Breaking Up With a Married Man Quotes

Getting into a relationship with a man who is “taken” is such a bad idea, and yet so many women do it. It is a known fact that married men are often looking for something that they can’t get from their wives. This may be a physical connection, emotional support, financial stability or simply an escape from the everyday routine of marriage.

And you can easily get caught up in the fantasy of a relationship with a married man. You can become so enamoured with the idea of having someone who wants you that you don’t think about anything else. But when it comes down to it, you have to remember that he has a wife and family who he loves and cares for. He made those commitments, and you shouldn’t expect him to break them because of what you want.

So, when you notice that the married man is not making any headway with divorcing his wife, you now think of breaking up with him and the feelings of guilt, sadness, anger, and pain are just some of the emotions that may accompany a break up with a married man.

That’s how it feels when breaking up with a married man, and the collection of breaking up with a married man quotes listed below are going to point out more about how it feels to break up with a married man.

Breaking up with a married man is never an easy decision to make. The moment you realize that there’s something about your partner that makes him unsuitable to be your significant other is the moment when trust issues begin to arise. So it takes a great deal of strength and courage to end it all when things are starting out.

1. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand. You may not hurt him, but he will certainly hurt you.

2. Breaking up with a married man is just right because the foundation is already shaky, it doesn’t take much to get it destroyed altogether, and you end up with nothing at all.

3. When you date a married man, you don’t get the whole package. You get good and bad, but it’s all wrapped up in a person who has made promises to another woman, which makes you break up with him.

4. Breaking up with a married man can be an emotional roller-coaster. It might not seem fair that he has someone to support him when you’re struggling, but there are ways to get through it.

5. Breaking up with a married man is one of the hardest things you can do. It is hard, but in the end, it is for the best.

6. Breaking up with a married man is never easy. It’s an emotional process and one that can end in hurt on both sides. When you’re faced with the decision to break up with a married man, it’s important to understand that you are looking out for your best interests first.

7. Breaking up with a married man is a lot more painful than breaking up with someone single.

8. Breaking up with a married man can be one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do. It’s not just about losing the person but also about feeling like you’ve lost your self-worth. If you’re that woman – maybe you thought he’d leave his wife for you and start a life together. Or maybe something went wrong, and things didn’t exactly go as planned. Either way, breaking up with a married man can make him feel worthless too.

9. Having an affair with a married man is not a joke. It is not right. It is against the law and breaks too many hearts, even if it ends well. There comes a time when we must let go of the fantasies, be they of happily ever after or just for a few more hot, steamy and self-serving nights.

10. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand. The foundation begins to break apart as soon as you begin work on it, and it may look strong from the outside, but inside, those cracks already exist.

11. Getting over a man that is married can be tough and very painful. There are a lot of emotions involved with these kinds of relationships, especially the fact that he is married and has probably been in this relationship for a long time. The married man can give you an impression of security and love, but it isn’t really there. People don’t like to think that they are being cheated on, especially by someone they love.

12. When you think about breaking up with a married man, it is difficult because you are sure you will lose him. You have done all the preparation for it, and you are ready to deal with the consequences. However, once you come to know that he was never so serious or ever took the relationship seriously, getting over the pain gets harder.

13. The bit of security and the hope that he will leave his wife for you is making it very difficult to break up with the man you love. But, realize that no matter how hard it is to get out of a bad relationship, one has to do it.

14. You have to realize that no matter what, having an affair with another man, especially a married man, will only affect one’s self. This kind of relationship is useless and not worth the effort with all the possible consequences. Yes, there’s heartache, but then, this terrible feeling is eventually replaced with a sense of relief.

15. Breaking up with a married man is like being on an emotional roller coaster. It’s painful, confusing and sad. The end of a relationship can be the beginning of something great if you take the time to figure out what you want from your life.

16. Breaking up with a married man is painful, but it can help you avoid long-term heartbreak. The best way to break up with him is to confront the situation head-on and proactively end the relationship. The sooner you do this, the better.

17. Breaking up with a married man is never easy. It will most likely cause you to feel guilty because some part of you knows that it’s wrong. You may wish that your relationship with this person could be put on hold until he divorces his wife or that he could end things with her so he could start fresh with you. Ending the relationship when it is discovered that he is married can cause tremendous stress and conflict in your life.

18. Dating and breaking up with a man that is taken is like knowing all along that the house is on the verge of collapsing. You can see it coming, smell the disaster, and yet you still stand by it because being there makes you feel safe. That’s how calling the relationship quits with a married man feels like.

19. Having a relationship with a married man is not only emotionally devastating but can be physically dangerous.

20. If you’re going to fall in love with someone who’s already in love with somebody else, then you need to wise up and accept that there are no happy endings here.

