Causes of Traffic Congestion in Owode Area of Oyo, Oyo State.

Causes of Traffic Congestion in Owode Area of Oyo, Oyo State.

Table of Contents


Traffic congestion is a major urban transport problem in most countries. The demand for road space is greater than the supply because the rate of provision of transport facilities is less than the rate of growth of vehicle ownership and use which result into traffic congestion.

This research work focused on the causes of traffic congestion in Owode area of Oyo State.  Data for this study was collected through observation recorded on a check list and the use of questionnaires as a form of the primary source of data.

Chi-square method was adopted in the analysis of the data collected along with the use of a simple percentage. The findings of the research revealed that poor and narrow roads as well as high number of trucks on the road had greater influence on causes of traffic congestion in the area.

Therefore, it was suggested that government should give greater priority to rapid mass transit, construction and development of roads networks should be embarked upon, also traffic light should be made available to control the traffic flow at Owode area of Oyo town.


1.1     Background of the Study

Cities and traffic have developed hand-in hand since the earliest large human settlement. The same forces that draw inhabitants to congregate in large urban areas also lead to sometimes intolerable levels of traffic congestion on urban street and thorough fares.

Effective urban governance requires a careful balancing between the benefits of agglomeration and the disadvantages of the excessive congestion. Road traffic congestion poses a challenge for all large and growing urban areas.

The full report on which this summary is based aims to provide policy maker and technical staff with the strategic vision, conceptual framework and guidance on some of the practical tools necessary to manage congestion in such a way as to reduce its overall impact on individuals, families, communities and societies.

Urban traffic congestion is a significant and growing problem in many parts of the world. Moreover, as congestion continues to increase, the conventional approach of building more roads doesn’t always work for a variety of political, financial and environmental reasons.

In fact, building new roads can actually compound congestion, in some cases, by inducing greater demands for vehicle travel that quickly eat away the additional capacity?

Against this backdrop of serious existing and growing congestion traffic control techniques and information systems are needed that can substantially increase capacity and improve flow efficiency by Abhay (2008).


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