Busy but Still Thinking of You Quotes

We live in a time where our lives are so busy that we struggle to keep all the people on our minds. But do we have to let those we love slip away from our lives? The answer for you is NO. No matter how busy your life is, you can find a way to stay connected with your loved ones.

It’s a good thing to let your loved one know that even though you are busy, you are thinking about them. It shows that you care and that you miss them. If you don’t see your loved one often or they live far away, then it is important to let them know how much they mean to you.

Whether it’s a friend, family member or your significant other, keep them on your mind and celebrate their birthdays. Let’s all leave our loved ones with a memory of us being kind and thoughtful so they won’t forget about us or be made to doubt how much we care about them.

With these busy but still thinking of you quotes, you can send your loved ones a reminder to let them know how precious they are to you.

Just because it’s a busy day doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of you. I’m busy today, but this is me thinking of you. The world may be a busy place, but I’m not. I still think of you. Please make sure to catch up with me in the next few days.

1. Even if my day is a mess, I still think of you. No matter how busy I get, I still think of you, and it never fails to lift my mood.

2. There’s no room for regrets when you have a lot going on. You have to make sure that you keep doing the right things. I am busy, but I still think about you.

3. Hey, you. I hope your day is going great! I just wanted to let you know that this moment is for you. I’m doing all I can, but I still think of you.

4. I’ll be thinking of you today and every day. It’s a busy day, but this is me still thinking of you.

5. It may be a busy day, but don’t forget to sigh happily. You made it through, and I am thinking of you. I’m still thinking of you, even though I know it’s a busy day.

6. I still think of you today and every day. I’ll be thinking of you today, even if I don’t talk to you—even if I ignore your text.

7. When the day is busy, take a moment to remember the person who keeps you going. I am grateful for the moments we spent together as they remind me how lucky I am to have you as my best friend. It may be a busy day, but still thinking of you.

8. Hey, it’s a busy day. But I’m still thinking of you. I hope you are having a lovely day, despite all the craziness. I’ve got something for you.

9. It’s a busy day, but I still think of you. I think of you every day, and it’s still a busy day for me. When all else fails, I’ll still think of you.

10. Keeping your day busy is nothing compared to how busy I’ve been thinking of you. If you have plans today, please know I’m thinking of you.

11. Some days are busy, but even when you’re drowning in work, the memories of our special moments can keep you afloat. A day can be busy, but you can still make time for the things that matter to you, like I am still thinking of you.

12. Yes, it may be a busy day, but this is me still thinking of you. I’m thinking of you today and every day. I’m on the run and still thinking of you. I wish this were you and me.

13. I still think of you, even though it’s a busy day. I’m always thinking of you. Good day just got a little better.

14. Thinking of you today and every day. You’re a part of me, and I’m all about making you happy, so if you miss me today, don’t worry. I want to remind you that it’s okay to have some downtime and give you some love.

15. I’m here for you no matter how busy your day gets. I think of you every day. Even when I’m not with you, my heart remains with you, even when my day is so busy.

16. Yes, I may be busy, but this is me thinking of you. I’ve got a lot going on today, but that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking of you. 

17. I still think of you, even when I’m running around like a crazy person. I’m thinking of you, and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

18. Hey there. It’s been a busy day. I wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you. I’m not perfect, and I have a million things on my mind, but I still think about you daily.

19. Hey, don’t forget that I’m thinking of you despite my busy schedules.

20. I’d love it if you could take a moment to reflect on all the great things we have in our lives. We’ve been so busy, but still thinking of you because you are always on my mind. Be well and stay warm, little buddy.

21. We’ve been so busy, but we are still thinking of you because you are always on our minds. I’ve been so busy but still thinking of you. I hope you are well and happy!

22. Hey, you! Time flew by while I was busy with work, but my heart was still beating. I’m still thinking of you, and can’t wait to see you soon. 

23. We’ve been so busy, but still thinking of you. You’re always on my mind, buddy.

24. We’ve been busy, but you’re always on my mind.

25. I’ve been so busy lately, but I’m still thinking of you.

26. I hope you’re having a great week! I’ve been thinking of you because you’re always on my mind.

27. Hey there, my friend. Hope you are doing great. We’ve been quite busy, but still thinking of you because you’re always on my mind. Keep up the good work!

28. We’ve been busy, but we still think of you. You’re always on my mind. You are always on my mind. I hope you’re having an amazing weekend. I know you are busy, but I’m here for you.

29. We are so busy with all the craziness of life, but I am still thinking of you because you are always on my mind. I am still thinking of you because you are always on my mind. I miss your smile and the way you dance.

30. Hi, this is me, and I am thinking of you today. Keep smiling, and keep living your best life! I’m thinking of you, even though we’re so busy.

31. Hey, we’ve been so busy, but still thinking of you because you are always on my mind. We are coming to visit next week, and I can’t wait to see you again!

32. Hey there! We’ve been so busy, but still thinking about you because you’re always on my mind.

33. Hey, it’s been a crazy week, but I’m still thinking of you because you are always on my mind. Your name is always on my mind because I think about you daily. 

34. It’s been a busy week, but I wanted to take a moment and say hello. You’re always on my mind.

35. Every day is always busy, but that does not stop me from thinking of you. You have always been on my mind. You’ve been working hard, but still, it’s so hard for me to see your smile fade away.

36. I have to say this I’ve been busy, but the thought of you this morning rang of you. It has been a busy week, but I was still thinking about you.

37. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am thinking about you today, tomorrow and on days that will come after that. The world is indeed busy, and we are so busy with our lives, but this is to let you know that you are always in my thoughts.

38. A simple thought to share with you is that this world is busy, and we are all busy with our lives. But know that you’re always in my thoughts.

39. I’m busy with my life, but I know you’re always in my mind. I’m so busy in the world that sometimes I forget to give you a call. I love you more and will always be there when you need me.

40. Though I’ve been so busy, it does no doubt the fact that I’m still thinking of you. I know that you are busy, but I am too. But no matter how busy our lives get, we can always find time for the people we love and care about.

41. I am always thinking about you. I hope you are doing well and everything is going well for you. Life is so busy, and sometimes, it’s hard to find time to stop and remember what’s truly important. Thank you for your constant love and support; I feel lucky to have you in my life.

42. There are so many things that we do not take the time to do. I am always thinking of you and praying for you, my friend. You are always in my thoughts, which I will never forget.

43. The world is a busy place, and we get involved in the chaotic mess sometimes, but still thinking of you.

44. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. You’re always in my thoughts, even though I am busy with work and tempted not to remember anything.

45. Today is another day; it’s a busy day, but this is me still thinking of you. I’m thinking of you today, as I always do.

46. We’ve been busy making things work, but I will always think of you. I’m glad you’re doing well, and I hope everything works out for you.

47. It doesn’t matter how busy the day is; I am with you always in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

48. Life can be difficult and chaotic, but the world is not your enemy. It’s been so busy, but still thinking of you.

49. No matter how busy I am, I am always thinking about you.

50. Busy? Yes, but still thinking of you because you mean a lot to me.

When you have someone you love and cherish, no busy schedule can take that person off your mind. This is what these busy but still thinking of you quotes affirm.

I hope you like them. Please use them to give assurance of your love for someone. Also, share with your circle.

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