21. Breaking up with a married man is usually done through a mutual decision or because one person broke up with the other. Breakups can be very hard on both parties involved and can have long-lasting effects.

22. Breaking up with a married man is one of the most difficult things you will ever have to do. You may feel embarrassed and even guilty about the whole ordeal. It’s important not to take on that guilt or embarrassment because it’s not your fault he is married. Your feelings are valid no matter what

23. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand.

24. Breaking up with a married man is never easy. There are always feelings involved, and a few tears are shed.

25. Falling in love with a married man in the first place is an emotional roller-coaster. So, also is breaking up.

26. It is not easy to break a habit, especially if it has been around for a long time. But it’s never too late to change your life.

27. Breaking up with a married man can be like walking on broken glass, and the heartbreak of this experience will live with you forever.

28. Married men give a false sense of security to their lovers. It makes women think they have a chance, but they don’t. These men are just playing with your heart, and breaking up with your married man is the best thing to do now.

29. Breaking up with a married man is one of the most difficult love situations. It requires a lot of strength and willpower because you have to remind yourself that he is the married man who said he was single. Breaking up with a man who is dishonest eats away at your heart.

30. When you first fall in love with a married man, you are sure it will be safe and straightforward as there is no room for drama. The chances of him cheating on you while being taken care of by his wife seem quite close to zero. But this is a fallacy. A man loves his wife because he chose to be with her, even married her, so it’s better to just break up with him.

31. When you’re dating a married man, you’re not too sure how it will pan out. He might leave his wife for you – this is how he sometimes makes you feel. Be clear that nothing is permanent and that the ball is always in his court. So, it won’t be a bad idea to call it to quit with him.

32. Breaking up with a married man is tough and very painful because married men seem to give a bit of security. They want their woman all for themselves, leaving no room for anyone else. This is also why they don’t want to get a divorce. Their responsibilities make them fear losing control over you.

33. You will always have a broken heart and a heavy-laden soul, but it’s better to know that your happiness does not depend on someone else. It is better to be alone than to be in bad company.

34. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand. It’s very hard because it is built on nothing and so easily falls apart.

35. Breaking up with a married man is not only hard to break up with such a man but also difficult for him to accept.

36. It’s a big decision to break up with a married man. If you embark on a relationship with someone that already has a wife, you must be certain that you will want to continue the affair until they decide to leave their wife. It is important to know how much you are willing to sacrifice to be with this man. You need to realize that being involved with an unhappily married man is extremely painful and yet very rewarding as well.

37. When you are with a man who you know is married, the chances of getting into trouble are always present. To some people, this might be fun, but it is viewed as a necessary evil by the majority. Splitting ways is the best option.

38. Breakups with married men are so emotionally draining. Married men are perceived to be a source of financial security, as well as stability and a sense of familiarity. This perception can make it very difficult to leave a married man, despite unhappiness in the relationship.

39. It is hard to break up with a married man because it hurts to give up on the fantasy. Married men will tell you that they aren’t happy in their relationship and want something different or they need a break, but they will convince you that they will be coming back to you eventually.

40. You will always have a broken heart and a heavy-laden soul, but it’s better to know that your happiness does not depend on someone else. It is better to be alone than to be in bad company.

41. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand. It’s very hard because it is built on nothing and so easily falls apart.

42. Breaking up with a married man is not only hard, but it also is difficult for him to accept this fact.

43. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand. You will have to work your ass off just to end up with nothing in return.

44. Break up with a married man because you are not going to be the one to end his marriage.

45. You are sure that your relationship with the married man will collapse, but you ignored it. Then, one day you get a call from someone telling you that there was a crack in the floor – and now he’s gone.

46. Breaking up with a married man is like breaking down a house that has been built on sand. After you spend your life building it and putting all your energy and love, it crumbles.

47. The hardest part about breaking up with a married man is that your entire relationship was based upon a lie.

48. Breaking up with a married man is difficult. The hardest part is that your entire relationship was based upon a fallacy.

49. It takes a lot of courage to release the married man who is familiar and seemingly secure to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement, there is life, and in change, there is power.

50. When breaking up with a married man, it is important to focus on the future and not dwell on the past.

51. The truth about the relationship was out there from the beginning. You knew he was married, but you ignored the warning signs anyway. There’s no way to sugarcoat those ugly facts or make them disappear.

52. You want to get rid of this feeling but realize that you don’t know how. There are plenty of reasons why it’s easy to fall in love with someone who’s already taken – they’re fun, exciting and devoted to you. But there are also more than a few ways you’ll get hurt.

Welcome to the end of this collection. I am so sure you are already feeling the pain of breaking up with that married man because these breaking up with a married man quotes above were so blunt and are the plain truth which makes it more difficult. So, do not hesitate to speak the whole truth in that kind of relationship.

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