Build Your Future Quotes – Motivation and Love

Your past is gone, and all that’s left of it are memories. Your present is here, and of course, you should live in it. But there’s something else — your future.

How do you want it to be? What do you want to be in it? These are based on what you do right now. We are advised to build our own future. Ours, and not that of another person.

You are in a position to build the future that will be best for you. No other person can build such an amazing future for you.

These quotes are about building your own future. How to do it, what happens when you do it, why you should do it and more make up the content of these quotes.

So dive into these build your future quotes to remind yourself about how you can and why you should do it, among other things.

Don’t wait for someone else to give you the future you deserve. It’s up to you to build your own future by yourself and make it the greatest one ever by taking risks and believing in yourself. Choose to build your future today, and never change your mind.

1. Your future will not come as a gift. You’ll build it by yourself. You have to work for it, invest in it and protect it.

2. You can build a lovely future for yourself by yourself. You just need a great plan and a strong support system.

3. Do something! Don’t let the dreams of your future remain dreams. Make plans and carry them out. Build your future.

4. You are responsible for your future, and you should build it. Don’t wait for others to do it for you.

5. Don’t let the fear of starting stop you. Build your future and become the person you want to be.

6. You have your own future to build. Some things take time, but everything worth having takes a little effort.

7. Don’t let your past or what others have to say hold you back. You can build your future, so get on with it.

8. Your future is worth all you’ll do to build it yourself. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you.

9. Don’t let anyone make you feel small. Don’t let anyone stop you. You have a future to build and a new story to create. Get on with it.

10. Do you want to build your future? Don’t wait for anyone to help you or give you a hand. Get up, and start now.

11. The decision to build your own future is one of the most empowering decisions you can make. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.

12. Building your future is not a one-time action. It’s a lifestyle.

13. You stay strong, you build your future, and you never let anyone do that for you.

14. The best time to start building your future by yourself was when you started reading this quote. The second best time is now.

15. Don’t worry about being alone or struggling. Just get up and build your future!

16. Whether you are young or old, healthy or sick, rich or poor, build your future by yourself.

17. Building your own future is a journey you must go on by yourself. Don’t wait for someone else to help you. Just begin.

18. It takes time, sweat and hard work to build your future. It’s scary to think about, but you’ll enjoy the process.

19. You can’t wait for things happening to determine your future. You’ve got the best tools to build it. Start building today.

20. Building your future is not just about getting a degree or finding a job. It’s knowing what you want and going for it.

21. It’s not only about wanting to build your own future; it’s also about how hard you work.

22. Don’t settle for the life you have been forced to live. Focus on your own future and build it.

23. Don’t wait around for someone else to build your future. You are in charge of it now.

24. Your happiest future is not the one others build for you. The happiest people are the ones who build their futures on their own.

25. You’ve got what it takes to do amazing things. Start by building your future.

26. You are the one who has the power to build your future. No one can build the future of your dreams for you, not even your parents and friends. You have to take charge, step up and make it happen.

27. You are the best person to build your future. Start doing it now if you want happiness in the future.

28. You are the architect of your own future. Make it beautiful, building it one brick at a time.

29. You don’t have to be richer to build a lovely future. You just need courage, commitment and determination to do what you want for yourself.

30. Building your future is something that you can do. You’ll get started on the path of success when you accept that.

31. Build your future. You can build the life you dream of and the career you deserve and do more than you know.

32. The two things you must do are believe in yourself and build your future.

33. Playing an active role in building the future is what you must do if you want to enjoy it.

34. Self-made men and women are those who love their lives the most, not those who rely on others to build their futures. Build your future by yourself.

35. Building your future by yourself is the only sure way to live your life the way you want to.

36. We live in a time when being self-made is celebrated. Dream big, but make sure you’re also ready to take your life by the reins and make your future happen!

37. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from trying to build your future. You’re capable of so much more than you think!

38. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from investing time and resources to build your future. Your future needs you.

39. Today is a good day to stop waiting for someone else to do the work for you and start building your own future.

40. Building your future isn’t as scary as it seems. It’s a lot of hard work, but there are also a lot of rewards, even along the journey. You’ll feel like you’re living life on your own terms when you build your future.

41. The only person you’re responsible for is yourself. You’ve got to start building your own future.

42. Building your own future is the best way to build a life you will love.

43. Don’t wait for someone to give you the privilege of having a beautiful future. Create one yourself, with or without help or permission from anyone.

44. Start building your future right now. Don’t go to bed tonight if you haven’t decided to take control of your life.

45. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t build your own future. You know better than anyone else in the world what you can do.

46. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not possible to build your future by yourself. It is, and it’s so much more rewarding than waiting for someone else to do it for you.

47. Build your future by yourself. Build it, and you’ll be happy. Build it the way you feel is right, not in a way that only makes other people happy.

