Breakup Advice Quotes – Motivation and Love

When a relationship ends, it can be difficult to know what to say. There are many different ways to handle that person in the moment and throughout the process of getting over their ex-partners. You don’t have to be a therapist or counsellor to help someone during a breakup. If you’re worried about a friend or family member going through one breakup, it is a normal instinct sometimes to want to give them some helpful advice.

You can be supportive and kind in times like this breakup period, but don’t try to fix them up with other people or tell them how they should feel because everyone reacts differently after a breakup.

Sending your love and support through words of encouragement, hugs and even through your presence is worth it, because breakups are usually tough. They’re hard to get over, and they can be even harder to talk about. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the best breakup advice quotes that will help you through this difficult time. So, you should take a look at these breakup advice quotes below and choose from them to offer that person going through a breakup.

I want you to know that you are more than worth it! I believe you can make it through this because there will be a better time. But this time, instead of taking it out on others, take it out on yourself. Be angry and cry if you need to; get the tears out. Release all your emotions so that you can use them to pull yourself up by your bootstraps in better times.

1. Breakups can be one of the most painful experiences in life. People often feel angry, sad, guilty, or confused when they go through a breakup. However, with time, you will learn to move on.

2. The best way to deal with a breakup is to accept it and move on as quickly as possible.

3. Don’t waste time on things that don’t make you happy. Sometimes in life, we have to let go of the past and open our hearts to new opportunities. We all want someone who will love us for who we truly are. When it comes to destiny, there can be no certainty — only hope, hard work, and faith.

4. The hardest thing about a breakup is trying to move on. You will feel some loss, but don’t let it consume you. And remember, there’s always the possibility of another love story in your future.

5. When going through a breakup, it’s important to surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up and remind you that life improves.

6. When you’re experiencing a breakup, avoid being too hard on yourself. It’s never easy to let go of someone you love, but it is necessary.

7. It’s okay to let the breakup pass and move on. Change your mindset and become a better person because of it.

8. You have to let go of the relationship, but you can’t exactly forget about it. That’s why you must put in the work and keep trying new things to keep your mind off it.

9. Remember that both of you are human when your relationship is going through a rough patch. And humans make mistakes.

10. Let the pain in your heart guide you on your way. It’s going to be okay.

11. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Always seek out friends and family who will listen, love you, and make you laugh.

12. You’ll make it through the storm. You’re strong enough to fight through this.

13. It’s okay to be sad, angry and confused—just don’t stay there. When you do, you just end up like a piece of broken pottery.

14. Don’t ask why things happen; just know that everything happens for a reason, and that reason is always good!

15. You and your ex were never meant to be together. You can always find someone better, happier, and more suited for you. So don’t waste another moment feeling sorry for yourself. Move on, take a deep breath and move forward!

16. Breakups are hard. But you’ll get there. Just take it one day at a time.

17. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to doubt whether or not you have done everything right. But don’t give up and move on by yourself.

18. Don’t waste time being upset. There is no point in getting attached to someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you.

19. You need to be brave and unapologetic about the process. Acknowledge it, and stop blaming yourself or worrying that you’re not being “strong” or “mature” enough. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.

20. Don’t give up on your relationship; try to learn from it and move forward.

21. You’re not alone. You’re a strong, beautiful woman with a heart that can love one day again.

22. You’re not alone. There is a light at the end of this tunnel—a new love, a new relationship, or even a new you.

23. We all go through these situations. Embrace being single and enjoy the freedom that comes with it. Don’t let other people’s opinions get to you. Your own opinion is more important!

24. It’s hard to get over someone you love so much. But it’s time to move on; the sooner you do, the better.

25. Don’t forget to look up. Sometimes the brightest light is found in the darkest place.

26. When things don’t go your way, it’s okay to take a step back and figure out what went wrong.

27. You deserve someone who will give you more than you thought was possible.

28. Breakups are never easy, but when you’re ready to start moving on, there’s one thing you can do: let go.

29. It’s okay to feel sad for a while, but don’t stay there long. Don’t let the pain stop you from moving forward in your life.

30. If you are going through a love breakup, the best thing you can do is to take a deep breath and listen to what your heart is telling you.

31. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.

32. You’re not alone. Don’t worry about what people think. You have your reasons, and you can find someone who will understand them. Just keep moving forward.

33. You will find the strength you need to walk away when you know that they do not deserve your time and attention anymore.

34. Breakups are hard. But being single isn’t the end of the world for anyone. It simply means you’re creating a new chapter in your life, and that’s okay.

35. Don’t let yourself fall into the pit of depression. There are still people out there who love you and want to be in your life.

36. One of the worst feelings of a human being is getting dumped. So remember this, whether you’ve been dumped or are getting dumped, know that it’s natural to feel bad and want to cuddle with your pillow for a few days. But know that you will get over it, the world won’t stop spinning, and no one can take away how much you love that person.

