Building Friendship Quotes – Motivation and Love

 whether we realize it or not. Friendship, in all of its many forms and varieties, often brings us the most joy and happiness in life. And that’s not to mention the many connections and bonds we make with friends that can last a lifetime.

Friendship is a short-hand term for companionship, affiliation, mutual understanding and shared experience. But it’s more complex than that. A true friendship requires you to commit yourself and invest in not just the good but also the bad times. Be genuine, say sincere words, express gratitude, and treat people how you want to be treated. These are some of the best secrets to building friendships.

Do you want to build true and meaningful friendships? Here’s a collection of building friendship quotes to take you a step closer to finally achieving the kind of friends that you’ve always wanted.

When you build friendships, they are always there to support you through good times and bad. They’re always there when you need a little extra energy to get through another day of school. They’re always there for you when life gets hard, and never forget that as long as your friends are around, life is never boring.

1. Building friendship is like putting together a puzzle. You can’t do it alone. The more people you put into the puzzle, the more pieces there are for you to enjoy.

2. Building friendships is like climbing a mountain. The higher you go, the steeper it gets, but you’re so happy to be there at the end of it all.

3. Building a friendship is like constructing a strong tower. The foundation is laid with lots of small, simple acts of kindness. It starts with a conversation, sharing experiences and building trust.

4. Building a good friendship is like building a pyramid. You start with two people, and by the time you’re done, there’s someone working for you—and that person is probably your friend.

5. Being a true friend requires loyalty, understanding, and sacrifice. It’s about treating others well and respecting what’s important to them. When that bond is strong, you’ll both be happier.

6. Friendship is more than just sharing the same interests. It’s about caring for each other’s well-being and knowing when to be there.

7. Friendship isn’t based on looks, hairstyle and clothes. It’s based on being there for each other, supporting and loving each other.

8. Friendship is magic. It’s like a warm blanket that you can wrap around yourself and fall asleep on. When you wake up, it’s still there—you just feel cozier.

9. The best way to build meaningful friendships is to open up, talk, and laugh with people you meet along the way.

10. Building a good friendship is a great thing. It can alter your life in ways you could never have imagined for the better.

11. Friendship is about the little things, shared interests and common goals. It’s easy to build friendships with people who don’t necessarily live in our world, but they get it—we’re just different people.

12. Friendship is like a cactus. It takes a lot of pruning to keep it healthy and beautiful.

13. Building friendships is like building a house. You don’t get to choose your neighbours, but you can choose your foundation and make sure it’s solid.

14. Friendship is like a sweater; it takes time to mould. Well-crafted friendships are one of life’s most valuable possessions; we should cultivate them whenever we can!

15. Friendship is an amazing experience that enriches our lives with happiness, warmth and joy. Friendship may take some time to cultivate, but the rewards you receive are worth waiting for.

16. Building friendships is like putting together a puzzle. You can’t rush it, you can’t plan it, and you have to take your time, but it’s worth the wait.

17. Friendship isn’t something you find; it’s something you build with those who have your back and make you better.

18. When you build friendships, it’s not about being the best at something. It’s building a group of people who matter and know what’s important to you.

19. Relationships are the foundation of good health, happiness and success. Our friends can make all the difference in how we live our lives.

20. When you choose to build meaningful friendships, you end up with a lot more than a few good friends.

21. Building friendship is a journey. It’s not an accomplishment but rather the process of growing and learning from others. When you stop to appreciate the relationships in your life, you’ll be surprised at how much more there is to learn about the people in your life.

22. Friendships are built when you share common interests and values, so surround yourself with people who inspire you.

23. Building friendships is like climbing a ladder. You have to work hard to get where you want to be. But when you reach the top of the ladder, you can see how far you’ve come and how much farther there is still to go.

24. You can’t build a friendship on a broken trust. Let’s build our friendship on the foundation of love and understanding.

25. The true measure of friendship is not how often you spend time together but how faithful you are when you need support.

26. Building a good friendship is like building a really strong relationship with a really good friend.

27. Building good friendships takes hard work and commitment. You must be willing to listen and try to connect with others. Find fun things to do together, whether a night in or grabbing coffee.

28. Building solid friendships takes work. Be a good friend and get to know them outside your group of mutual friends. Hang out whenever you can.

29. Finding new best friends is hard. But you already know what it takes: focus and effort. Focus on making an effort to connect with people, even if they’re not your usual type. Have fun!

30. Building great friendship takes a lot of work. But when you spend time in meaningful ways, it becomes easier for you and others to fulfil your needs and wants.

