Child sexual abuse is a hidden epidemic gradually eating deep into our society. It is one of the phenomenons that has increased and receiving lower attention, given the psychological trauma the abuse causes on its victim.

            Research has shown that over 90 per cent of abuser is people the victim are familiar with. They are also people the parents entrust their children but secretly abuse them. Children look up to these categories of people for protection in one form or the other and love them dearly. They include their relatives, lesson teachers, domestic staff, family friends etc.

            The World Health Organization says one out of every three girls and one out of every six boys would have experienced one form of sexual abuse before attaining the age of 18, perhaps, that was why, in 1999, WHO declared child sexual abuse a public abuse, a public health epidemic; while in 2004, the world body declared it as a major factor fueling HIV/AIDS and therefore declared it a silent epidemic.

            As bad as the issue is, African countries like Nigeria have never taken the issue serious as the Western countries, which do not spare this offenders but are punished severely. Some people especially non- governmental organizations that are already raising awareness about the evil of child sex abuse.

            Sexual abusers could be male or female of any age, different socio-economic groups, ethnic classes, educated or illiterate, employed or unemployed, rich or poor.

            Often, there are no clear external signs to show that a child has been sexually abused, but some signs can only be detected after physical examination by a physician. Some of the signs are as follows; difficulty in walking or sitting, feeling pain while urinating or having bowel movement, vaginal tears, medical problems such as chronic itching, pains in the genitals, venereal diseases, aggressive behaviour toward family members, teachers, friends etc; always being isolated and withdrawn depression, loss of appetite, showing unusual fear of a certain place or persons, etc. The list is endless.

            Worse still, parents tend to disbelieve when their children tell them of an abuse done on them. This usually leaves devastating effects on them. Consequently, the victims may feel embarrassed, isolated, guilty, ashamed and powerless.

            Prevention is better than cure, so says the adage. People do not have to wait until the deed is done before looking for preventive measures.

            Every child is at risk of being sexually abused and everything must be done to prevent it

            Experts have advised that parents should start teaching their children sex education from the age of three (3) years. However, many parents do not even know what to say to their children. Parents should read various books and other materials that will give them more information on sex education.

            Again, parents must teach their children that their bodies belong to them and they have the right to decide what they do with them. They should also know the values of their bodies by teaching them to respect other people’s bodies.

            Also, parents should not force their children to do things like hug or kiss any relative if the child doesn’t want to. Allow them to reject such gestures politely.

            Finally, when a child has been sexual abused, parents should try and believe him/her and giving him/her words of encouragement because it helps reduce the shame, embarrassment which the child has been through.

Child Sex Abuse is an evil that must be stopped by all courses!

Children are our future and their must guided generously!

Parents watch out for your children in neighbourhood!

It doesn’t show on the face!   

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