Choosing Alcohol Over Your Relationship Quotes

Alcohol addiction has many serious consequences, one of which is being absent from your relationship with your loved ones. Addiction doesn’t only interfere with the addict’s relationship with their significant other, it also affects their friends, families and even coworkers.

If I asked you which was more important — alcohol or your relationship — what would you say? If you’re like most people, you will choose alcohol. People seem willing to say “no” to their partners. As if it’s not a big deal. But here’s the thing: when you choose alcohol over your relationship, it’s a big deal, and you will pay a high price for doing so.

Relationships are hard, but they can be worth fighting for. If you want to choose alcohol over your relationship, these choosing alcohol over your relationship quotes will help you know what to do, if it will profit you or not. Read the quotes below to know more.

Bad habits can be hard to break, especially when they feel good. Alcohol is one of them and people have lost their relationships because of alcohol abuse. Choosing alcohol over your relationship is not worth it for your relationship.

1. Relationship is everything. Never give up your friends for a drink. Never choose alcohol over your relationship.

2. Don’t you dare break your relationship for the sake of alcohol.

3. If you want to be with your partner, don’t let alcohol get in the way.

4. Alcohol kills brain cells, relationships rebuilds them.

5. You can’t buy happiness with alcohol. You’d better off saving the round for the other person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

6. Be careful; one drink and your whole relationship is history.

7. The best conversation and the most memorable evening begin with a healthy foundation: good communication. There are ways to work through tension and arguments without alcohol, which only complicates matters.

8. Don’t choose to drink over your relationship. Talk to your partner or a professional if you have a problem with alcohol.

9. The best relationships are built on love and trust. Alcohol doesn’t fit into any equation like that.

10. Never choose a drink over your relationship. Always think of your partner and what is best for the two of you first.

11. It’s okay to have a drink sometimes. But remember, never drink over your relationship.

12. You will always regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did. So date your partner, don’t date the bottle.

13. If you can’t trust your partner, then you can’t trust anything. Choose your relationship over alcohol to have a better romantic relationship.

14. Never choose a night out with colleagues over spending time with your loved ones. Life is full of choices; make the right one!

15. Relationships take work. If you aren’t choosing your relationship, your relationship isn’t working.

16. Relationships are worth sacrificing alcohol for. This is one of the most crucial things to remember when in a relationship. Choose your partner over your poison.

17. Your relationships are more important than drinking.

18. Relationship shouldn’t be about booze. It’s about love and care.

19. Alcohol doesn’t solve problems, it only creates new ones. So, don’t choose alcohol over your relationship.

20. Love is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you. Do not ruin it by choosing alcohol over your relationship.

21. Relationships and alcohol don’t mix. Sometimes we let a drink or two get the best of us. But never sacrifice your relationships for alcohol.

22. If you choose alcohol over your significant other, you’re not only killing the relationship but also yourself.

23. Choose your relationship over alcohol. Don’t drink anything that you would not drink with your partner.

24. Never miss a special moment in your relationship because you are too inebriated.

25. When you choose alcohol over your relationship, that’s when you know it’s time to end it.

26. Alcohol and relationships don’t mix. If you’re currently in a relationship that involves alcohol, it’s time to get help.

27. No woman in the world is worth ruining your reputation over. No man in the world is worth throwing away your future with. Never choose booze over your relationship.

28. Alcohol destroys relationships. You deserve to be loved. Don’t ever let a drink come between you and your love.

29. A loving relationship is built on the foundation of honesty and trust. If you find yourself choosing alcohol over your significant other, consider getting help.

30. Don’t give up on love because of alcohol. Alcohol doesn’t make a good relationship bad, it just makes it short and unhappy.

31. Choose your relationships wisely. Choose your friends wisely. Never choose alcohol over your relationship.

32. First of all, alcohol won’t save your relationship. If you are in a relationship with someone who drinks around you, threatens you or manipulates you—it’s time to end that relationship.

33. Every time you make the choice to drink instead of doing something romantic with your partner, you’re eroding the foundation of your relationship.

34. Show the ones you love that you care by taking a break from the bar.

35. Relationships are the ultimate test of self-confidence… and not drinking alcohol.

36. Love is a choice, which means you choose to love your partner. If you can’t decide between a glass of wine or creating new memories with your spouse, then maybe it’s time to get help.

37. If you want to maintain your relationship, never choose alcohol over your partner.

38. Never choose alcohol over your relationship. Love yourself enough to set limits and say no to unhealthy choices.

39. Every weekend you choose alcohol over your relationship is one more way you are saying “I don’t love you enough”.

40. Relationships are hard work, but it’s worth it. Don’t let a little thing like booze get in the way of what you have.

41. Stop making excuses to ruin your relationship. Don’t let alcohol come between you and your significant other!

42. When alcohol is before you, never make it a priority. It will always be there, but your relationship might not.

43. Your relationship is your most valuable asset. Protect it, respect it, and work on it always. Choosing alcohol over it is not a good decision.

44. Don’t choose alcohol over your relationship, as it will definitely hurt your relationship in the long run.

45. Your relationship is always a priority to alcohol. Always choose your love with care.

46. Don’t let alcohol get between you and your significant other.

47. When you choose alcohol over your relationship, you lose both.

48. Don’t let alcohol stand in the way of your happiness. If you find yourself having to choose between the two, always choose your relationship over booze. Give up that daily drink.

