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Daily Quotes

Quotes on Being Joyful – Motivation and Love

What does being joyful mean? It’s more than just being high-spirited and happy. Being happy doesn’t just happen; it’s learned and developed through experiences, people, and activities that bring the critical elements of joy into one’s life. But we can take our happiness to an entirely new level by learning how to make life less […]

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Daily Quotes

Inspirational Quotes for Running a Marathon

Many runners dream about running a marathon. After all, they have been training for years, and it’s finally time to race! But not every runner finishes a marathon.Many factors go into finishing a marathon, and many are out of their control. However, there are a few ways in which you can improve your chances of […]

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Daily Quotes

My Dad Is the Best Quotes

The best dad ever is a man who has the ability to be both your best friend and your disciplinarian. He is someone who loves you with all his heart but also knows how to set boundaries. He is able to be stern without being mean. He is there for you when you need him […]

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Daily Quotes

We Make a Great Team Quotes

It feels great to have someone or persons that make a great team with you. It could be a business team, sports team, music team and more. It could even be that you just share the same habits and interests that make you great together.It’s one thing to have a good team member on your […]

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Daily Quotes

Weekend Bonding Quotes – Motivation and Love

Bonding is important because everyone needs to spend time socializing and getting to know each other on a personal level. And weekends are a great time to spend with family, to make memories that last. This is because living in today’s busy world makes it difficult to find time for each other. Spending quality time […]

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Daily Quotes

Always Appreciate What You Have Quotes

Sometimes it’s easy to take for granted the things we have and not be thankful for them. Thankfulness is one of the hallmarks of a good person. We should always be thankful for what we have, instead of dwelling on the lack of things we don’t have.It is unwise to dwell on what we don’t […]

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Daily Quotes

Be Strong but Not Rude Quotes

Being strong doesn’t mean you have to be rude and arrogant. Sometimes, being strong means being humble and considerate. You may have heard the saying, “be nice, but don’t be a doormat.” This advice only seems great from an etiquette perspective. Learn to stand up for yourself and say “no” politely and strongly when necessary. […]