48. The best way to prepare for the future is to build one you will love.

49. We all have the power to create our future. We have to work hard, never lose sight of the future and not let fear of failure stop us from reaching our goals. You can create yours!

50. You can’t wait for someone to give you your future. You have to create it yourself.

Build your own future. Build up your dreams. Build your business. Build by yourself. You’ll be prouder of it because you worked hard to make it happen. As you build your future, know that it can be harder than you think it will be. And that’s okay.

51. You have the opportunity to decide what your own future will look like. Make the most of it!

52. You are the only one who has a say in your own future. Don’t let anyone tell you what it should be or how it should look.

53. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t build your own future to your taste. Also, don’t be afraid of taking the first step.

54. Building your own future means you have to be willing to take risks, make mistakes, and try new things. Do it anyway.

55. You are not just a child of this world. You are the one who should build your own future.

56. Your own future is best built by you. Don’t wait for another person to do it for you. Believe in yourself and start building.

57. Your future is not only a product of circumstances but also of what you do about it. Be active in building your future.

58. Don’t let other people build your future. You are the only one who should build it. Others can help you along the way, but it’s your job to build it by yourself.

59. If you want to be happy and successful in life, then you need to build your own future. Don’t wait for someone else to put in the work for you. Do it yourself.

60. Building your future is not someone else’s job; it’s yours. Don’t wait for anyone. Just begin!

61. You were meant to do amazing things and build your own future. No one should build it except you.

62. You have to build your own future. It’s not going to be handed to you. It will take time, effort and a lot of hard work.

63. The best way to build your own future is to build it the way you want. The worst way? By letting others control it for you.

64. You are the one who should build your own future. Put in some hard work, dedication and self-discipline, and get that future.

65. Make the choice to build your own future. You can’t build a future by waiting for someone to do it for you. Be active.

66. Building your future is important because if you don’t, you’ll spend the rest of your life watching those who did.

67. You can never go wrong by trying to build your own future by yourself.

68. You don’t have to wait for someone else to build your own future. You can do it, so get started!

69. You’re the only one who can build your future. Show up and do it.

70. When you are involved in building your future, you get to decide how it looks.

71. You can’t build your own future based on what others want. You have to create it to satisfy yourself.

72. You can build a better future for yourself by taking the risk of doing it and by starting now.

73. You must build your own future. Don’t wait for it to be built for you.

74. It’s always better to create your own future than have someone else do it for you.

75. You don’t have to wait for other people to build your future, not even your family. You can build your future by yourself, and you will find that it’s more fun than you ever thought it could be.

76. You will have to answer for what you have done, not what others have done to you. Start building your future.

77. You don’t need anyone’s permission to build a future. You just need to want to build it and put in the work. Make it happen.

78. You’ll be happier if you build your own future rather than wait for others and things you can’t control to build for you.

79. In your own hands are the tools to build your own future. If you want a lovely future, go for it.

80. You can build your own future. You are stronger than any adversity and faster than any obstacle that stands between you and your desired future.

81. What you build is what you have. Embrace your role as the architect of your own future.

82. You must have a dream, and you need to build your future by yourself. With wisdom, you can do it! You can get your dream life if you are willing to work hard!

83. Don’t wait for someone else to come along and make your future what you think it should be. Do it yourself and start doing it now.

84. Don’t let anyone tell you how to build your future. You are capable of building your own future by yourself.

85. There’s no one better to build your own future than you. Stop waiting for someone else. Do it yourself and start now.

86. The only way to get the future of your dreams is by working for it, not waiting around for someone else to give it to you.

87. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t build your own future. Let the knowledge that you’re doing what’s right for you makes you strong and motivated.

88. You are spending your life building other people’s futures. What about building our own?

89. Build your own future. Build yourself. Build your dreams. Build what you want and who you want to be.

90. The story of your future can start with what you choose to do today. Build your own future by setting goals and staying focused on them.

91. Don’t just survive. Enjoy the present and work on your own future by yourself.

92. You don’t need someone else to build your future. You can do it with what you have.

93. If you want a future you’ll love, you must make sure no one builds it for you. Build your own future by yourself!

94. Don’t wait for somebody to build your future. Build it yourself by focusing on your own abilities, talents and strengths and putting the work in.

95. You don’t need to be great at everything to have a beautiful future. Build your own future today with what you have.

96. Your future is not handed down to you. It’s something you build by yourself.

97. Building your future by yourself means you’ll be happier. That simple.

98. You build your own future by deciding what you want, working really hard toward it and then trusting the rest to take care of itself.

99. If you’re not building your future, someone else is, and you’re not the priority.

100. Your future is yours to build. It doesn’t belong in another’s hands. No one should tell you otherwise.

101. Invest so much in building your own future. It’s never too late to start.

102. You have the power to create your own future. No other person in the billions on earth has it.

Over a hundred beautiful build your future quotes for you! What else could you want? Use them to encourage others to build theirs.

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