37. Being in a relationship can be frustrating, but it’s only because we’re human. That doesn’t mean you have to give up on love—just try and find someone who loves your flaws as much as they love your best features and work through things together.

38. It’s okay to feel sad and confused. Remember that there are people who care about you, and remember- you will be okay.

39. Don’t give up. Sometimes, it’s just going to take time. Take some time to heal and trust that things will get better.

40. It’s okay to feel sad, angry and lonely. But don’t stay that way. Move on and try to find the best version of yourself in the future.

41. It’s okay to feel sad, angry and lonely for a little while. But remember this one thing: You’re not alone.

42. Don’t give up. Hope is what you need to get you through the toughest times and keep you moving forward.

43. There is nothing wrong with being a little sad. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be angry, and it’s okay to feel the heartbreak of loss. But you must fight for your happiness after a breakup. You must fight for love and have hope that you can find someone who will treat you better than the last person did.

44. When a relationship ends, moving on is not always easy. But when you do, there’s nothing better than the feeling of being free—of letting go of the past and of having a new path forward.

45. Don’t get discouraged. It’s never too late to pick up the pieces of your life and try again.

46. Don’t lose yourself in the past. You’ll find happiness again, in this moment and tomorrow. Forget about yesterday and focus on today.

47. It’s okay to feel lost and confused. You’ll find your way back to your happy self soon.

48. You can’t fix what doesn’t need to be fixed. You have to choose the path in front of you, not behind.

49. Breakups are hard to navigate. They’re like a maze, and sometimes you don’t know exactly where to go next. But don’t give up just yet. Get yourself out of this maze and back on your path to happiness.

50. There will be so many mixed feelings going on when you’re dealing with a breakup. Try to take it easy and not stay up all night thinking about what went wrong. Only focus on how you can change things in your relationship.

51. It’s never easy to go through a breakup, but it’s important to take the time to heal and make sure you’re ready for a new relationship.

52. When a relationship has ended, it’s normal to feel lost and confused. No matter what happens, it’s important to take time to heal and decide what you want next in your life.

53. Getting caught up in the “why” of things is easy. The best way to move on is to focus on yourself and what you want for your future.

54. It is not easy to be in a relationship, especially during a breakup. Sometimes, you want to hear words of encouragement from someone who has been there before, so here are some breakup advice quotes that will help you get through your breakup.

55. You must be willing to walk away from anyone else’s thoughts. You have to be willing to accept rejection by the person you love most. And if they leave you? Well, then you pick yourself back up and move on.

56. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. If it’s not, then it won’t happen. All we can do is live our lives and make the best choices we can make at the time with what information we have at hand. If someone doesn’t love you back, then they don’t deserve your love.”

57. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. If it’s not, then it won’t happen. All we can do is live our lives and make the best choices we can make at the time with what information we have at hand. You can’t control other people; you can only control yourself – so choose wisely.

58. Love is blind and makes you stupid. You can’t see the bad side of the person. But when it ends, you find out how terrible they are.

59. It’s time to let go. Let go of whatever is holding you back so you can move forward and live a fuller and happier life. The only way free from the past is through acceptance and forgiveness.

60. When you are going through a breakup, it’s okay to feel upset. It really is. And when someone you love ends the relationship, it’s also okay to hurt and be angry. But here’s the thing: no one ever said it was supposed to be easy! But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep going forward with your life.

61. If it’s meant to be, then it will happen. If not, it won’t. All we can do is live our lives and make the best choices we can at the time with what information we have at hand.

62. Everybody has to live with the choices they make. And sometimes, you have to accept that no matter what happens, you can’t control everything. Just take things one day at a time, and hope for the best.

63. Your heart will tell you what to do and what decision to make. Sometimes, it’s better to end things before they get really bad and when both parties know that there needs to be a change.

64. When you find someone you truly love, it’s a wonderful thing…but when that love starts to die, it can be one of the worst experiences in life.

65. When someone breaks up with you, it can feel like the entire world ends. But with time, you’ll get over it, just like your parents got over their own breakups when they were younger, and just like one day your children will get over the fact that you and their other parent are no longer together.

66. Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.

67. You have to let your mistakes go. You can’t carry them forever. It’s important to forgive yourself for your mistakes and let them go. Holding on to it will only hurt you more in the end.

68. We all go through difficult times in our relationships. Sometimes you can’t keep going the same way, and it is time to change the rules. It may seem scary, but it doesn’t always have to be a disaster. Breakups are painful but remember that you deserve better than what you are feeling right now, and there are people who will love you for who you are!

69. It takes a lot of courage to leave someone who isn’t treating you right or to just walk away when it seems that no one else will love you. Sometimes we have to end relationships because they aren’t good for us, and that’s okay! We deserve to be happy, even if, at first, it seems impossible.

