoming the best version of yourself.

33. Breaking up with a cheater is hard enough without having to put up with any more of their annoying behaviour.

34. Whether you realize it or not, the actions of a cheater are affecting your state of happiness and making it difficult for you to thrive. So, breaking up with a cheater is simply the best.

35. Breaking up with a cheater is hard, but it’s the best thing you can do for yourself as a person.

36. Once you commit to cutting ties for good with that cheater, you’ll be freed from their toxic influence and open yourself up to meet someone new who respects and adores you for exactly who you are.

37. If you’re still in a relationship with a cheater, feeling confused and stuck, then it’s time to take action. Break up with him or her now – before things get even worse.

38. Ending a relationship with a cheater can be daunting and stressful. My split from my ex was painful, but it gave me the space I needed to focus on my career and move forward.

39. Take control of your life by ending the relationship as soon as possible by getting out of the relationship with a cheater.

40. You can feel happier and more satisfied by breaking up with a cheater. It allows you to move on and focus on better things. Most importantly, it will give you the peace of mind that you deserve in your relationship.

41. Breaking up with a cheater is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. But it’s inevitable. When you’re ready to end your relationship, it’s time to move on and find someone who will make you happy!

42. When it comes to breaking up with a person who has cheated on you, it can be incredibly difficult and confusing. If you’re ready to move on and move forward, here are 9 reasons why breaking up with a cheater is the right thing to do.

43. When you wait too long to leave a relationship with a cheater, it becomes easier for your life to fall apart. You can’t allow yourself to be tangled up in someone who doesn’t respect your precious time and energy by sticking around for them.

44. Don’t put off ending a relationship with a cheater. It can truly damage your self-esteem and make it harder for you to move on to better times.

45. If you are breaking up with a cheater, you might be feeling angry, confused and sad. You’ve trusted this person to be honest and open with you, but instead, they have been deceitful from the start or cheated on you during your relationship.

46. You shouldn’t have to give second chances to a cheater. Sometimes splitting up with a cheater will give you peace and time to focus on better things.

47. Breaking up with a cheater in business does not always have to be ugly. There are ways for you to come out of the relationship with your reputation and self-esteem intact.

48. Breaking up with a cheater gives you time to focus on yourself and build your self-confidence. When you’ve stopped worrying about your partner’s behaviour, you can focus on your studies or work and make better decisions for the future.

49. Breaking up with a cheating partner is one of the most difficult parts of the ordeal. If you are in love with someone who cheated on you, it’s probably incredibly difficult to get up the courage to do so. However, if this is the only way that you can regain your sanity and move on with your life, then it’s important to remember why it needs to happen.

50. Moving on from a cheating partner can be the most liberating thing you ever do. Everyone deserves to be loved and respected, but it’s also important to acknowledge if a relationship is no longer working.

51. If you are in a relationship with a cheater, realizing that you deserve better and wanting to cut ties will help you move on.

52. Splitting up with a cheater will give you peace and time to focus on better things. It may not be easy, but it’s better than staying in an abusive relationship.

53. Splitting up with a cheater will save you from the pain of betrayal and give you peace and time to focus on better things. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that a cheater can change or that they’ll stop cheating. They won’t! You know it, and I know it.

54. Splitting up with a cheater can be as difficult as it is liberating. You could find yourself going through all the different stages of grief after breaking up with an unfaithful partner, but there’s a silver lining: Once you’re done grieving, you’ll be left with peace and time to focus on other things — like yourself — that you might not have been able to do before.

55. When breaking up with a cheater, you’ll be able to focus on better things, and the lies will stop.

56. Breaking up with a cheater can be a painful process. However, if you have doubts about your relationship’s future, stick to your gut instinct and walk away. You deserve better than someone who will not give you their whole heart.

57. Breaking up with a cheater in business does not always have to be ugly. There are ways for you to come out of the relationship with your reputation and self-esteem intact.

58. Splitting up with a cheater in business will give you peace and time to focus on better things. Don’t take any crap from them. Just walk away as quickly as possible.

59. A cheater in business is more than a waste of time. It’s a violation of trust and a drain on your company. When you strike out with an employee who is cutting corners and breaking the rules, you feel like you’re going to lose everything. But cutting them loose will give you peace and time to focus on better things.

60. It’s important to spend time with people that bring out the best in you and want the best for you. In business, there will be times when it’s necessary to break up with your cheater. When you do this, you’re opening the door to new relationships that are going to fulfil your needs and help you grow faster.

61. Businesses are involved in cheater relationships that are harmful or draining. You might need to cut these relationships off in order to save your business.

I hope that from this collection of breaking up with a cheater quotes, you can see that there are more advantages to breaking up with that deceitful and cheating partner than continuing to profess love and deceiving yourself.

Feel free to share and leave comments below too, because I want to know your favourite quote.


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