49. Never choose a drink over your relationship. Always think of your partner and what is best for the two of you first.

50. Make the right choices. Choose your partner. Forever and always, choose your partner.

51. Your partner is the most amazing person on this earth, and you should never give up your relationship for a drink.

52. Alcohol is temporary, but relationships are a lifetime.

53. Don’t let a night of partying get in the way of your relationship. Choose each other over booze.

54. In a relationship, there will be challenges and problems. Sometimes it can feel like you are in a tug-of-war. But to make a relationship work is to choose the person you love over what you want at that time.

55. Alcohol doesn’t love you, and it doesn’t care whether you get home safe. Alcohol will take away your dignity and respect. Don’t compromise yourself or your relationship.

56. There is never a time when it’s appropriate to prioritize alcohol over your relationship.

57. Nothing good comes out of a drink. Don’t ruin a great relationship over a drink.

58. Alcohol destroys relationships. Alcohol is not an excuse for bad behaviour. Do not choose alcohol over your relationship.

59. When you’re in a relationship, don’t let alcohol stand between you and the one you love.

60. Your relationship shouldn’t have to compete with your love for the bottle.

61. Alcohol should never come between you and the person you love. A healthy relationship comes first!

62. Relationship is not about alcohol; it’s totally about you and your partner.

63. When alcohol is chosen over the relationship, there’s something wrong with the relationship.

64. Relationship is not about alcohol. A relationship is like a bank account, you have to deposit time, affection and love if you want it to grow.

65. Drinking puts your relationships at risk. Don’t let alcohol come between you and your loved ones. Stay sober, and stay together.

66. Your significant other is better than a bottle of wine. Choose love every time.

67. Never choose alcohol over your relationship. It will break you up sooner or later.

68. Choosing alcohol over your relationship is not a wise decision; Don’t let alcohol ruin your relationship.

69. A relationship should always be more important than alcohol!

70. Don’t choose booze over your relationship because you can’t “undo” the choice. Find a balance between the two and live happily ever after.

71. When alcohol becomes more important than your relationship, your partner is at risk of being replaced.

72. Don’t choose alcohol over your relationship; your relationship is more important.

73. It’s never okay to hurt the people that care about you. Alcohol is a dangerous substance, and it can easily ruin your relationships.

74. You should never choose alcohol over your relationship. Alcohol may provide temporary relief, but it doesn’t fix your problems, and it can actually make them worse.

75. You know it’s not going to work out when they’re choosing alcohol over you.

76. It’s hard to be your best self when you’re in an unhealthy relationship. Drinking too much alcohol or any other substance can interfere with building a healthy life.

77. Choosing alcohol over your significant other should never be an option.

78. Your relationship is not strong if you’re choosing alcohol over it.

79. Drinking is a choice, and it’s not a good one. Don’t let alcohol control you to choosing it over your relationship.

80. A bad choice is leaving your relationship because of alcohol. Choose your relationship every time.

81. Never choose a drink over the love of someone who wants to spend the rest of their life with you.

82. If you choose to drink, don’t make it an addiction. Always keep in mind that your relationship is much more important than alcohol.

83. It’s an easy reality to face, but letting alcohol come in between you and your loved one will only bring pain.

84. Never choose alcohol over your relationship. Say no to alcohol, say yes to your relationship.

85. Never put yourself in a situation where alcohol is more important to you than your relationship.

86. When it comes to choosing between alcohol and your relationship, alcohol will never be the right choice.

87. Don’t ever let alcohol get in the way of your happiness. Choose your relationship.

88. Relationship isn’t always easy. Relationship requires work. A relationship requires trust. And most of all, a relationship requires communication. Just be yourself and never choose alcohol over your relationship.

89. If you value your relationship, never choose alcohol over it.

90. Don’t break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend over alcohol. Alcohol will never be as important in your life as the person you are dating or married to.

91. You should never choose alcohol over your relationship. Alcohol is not your solution to a complicated relationship. It’s the last thing you need if you want to keep things together with your better half.

92. Every time you choose alcohol over your relationship, it hurts your relationship more than you know. Your relationship will never be the same, and it’s all because of your poor choice to choose alcohol over your relationship.

93. Your relationship is the best choice you have ever made. Don’t let anyone or anything, even alcohol, come between you.

94. Never lose sight of your true relationship goals. Always make your partner more important than your poison.

95. You should never have to choose between your love and a good cocktail.

96. Your relationships are important. Alcohol is a toxin that destroys precious relationships. Choose your relationships over alcohol, and you will be rewarded with love and happiness.

97. Everyone deserves to be loved, and so does your partner. Don’t let alcohol take that from you.

98. Don’t let alcohol become the reason you destroy your relationship. Remember what’s important to you, and focus on building that.

99. Never let alcohol get in between you and your love.

100. Create a beautiful future with your partner. Alcohol causes problems in relationships. Your relationship shouldn’t be one of them.

Dependence on alcohol is a form of self-harm. Thus, it is never good to choose alcohol over your relationship partner. To keep the healthiest relationship possible with your loved ones, choose to cut down on alcohol. It will enrich your life and benefit your relationships.

Let me know what you think of these choosing alcohol over your relationship quotes in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading. Please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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