31. Building a good friendship is like playing a game of Jenga. It takes patience, trust, and the right amount of brute force to make it push through.

32. Good friendships are like the air we breathe—they can’t be defined by their length or size but by the fact that they make us feel good.

33. When you build lasting friendships, you’re building something real. Be kind to others because kindness is a return on investment.

34. Building a friendship is like building a house of cards. It’s not easy to put them all together, but once you do, it holds on strong and stays strong for a lifetime.

35. Building good friendships takes time. But you can’t rush those moments that make a difference between being alone or not.

36. When you build friendships, you are building dreams, wishes and dreams for tomorrow. Make sure you cherish every moment of your friendship with people who have made a difference in your life.

37. Friendship is a choice. A decision to always have someone around you for a laugh, support and love.

38. Friendship is like a hand-holding marathon. It’s much more rewarding when you have someone there to help you when things go down, but you’re still holding hands even if that person isn’t around.

39. When you build a friendship, it’s not just about the words. It’s about the actions, thoughts and feelings of others.

40. Building friendships is a beautiful thing. It builds you up, teaches you new things and brings about a lot of knowledge. It’s all about realizing the intrinsic value of another person and learning to appreciate that person for who they are.

41. Building a good friendship is like planting a seed. You will see it grow and flourish into something much more beautiful every day.

42. Building a friendship takes time, patience and, most of all, trust. You can build a friendship even if you’re miles apart.

43. Friendship isn’t about having similar interests; it’s about having the courage to go out of your comfort zone and do things you might’ve never done before because you know it will make someone else happy.

44. Building friendships is like building a snowman. It takes time, but it will always be there for you if you keep at it.

45. Friendship is the glue that bonds people together. It’s what holds communities and societies together. It is a feeling of care and support for those around you. It is important to be mindful of how to build friendships because when they are built with kindness, love and fun, they can last a lifetime.

46. Building good friendships is like a puzzle. You start with one piece, add another, and soon you have a full set.

47. When you build a friendship, you’re not only building two people’s lives but also the world around them. It’s a simple, beautiful thing to do.

48. Friends are the family we choose and the memories we build with them. Friendship is the hardest thing to build, but it’s the most rewarding when it goes right.

49. When two or more people build friendships, they create something bigger than the sum of their parts. When you build a good friendship, you’ll find that you have more in common.

50. Building a friendship is like putting together a puzzle. You start by joining two (or more) people who want to make something happen, and you keep doing it until you have made something lasting and beautiful.

51. Building friendship takes time and a lot of effort. But when you do, you have something much more important than just a person.

52. Building friendships is like saving money. You don’t make much at first, but eventually, it adds up.

53. Building a friendship takes work. It’s a commitment but also something that will bring you closer together as time goes on.

54. Friendship is built on sharing and knowing each other’s hearts. If you have a friend, I believe friendship is built on more than just being able to have fun together.

55. Friendship is the most magical thing that happens when two people choose to take the time out of their day to show love to another person.

56. The best way to make a new friend is to have someone with whom you can talk about things that interest you.

57. Friendship is a journey, not a destination. There will be times there will be disputes and arguments, but it is about celebrating those moments and being grateful for each other’s friendship.

58. Friendship is a constant learning experience. There are lessons to be learned, moments to enjoy, and new surprises around every corner. Let’s build the next great friendship.

59. Building friendship isn’t about finding someone with whom you have a lot in common or by trying to memorize the exact words to say at the perfect time. It’s about learning to listen, knowing when to speak up, and being there for one another when necessary.

60. If you want to build a friendship, say hello to someone you see every day but don’t know. Confess your crush by saying, “I like how kind and funny you are,” and be a great friend when your pal needs someone to talk to.

61. There’s nothing like getting together with friends and coming up with new ideas. It’s a sharing of experiences and knowledge which makes friendships stronger.

62. Building friendships is the hardest thing in the world. But once you get started, it’s easier than you think.

63. Friendship isn’t about finding someone who looks like you or has the same interests. It’s about helping each other find the other person before they’ve even existed.

64. Friendship is about tolerance, compromise and putting the other person’s needs before your own. It’s about being there for them when they need you, too. Doing these things will surely build strong and long-lasting friendships with people who truly care.

65. Friendship is a treasure. Make sure to build and maintain it so you can enjoy the benefits of having friends throughout your life.

66. Friendship is among the most special relationships in your life. It’s important that you develop a strong friendships with others, especially if you want to have people to help you out during hard times.

67. Building a friendship is an inherently collaborative process. When you’re both focused on the same goal, there’s no better feeling than knowing that you’re both working towards the same end.

