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Daily Quotes

Losing a Great Boss Quotes

Bosses are not just managers who order us around and pay us each month; the best bosses are people who create an environment in which the employees feel cared for, respected, mentally challenged, and valued as individuals.One of the worst feelings in the world is losing a great boss. It can be like losing a […]

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Daily Quotes

Inspirational Quotes for Breastfeeding Moms

As a mother, breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. It gives them a healthier start to life and helps you bond with them. It’s also one of the most challenging, both mentally and physically. Breastfeeding is a powerful way to connect with your baby. The act of breastfeeding […]

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Daily Quotes

Motivational Quotes for Disturbed Mind

A lot of people have disturbed minds. Sometimes it can be a result of being in a bad situation or experiencing some traumatic event; sometimes, it can just be a result of how our brains are wired.Like most people, you have a friend or family member who is mentally disturbed. They may be struggling with […]

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Daily Quotes

July Calendar Quotes and Sayings

July is a month of celebration, reflection and joy. It marks the start of summer and gives plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, spend time with family and friends, and create memories.Along with the joy of July comes a need to take time and reflect on the beauty of life, appreciate the moments we […]