Busy Making Money Quotes – Motivation and Love

A lot of people confuse “being busy” with “being productive.” They think that having a lot going on means they’re doing something important with their lives. But what they don’t realize is that they’re actually just wasting time on unimportant things. Being productive means accomplishing goals, getting things done and moving forward in life. Being busy only means you’re spending your time on things that don’t matter at all.

The phrase “busy making money is a common phrase that many people use in the business world. It means that you’re doing something productive with your time and money. Being busy making money is not a lifestyle choice for many people. For some, they were born into a wealthy family or have a spouse who earns a lot of money.

Some say it’s an excuse to avoid doing something fun and meaningful with our lives. Others say it’s an effective way of living life on your own terms. But the truth is, there are no absolutes in life. What works for one person may not work for another — and vice versa. Everyone has different priorities and values that influence their actions and decisions along the way.

So if you’re busy making money and you want to tell people that you are busy making money, then you need to see these busy making money quotes below. I am sure they will resonate with you.

I am busy making money so I can help people in need. I am busy making money because of the need to avoid poverty and a life on assistance from others who have more than enough to share their wealth with those who are less fortunate.

1. I don’t have time to engage in frivolities because I am building my empire and of course, I am busy making money. So the only thing left for me to do is stay focused on my goals and execute swiftly without fail!

2. I am busy making money. I don’t have time to indulge in frivolities because I am building my empire and of course, I am busy making money.

3. I’m busy making money. I’ll let you know when I have time to talk.

4. I’m busy making money, so let’s focus on being awesome together.

5. In between all the busyness of life, I’m making money!

6. Making money is what I’m all about. I’m being very productive—actually making money!

7. I’m working hard to build my brand and make money. Don’t forget to follow me for more deals like this one.

8. My job comes first. But I know that if I didn’t have one, I would still be making money somewhere.

9. I’m not trying to be rich. I just want to be financially independent that is why I am busy making money.

10. I am busy making money. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

11. I am busy making money. I’m so happy that I am able to create wealth for my family. I love doing business.

12. I am busy making money. If you are coming to me for help, I will charge you a lot of money.

13. I am busy making money. I don’t have time to be bored in this world.

14. I am busy making money. When I’m not, I’m working on my social media strategy, developing and launching new products, maintaining my website and more!

15. I am busy making money. Earnings and savings come first, everything else is a distraction

16. I’m busy making money and I don’t feel like having to work for it.

17. Making money is my passion. Share your passions with me and let’s make money together!

18. I’m blessed to be doing what I love and making money at the same time.

19. I am busy making money. I am not saying that I don’t have time for you, but my time is limited and I need to spend it wisely.

20. The best way to make money? By being a business owner and creating something that people want. I am busy making money.

21. I am busy creating my goals, plans and paths to making money.

22. I’m not just busy. I am making money. It’s a good feeling.

23. I’m busy making money so I don’t have time to make excuses.

24. I am busy making money. I don’t have time to waste on people who can’t be bothered to understand how their actions impact the world around them.

25. I am busy making money because I want to make more money.

26. I am busy making money so I can buy more things to make more money.

27. I am busy making money because I want to invest it and make more. I want to buy houses, cars, vacations and homes.

28. I am busy making money… and I don’t have time to hate on people who are not as successful as me.

29. I’m super busy making money. I wish it was summer already because then I could spend more time in shorts and flip-flops.

30. I’m so busy making money, I don’t have time to be broke.

31. I’m not scared to hustle. I do what I love and make money while doing it.

32. Making money is a choice, not a job. Work hard so that you can live and do what you love.

33. I am busy making money. I am doing all the things that make you money.

34. You don’t need to spend hours researching and applying for jobs. I am busy making money so you don’t have to be.

35. You can be busy, or you can be rich. I am busy making money.

36. I may not be rich but I can tell you this: I am busy making money.

37. I am busy making money, creating wealth and building a legacy.

38. Making money is my number one priority. I am very busy, so don’t expect me to reply to your comments or messages.

39. I’m having a great day with my friends, I did some awesome things and made some money. That’s what life is all about

40. Making money is hard work. But it’s worth it when you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

41. I am busy making money. You are busy making money. If we all get busy making money, then one day the world will be better for it.

42. I am busy making money, having fun and loving life.

43. I’m busy making money. I’m not getting rich quick. But I’m making good money. And that feels pretty awesome.

44. I’m busy Making Money. I don’t have time to stop and listen.

45. I’m all about making money. I love finding the most profitable opportunities on Instagram, and in social media overall.

46. I don’t have time for frivolities, because I am building my empire.

47. I’d rather put my energy into building my empire and making money, rather than go out and have fun.

48. It’s my time. I am busy making money and I don’t have time for trivialities.

49. I’m a busy man. I don’t have time for foolishness like wasting my time on frivolities

50. I don’t have time to attend parties and I’m not interested in falling into the trap of wasting my dwindling time.

51. The only time I have for pleasure is when I achieve my financial goals.

52. Kicking off my weekend with a big splash! I don’t have time to engage in frivolities because I am building my empire and of course, I am busy making money.

53. I am so busy building my empire that I don’t have time to engage in frivolities.

54. I am busy making money. I work hard, I play harder and if you want to talk about it, we can do it at the weekend.

55. I am busy making money. You should be too.

56. I am busy making money. I love my children, but I am not their mother.

57. Making money is work. I am busy making money.

58. I am busy making money. I do not want to hear any complaints from my employees, because they are not the ones who are eating up the profits.