68. One of the best things about friendship is that it doesn’t just give you good times. It also challenges you and pushes you to grow and make better decisions.

69. Friendship is a two-way street. You give to the other person; they give back to you. And it’s never too late to make new friends! Let’s build up some alliances this weekend.

70. Friendship is a beautiful and unique relationship you shouldn’t rush. It takes time, patience and trust to build a strong friendship.

71. Friendship is magic, and friendship also has its fair share of problems. The key is to stay positive and focused on the good things in life.

72. Friendship isn’t about looking for things to do; it’s about finding someone who turns them into things you want to do.

73. There’s nothing like the feeling of being in a close friendship with someone, even if you’re miles apart. Find your friends in your life and make it happen!

74. The best thing about friendship is that you can share so much with someone and still feel like you have more to learn.

75. Building new friendships can be an adventure but also a journey. Good friends enjoy each other’s company and support, no matter what they do or who they are.

76. There’s nothing better than a friendship built on trust, honesty, and respect. It’s all about the friendship between two people, not in a business-oriented way but in a real way because it’s life-changing.

77. Friendship is like a pen. It doesn’t make any difference who holds it, but it’s always there when you need it. The friends you make are the ones who make all the difference in your life.

78. The best way to build a friendship is by getting to know each other. You’ll soon see that they’re really just like you.

79. Friendship is a two-way street. The best way to celebrate friendship is by building one with purpose and meaning.

80. Build your friendships by appreciating the little things. Love lifts us, nourishes our souls and makes all of life’s problems so much easier to bear.

81. Friendship isn’t a one-way street. It’s something that you build and then maintains with love, loyalty, and fun.

82. Friendship is a beautiful thing. It’s what makes life so great. You can learn from each other, grow together, and always have each other’s backs.

83. Building a good friendship with someone is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It’s an open door, a comforting mind and a loving heart.

84. Friendship is a place where you can share your flaws and learn from them. And you’re never too old to look for your first friends. You’ll always have them in your heart and right down the street.

85. Friendship is a second chance, a misunderstanding, and a person to always return to. When you build a friendship on trust and respect, it lasts forever.

86. Friendship is like an endless fountain of joy. It’s not the only thing that makes life worth living; without it, you’d have nothing to live for.

87. Building close friendships is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. When loving people surround you, it’s crucial to take care of yourself while they take care of you.

88. There is no magic formula for friendship. It’s made up of good deeds, great conversations and a lot of laughs – all things you can find daily with a friend.

89. Friendship is all about finding common ground, so it makes sense that connections between people are most solid when they’re built on shared interests.

90. Strong friendships are built on trust, respect and honesty. When you have all three in your friendship, there’s nothing that can tear it apart.

91. Building friendship is not always easy. It’s about being there for each other and ensuring everyone’s needs are met.

92. It’s not always easy to keep the lines of communication open, but the very act of doing so makes having a strong friendship so important.

93. Friendship is one of the strongest bonds you can find. It doesn’t matter how far apart two friends are; if it’s a genuine and strong friendship, no matter what happens in life, they’ll always have each other’s backs.

94. Building friendship is a beautiful thing. It’s not always easy, but it’s never impossible.

95. Friendship is the most important value in life.  It’s not necessary to have the same views and opinions, but how you treat others can determine how they treat you.

96. Building a friendship is not about finding the right person; it’s about being the right person.

97. We all have friends who are a little bit different, but we need to remember that’s what makes their friendship so special. And building a close friendship is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you can do in life.

98. Friendship is like a handshake. It’s not all about the words but about the intention behind them. And building a friendship is like a beautiful tree; take care of it, and it will take care of you.

99. Building friendship isn’t about being similar. It’s about accepting each other for who they are and helping them grow.

100. Friendship is a verb. It’s not just something you do; it’s something that happens between two people who care deeply about each other.

101. Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world. It makes life worth living, worthwhile and full of colour. Build lasting friendships because the ones you choose now will be there for life.

102. Friendship comes in many forms. You can build a friendship from the comfort of your home or do a group project to meet new people. There are endless possibilities when it comes to making friends. So, who’s ready to make some new ones?

103. Friends are born, not made. We all have our own story of how we grew to become friends, but your true nature and willingness to support each other build real relationships.

104. Friendship is something valuable and rare. You should grab onto it as soon as possible because it’s the only thing that truly makes life worth living.

105. You can’t have a successful friendship without the ability and commitment to listen.

Friendship is one of the most important relationships in our lives. Friends help get you through hard times, celebrate good times, and have your back whenever needed.

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