Starting A New Job? 16 Steps To Ensure Your Absolute Success

– Starting a New Job –

Yes, there’s a lot of uncertainty that comes with a new job. You’ll encounter new people, a new environment, and a new set of responsibilities. To set you up for success, we’ve put together these tips to guide you through your first milestones.

Review these tips for starting a new job, and you’ll be ready for a smooth transition to your new employer.

How to Start a New Job

Starting a new job is scary. Whether you’re straight out of college or have been in the workforce for 20 years, entering into a new work environment can make you feel as if you’ve stepped foot on another planet.

In order to succeed, both socially and professionally, you’re expected to learn the lingo, follow the dress-code, and pick up on acceptable behaviors. That’s a whole lot to do without help.

One thing’s for sure: You’ll feel more confident and grounded if you spend some time preparing for this transition.

Starting A New Job: Your First Day

Feeling those first-day jitters? Here are a few things you can take control of that will help you feel calm and have fun on your first day.

1. Have a Positive Attitude

Set your nerves to one side and start your new job with a positive attitude.

As you make your new morning commute, remind yourself that the company chose you for the job so you definitely have what it takes to master the role.

Thinking back over the skills and qualities you have developed to this point can further bolster your confidence.

2. Be Confident and Outgoing

Your first day on the job is likely to involve a steady flow of introductions, meeting new faces, and learning colleagues’ names.

If you struggle to put a name to face, don’t be shy about asking for a reminder. You will soon master the who’s who of your new workplace.

It also helps to confidently introduce yourself to coworkers you run into – even if they too don’t instantly commit your name to memory.


3. Take a Physical Tour

In addition to official paperwork, you also want to attend to your creature comforts so that you can be refreshed throughout the day.

Get a tour of the environment and note the location of bathrooms, coffee and water, office supply room, and private rooms.

Also, conference space where you can steal away for a few moments of quiet time if you’re otherwise in an open space. Ask for lunch recommendations if you’re not familiar with the neighborhood.

4. Plan Your Outfit

There is nothing worse than walking into the office on your first day and realizing that you’re outrageously underdressed.

You’re bound to feel a little uncomfortable and it’s not going to look great to your new employers either. If you look good, you’ll feel good so why not go splurge on a whole new outfit?

5. Set Healthy Boundaries Early on

This career tip is one that can take some time to understand, but it’s worth mentioning so you’re aware of the importance of setting healthy boundaries in regards to work.

When you set healthy boundaries, you are clarifying what is acceptable and unacceptable to you in regards to how late you’re willing to work.

The total number of hours you’re willing to work, how you’ll deal with saying “no” when needed, and how personal you’re willing to allow your work relationships to be.

6. Mind your Own Business

Plenty of employees make themselves look bad by trying to involve themselves in work matters that are none of their business.

Work environments can be quite the tangled web of frenemies,’ cliques, and gossip, all of which the savvy and wise new hire will avoid. Unless you are a supervisor, your work is the only work you’re responsible for.

7. Seek out a Friend

Once you’ve made some introductions and have a sense of who, you’ll be working with, ask a new colleague for lunch or coffee.

It could be the person sitting next to you or another newcomer who started at the same time.

Developing a trusted relationship will make you feel more comfortable as you’re getting to know this new workplace. In fact, research has shown that having social ties at work can make us more productive.

8. Listen and Learn

One of the best bosses I ever had told me that whenever he started a new job, he spent the first couple of weeks immersing himself in the organization.

He wanted a thorough understanding of how the company, his job, and his team worked before he made any suggestions or shared his input.

Of course, everyone’s job is different, but taking the time to learn as much as you can from everyone you meet at work is excellent advice.

9. Plan a FoolProof Commute

Don’t show up late on your first day at a new job. But while we all have good intentions to arrive early, sometimes we still fail. Use these tips to be extra careful:

1. Drive your commute the morning before your first day so you can get a feel for traffic.

2. Scout out your parking location so you know what to expect.

3. Set a couple of alarms in case you sleep through the first one.

4. Budget 10 extra minutes for your commute . . . just in case.

10. Keep your Lunch Plans Open

Make yourself available for lunch with coworkers on your first day. You might get an invite!

And hey, just because you’re the new kid on the block doesn’t mean you can’t extend the invitation.

While I’m all for keeping a lean budget by bringing your own food to work on your , going out to eat on your first day of work gives you one less thing to worry about at home, and it could lead to some productive conversations


Your First Month

11. Get to know your Team Better

It’s important to continue making new connections and allowing others to know you, too.

By simply being around your new team and attentively observing how everyone works and collaborates, you’ll gain valuable insights into the company and group culture.

12. Get to know your Leader

Everyone knows they should meet their leader the first week on the job. But I bring this up because I want you to be intentional about your early conversations with your leader.

You should ask for crystal-clear clarity on what’s expected of you so you can know your role, accept your role, and maximize your role.

13. Stay Neutral

One of the worst things you can do when starting a new job is to become involved in office politics or gossip.

If conversations with a colleague turn to gossip, politely accept or deflect their opinions without inviting controversy.

14. Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up

At the same time, don’t be afraid to contribute and add value, you do want to reinforce that you’re the right person for the job!

No, you won’t know everything (nor should you act like you do!), but you can make suggestions in team meetings or brainstorming sessions.

And if you have a skill or ability that you’ve been hired to bring to the team, pipe up and share that knowledge. But be careful to read your audience. You don’t want to come on like gangbusters or step on someone’s toes.

15. Say No to Gossip

I’m pretty passionate about this topic. Value healthy, unified relationships. Gossip is a poison that will destroy your organization from the inside out.

Don’t talk about a problem with someone who cannot fix it. Don’t complain about your team members behind their back.

If you have an issue with someone, go directly to that person. Pass negatives up (to your leader) and positives all around.

16. Take Initiative

Your primary work focus is to execute the responsibilities you’ve been given. But as you grow more comfortable, look for ways to help that aren’t necessarily within your job description.

Be on the alert. Be willing to raise a hand and offer a solution (respectfully) for a problem that you’ve noticed. Seek out what needs to be done and then go do it.

As you settle into your new job, the office environment and your coworkers will soon become more familiar, and you’ll quickly get into the swing of things.

I believe this information was helpful. Share with friends and family to get educated too about starting a new job. Don’t hesitate to keep visiting our page for more educating information.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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