Check Nursing Interview Questions and Answers in UK 2022 Updates

– Nursing Interview Questions –

Being a nurse is a pretty cool job. You don’t just help yourself; you help others, which is a virtuous thing to do. To help you achieve your dream of being a nurse, in this article, you will learn about the Nursing interview question and how to answer it in the United States.

Nursing Interview Questions and Answers

Whether you’re an experienced nurse or just getting your career started, here’s a guide with sample nursing interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your next job interview.

1. Why Did You Decide to Become a Nurse?

Often time, this is the first question, and this is where you make your first impression. Remember, first impression matters. this is the time to share what attracted you to nursing.

Try to relate it back to what you are passionate about – is it helping others? Is it empowering individuals so they can help themselves? Or is it the variety of scenarios you get presented with on a day-to-day basis?

2. How Do You Manage Your Workload and Prioritise Tasks?

They filled the healthcare service with challenges, hence it is important for employers to tackle these challenges. Therefore, see that you will be an efficient member of their team and this question will help them do that. Make sure you refer to real-life examples.

3. What Achievement are You Proudest of in Your Career to Date?

Employers are always keen to find someone who is not only good at their job but can also show the soft skills required for the role in question.

The best responses to this question will talk about moments that which you went above and beyond your role to ensure a patient’s safety or to help provide effective care. Compassion and kindness are two soft skills that are on the checklist for every employer looking to fill a nursing vacancy.

4. What Sort of Feedback Would I Get From Patients if I Asked Them About You?

In nursing, offering help and care for patients at a difficult time is crucial and would demand patient and how you are perceived by your patients to determine the nurse you are.

With this sort of question, try to relate to a particular patient or instances of care you have provided, how this made your patient feel and the difference this made to their life.

5. If a Colleague Did Something Wrong or Unsafe, What Would You Do?

When practising as a nurse, they governed under the NMC’s code to work cooperatively with colleagues in order to provide the best possible care for a patient.

As well as sharing best practices, this also means challenging colleagues or reporting to a senior member of staff if you witness a colleague doing something unethical or not in the best interest of a patient.

The interviewer would look for you to show that you are trustworthy and always able to act in a patient’s best interest, even in personally uncomfortable situations.

6. How Do You Propose to Continue and Manage Your PREP in Line With Revalidation?

In order to renew professional registration with the NMC, it is required that you submit the relevant revalidation documents. Whilst your employer will support this, there is an onus on you as a practitioner to produce written reflections, have reflective discussions, and ensure a confirmed verifies your revalidation.

In order to show that you can legally practise, an interviewer would look for you to show that you have taken the steps and recording tools to re-validate.

7. What Made You Specialise in Your Chosen Branch of Nursing?

Job satisfaction and feeling a sense of achievement in your role are key in order for you to provide the best level of support and care for your patients.

The interviewer would look for you to show your passion for your client group and why this area interests you, especially if you are interviewing for a post within the same/similar branch of nursing.

Providing examples and specifics makes this become more relatable to the interviewer and adds substance to your answer.


8. What Client Group are You Now Looking to Work With and Why?

How you answer this question will depend on whether you are interviewing for a post similar to your previous roles or whether you are looking to branch into a new avenue within nursing.

If you are interviewing for a similar post, draw on experiences where you have worked with a particular group of patients and how you supported them.

If you are looking to work with a new patient group, discuss why this area interests you and how you can use your previous work experience to transfer existing skills.

9. What are Your Major Strengths and What do You Enjoy Doing Within Nursing?

to answer this question, ensure you pick a particular strength that can apply to the role you are interviewing by giving specific examples of how you have utilised the strength previously.

Job satisfaction is primary to staff retention and you offering the best level of care to patients showing this to an interviewer is very important for you to convey you are someone they should invest in you and make that hire!

10. What are Your Main Weaknesses and What Have you Done to Overcome Them?

Personal reflection and learning from experiences and mistakes are fundamental for you to become the best possible practitioner.

Don’t be afraid of discussing real-life weaknesses/ mistakes that you have previously made in your career. No one is perfect and you have the insight to realise this is the only way you can improve!

This type of interview question is really popular for this reason, not to identify what you are bad at, but for you to show that you are continuously learning and evolving within your role and specialism within nursing.

Don’t forget to ask your own questions too…

Arrange several of your own questions and have them to hand to ask after your interview. This will suggest that you are interested in the role you are interviewing for and keen to find out more.

However, don’t ask questions that have already been covered during the interview! Examples of questions could be:

1. How would you describe the culture of the ward?

2. What are the goals of this team for this year?

3. What does success look like in this role?

FAQs about Nursing Interview Questions

Below are FAQs about Nursing Interview Questions. Please, kindly examine the answers.

1. What are the 4 skills of a nursing interview?

Nursing interview questions and answers
1. Teamwork and working with others. Describe a situation where you had to work with a difficult co-worker. …
2. Patient care questions. Describe a problematic patient you have had in the past. …
3. Background and personality. Tell me about yourself. …
4. Adaptability and flexibility.

2. How do I pass my nursing interview?

Nursing Interview Tips
1. Know where you’re going. Healthcare facilities are often big and confusing. …
2. Dress professionally. Professional attire tells interviewers you take them and the job seriously.
3. Rehearse your nursing interview questions. Don’t just prep answers. …
4. Pamper yourself. …
5. Listen and take notes.

3. What to say in Tell me about yourself nursing interview?

Be personal, as it’s a very personal answer, but stay professional. Example: I initially went into nursing because I have a lot of family members in nursing, like my aunt and my grandmother, and it seemed like a stable job that also made a big difference in people’s lives.

More FAQs about Nursing Interview Questions

4. What are the 6 C’s in nursing?

The 6Cs – care, compassion, courage, communication, commitment and competence – are a central plank of Compassion which was drawn up by NHS England chief nursing officer Jane Cummings and launched in December 2012.

5. Why do you choose nursing?

Nursing is all about the patient. It’s a career that helps you save lives, bring happiness to individuals and their families, and comfort to those in need.
From mental health and aged care to rehabilitation and midwifery, there are many areas where you can make a positive impact

6. What nursing means?

Definition of Nursing

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings.
Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.

7. What is a good weakness to say in an interview?

Example: “My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have a hard time letting go of a project. I’m the biggest critic of my own work.

I can always find something that needs to be improved or changed. To help myself improve in this area, I give myself deadlines for revisions.

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