59. I’m busy making money. And I don’t want to waste any time on nonsense.

60. I’m busy making money, so I don’t have time to be stressed out.

61. I am busy making money and getting a reputation for being a good customer.

62. This is what I do while you are busy sleeping, making money and travelling.

63. Making money is a priority. I’m too busy to do anything else.

64. I’m hustling. I’m socking away money. And when I am focused on a goal and working hard, the daily grind is sometimes worth it all.

65. I am busy making money. If you want to meet me, get a job or something bothering you then I’m sorry.

66. I am busy making money. I don’t have time for leisure.

67. I am busy making money, getting more money and spending more money.

68. I am busy making money, working on the next thing and living my life.

69. I’m busy making money. If you want my time, be prepared to pay for it.

70. I’m always busy making money. If you want to work with me, hop on my email list for more information.

71. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I want to be me and make money.

72. I am busy making money. I am here to make you money, not your friends and family.

73. I am busy making money. I don’t have time to spend it all.

74. I am busy making money. I’m looking for a great opportunity, to invest in myself.

75. I am busy making money but I’m also very busy partying and travelling.

76. I’m busy making money. Our time is never wasted. We make it count!

77. I’m so busy making money, I don’t have time to make money.

78. Making money is what we do, it’s what we’re good at. You need a professional who knows how to make money, who works hard and who isn’t scared to put in the time to get the results you want.

79. I’m not a good person. But I am a money-making machine.

80. I am not working for a paycheck, but for my financial freedom.

81. This is not the time to engage in frivolities because I am busy building my empire.

82. I don’t have time for the frivolous things in life—I am busy building my empire.

83. Don’t be fooled by the frivolousness of Instagram. I’m building my empire, making money and following my passion for fashion.

84. I’m not here to amuse you, I’m here to make money.

85. Don’t procrastinate, do what you are good at and get busy making money.

86. I am busy making money and it’s working out beautifully.

87. I am busy making money, and I do not have time to urinate.

88. I am busy making money because my life is a mess

89. You’re busy making money. I’m busy making friends. But when I meet you, we can be busy making money together.

90. Sometimes, we just have to be busy making money!

91. I am busy making money. I can’t afford the time to waste on you.

92. I am busy making money, wanna make money with me? Exclusive deals just for you.

93. I am busy making money and I don’t have time to explain everything in detail right now. You should be too.

94. I am so busy making money that I don’t have time to do anything else.

95. I am busy making money. That’s what makes me tick. And I don’t have time for you or anyone else.

96. I am busy making money, and I don’t have time to waste.

97. I am busy making money. I don’t have time to play with you!

98. I am busy making money. I am very busy making money. Because you see, when you make money it’s your own and you don’t have to ask your parents or anyone else for it.

99. A jobless, busy and uncompromising lifestyle is the only way for me to achieve my goals.

100. I am busy building my empire and of course, I am busy making money.

101. I’m not the type to spend time on frivolities. I focus on building an empire and making money, but I have time to give back to my community

102. I’m not going to be distracted by frivolous things. I am building my empire and having fun doing it!

103. I don’t have time for frivolous things, but I do have time to make money.

104. I’m always on my grind, so I don’t have time for frivolous things.

105. I’m not a great talker, but I am very good at making money.

106. If you want to make money and have fun at the same time, think of me. I’m only here to help you achieve success.

107. I am busy making money. I am not busy being rich.

108. Do you want to make money? Let’s talk. I am busy making money

109. I am busy making money. I have no time for you.

110. Hello! I am busy making money so if you want to talk, do it on the phone.

111. I am busy making money in my business. I am not just running it, I am also growing and gaining knowledge through every step of the journey.

112. I’m busy making money. I do not have time to respond to your request for a follow.

113. I’m busy making money and enjoying life. Is there anything more beautiful?

114. I’m busy making money, you know. I don’t have time to stop and smell the flowers. You can find me in the corner office with a laptop on my knees, a cup of coffee in hand and a pile of bills on my desk.

115. Making money is hard. Making money online is harder. But you don’t have to take my word for it—you can see the proof for yourself!

116. I am busy making money. Don’t even bother to call me. I am travelling the world and having a blast doing it.

117. I am busy making money. I do not have time to think about how to spend my money.

118. Making money is my favourite thing to do. I am busy making it, so I can have more fun with it!

119. Let’s talk about my busy schedule. I am so busy making money, that I barely have any time to take a break and eat.

120. I am making this money. I am busy making money.

121. I am busy making money and doing things that are interesting but I want to let you know that I’m here if you need me.

122. I am busy making money so I don’t have time to make time.

123. Making money is at the top of my priority list this month. I am obsessed and it’s all because of you, my loyal followers and fans! Let’s make summer something to remember!

124. Making money is not my job. My job is to make money so that I can do what I love.

125. Making money is not easy. It is hard work and it takes grit, but today I am reminded that if you keep working hard, good things will come to you.

126. We’re busy making money, helping people, and building a better future.

I hope you liked these busy making money quotes and I hope they resonated with you. Let me know in the comment section which of the quotes you like the most. Kindly share this post with your network. Thank you for reading.

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