70. Always remember that you have to choose the right person and not just anyone who can fill the void. If it doesn’t feel right, you are probably not in the right place with that person, or they aren’t the right person for you. Remember, you won’t find true love, only loss, because when true love enters your life, it will never leave.

71. Just because you don’t love someone doesn’t mean they aren’t worth loving. You deserve to be with someone who makes you feel like the most valuable thing in the world. If you aren’t feeling like that, you shouldn’t force it. It’s just not worth it.

72. Someone who loves you for who you are will never make you feel like you need to change. You might love and care about them, but if he can’t accept or respect you for who you are, it isn’t meant to be.

73. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, it was meant to be. If they don’t, their love was never yours, to begin with.

74. I’ve learned that you can never start knowing someone well enough to know exactly what will make them happy. Sometimes, it’s not enough, even when you try your best and show how much love and care you have.

75. Breaking up is really hard. There are no rules about how it should be done. All you can do is try to let it happen naturally and not let your pride get in the way.

76. Don’t be so worried about what people are going to think of you. It doesn’t matter because if they don’t approve of your choice in love, then they aren’t worth knowing anyway. And if they do approve, then great, but either way, it doesn’t matter because you are the only person who decides what the right thing for you is.

77. When someone isn’t treating you right, just let them go. Don’t worry about what they’re doing or where they are because they aren’t worth it.

78. If something is meant to happen, it will happen; but keep looking for it till it does. If it’s not meant to happen, then nothing can force it.

79. We’re all in this together. I know you want to be happy and healthy. You are worth it, no matter how long it takes.

80. If you want to stay friends with your ex, I suggest that you try and remember the good times and forget about the bad ones. Then, make sure you don’t remind them of any bad memories!

81. Sometimes, when we break up with someone, we want them to miss us as much as we miss them. But if they’re not missing us at all, that means they don’t love us anymore.

82. The best thing about a breakup is knowing that it wasn’t meant to be, and that there is someone better out there for us somewhere else!

83. If you’re going through a breakup right now, just remember that tomorrow will be a better day than today!

84. Sometimes, things just don’t work out the way we want them to. We can either give up or fight for what we want. If you’re fighting for something that seems impossible, remember that the only way to get what you want is by fighting for it.

85. If you’re in a relationship with someone who constantly puts you down or makes you feel bad about yourself, don’t waste your time trying to change them — they’ll never be able to change, and they don’t deserve your love anyway.

86. Don’t give up on love just because one person didn’t work out; plenty of people will appreciate you for who you are. Don’t give up until you find someone who truly deserves your love.

87. When someone isn’t treating you right, just let them go. Don’t worry about what they’re doing or where they are because they aren’t worth it.

88. If something is meant to happen, it will happen; but keep looking for it till it does. If it’s not meant to happen, then nothing can force it.

89. Don’t ask why things happen; just know that everything happens for a reason, and that reason is always good!

90. If you want to stay friends with your ex, I suggest that you try and remember the good times and forget about the bad ones. Then, make sure you don’t remind them of any bad memories!

91. Sometimes, when we break up with someone, we want them to miss us as much as we miss them. But if they’re not missing us at all, then that means they don’t love us anymore.

92. The best thing about a breakup is knowing that it wasn’t meant to be, and that there is someone better out there for us somewhere else.

93. If you’re going through a breakup right now, just remember that tomorrow will be a better day than today.

94. Sometimes, things just don’t work out the way we want them to. We can either give up or fight for what we want. If you’re fighting for something that seems impossible, remember that the only way to get what you want is by fighting for it.

95. If you’re in a relationship with someone who constantly puts you down or makes you feel bad about yourself, don’t waste your time trying to change them — they’ll never be able to change, and they don’t deserve your love anyway.

96. Breakups suck, but you’ll get there. Just take it one day at a time, and everything will work out.

97. When you’ve been dating someone for a while, and they finally break up with you, it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in limbo. Don’t worry—you’ll get there. Just take it one day at a time.

98. You’ll get there; just take it one day at a time. Don’t forget that you have friends who will be here for you.

99. Life gets tough. Breakups happen. It’s okay to feel sad, and it’s okay to take time to process your emotions. Just remember you’ll get there, one day at a time.

100. The changes you’re going through are tough, and the echo of broken hearts is loud. But remember that it gets better.

101. Don’t give up on your love. Even when it feels like everything has gone wrong, you’ll get there in the end.

102. It’s hard to move on when there are still feelings of guilt and sadness, but you’ll get there.

103. Sometimes the hardest part isn’t just moving forward—it’s also remembering to start.

I hope you found the best breakup advice from the list of the above-mentioned breakup advice quotes above. You can tweak any to fit into the breakup situation. Also, do not hesitate to hit the share button and leave comments below.

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