Challenges on the Development of Almajiri System of Education in Birnin Kebbi Metropolisn the Development of Almajiri System of Education in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis

Challenges on the Development of Almajiri System of Education in Birnin Kebbi Metropolis.


The focal point of this study is to known the “challenges on the development of Almajiri system of education in Birnin Kebbi metropolis” .

In the case of this research the work is arranged in five chapters chapter one deal with the background of the study, statement of research problems, objectives of study, research questions, significance of the study, scope and delimitations, operational definition of terms,

chapter deal with Review of related literature, introduction, conceptual frameworks, philosophy of Almajiri system of education,

Historical development of Almajiri system of education, challenges on the development of Almajiri system of education in Birnin Kebbi metropolis problems of Almajiri education, review of related empirical and the summary and uniqueness of the study.

Chapter three deal with the research methodology, introduction research design, population sample and the sampling techniques, research instrument validity of instrument, reliability of instrument, method of data collection,

method of Data analysis, chapter deal with the data analysis and the presentation of finding while chapter five dealt with summary, conclusion, recommendation.

Table Of Contents


Title page———– i
Approval/certification page————– ii
Dedication———– iii
Acknowledgements———- iv
Table of Contents————— v
Abstract—————- viii
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

  • Background of the Study—————- 1
  • Statement of Problems——————– 3
  • Objectives of Study—————- 6
  • Research Questions——————- 7
  • Significance of the Study————– 7
  • Scope and the Limitation———— 8
  • Operational Definition of Terms———— 9

CHAPTER TWO (Review of Related Literature)

  • Introduction————————————————- 11
  • Conceptual Framework———————————— 12
  • Historical development of Almajiri system of Education–16
  • Philosophy of Almajiri Education————————— 19
  • Problem of Almajiri education—————————- 23
  • Review of Related Empirical Studies———————– 25
  • Summary and Uniqueness of study———————— 29

CHAPTER THREE Research Methodology

  • Introduction———————– 31
  • Research Design—————— 31
  • Population———————- 32
  • Sample and Sampling Techniques———– 32
  • Research Instrument————— 33
  • Validity of Research instrument———— 33
  • Reliability of research instrument———– 33
  • Method of Data Collection———– 34
  • Method of Data Analysis———— 35

4.1   Data Analysis and the presentation of finding——- 36

  • Summary/Conclusion and Suggestion———– 45
  • Recommendations———— 50



Background Of Study

Almajiri refers to a person who migrates from the luxury of his home to other place or to popular teaching in the quest for Islamic knowledge.

It is hinged on the Islamic concept of migration which is widely practiced especially when acquisition of knowledge at home is  either inconvenient or insufficient.

Imam Shafi’I is the greatest proponent of migration for seeking knowledge which he said is nothing unless it is mind and transported away form its soil.

He summarized everything in two verses. Emigrate from your home in quest of excellence, good manners and friendship with famous.

Shafi’I himself was born in Gaza. He travelled almost the entire middle east seeking in knowledge until finally he settles in Egypt.

Qur’anic school in Hausa land are usually located in mosque or the urban centers than the rural areas. Generally there are two types of qur’anic teachers stay in one place and educate the children in the locality in which they live.


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