Christian Religious Studies WAEC Past Questions 2018/2019 Updates (CRS/CRK)

Christian Religious Studies WAEC Past Questions


Question 1 Genesis 1:1-31

(a) Outline in chronological order the first creation story.

(b) Give three reasons why man is regarded as the crown of creation.

Further observation: A very handful of candidates answered this question that required them to list in chronological order, the creation story. In answering the question they were expected to give the day to day activities of God during creation. But the performance was just average as many of the candidates did not list the points in order but the (b) Section came to their rescue as it fetch them few marks. They mentioned points like:

(i) Man was given creative ability

(ii) Man gave names to the animals.

Question 2: Genesis 41:1-33

(a) Narrate the dreams of Pharaoh

(b) In what three ways did the interpretation of the dreams affect Joseph and his people?

Further observation: A substantial number of candidates attempted this simple and straightforward question. As it is, many of them mixed up the account or picked only one of the dreams. Despite the simple nature of the question there were candidates who do not do well others were able to score well above average. The points which the candidates did not mention are:

(i) He dreamed again of seven plump and good ears of corn growing in one stalk.

(ii) Another seven thin and blighted ears came up also.

(iii) The seven thin and blighted ears of corn ate up the good and plump ones.

(iv) The chief butter recommended Joseph to Pharaoh.

 Question 3: 1Kings 16:29 – 33,18:1-19

(a) Give an account of the meeting between Elijah and Obadiah.

(b) What two lessons can be learnt from the encounter?

Further observation: This question was really not popular, as majority of the candidates who attempted this question did not perform satisfactorily because they confused it with the contest on Mount Camel. They did not show knowledge of the story but few of them were able to do justice to the question. Points they ought to have mentioned are:

(i) The introduction of Baal worship in Israel by Jezebel Ahab’s wife.

(ii) This brought famine to Israel for three and half years.

(iii) Obadiah’s the man in charge of Ahab’s household fed one hundred prophets of God.

(iv) While Obadiah was searching for water, he met Elijah.

(v) He asked Obadiah to report his presence to the kin

Question 4: Jer. 31:31-34. Eze. 36:25-28

(a) State the content of the New Covenant in

(i) Jeremiah

(ii) Ezekiel

(b) Outline five benefits of the covenant to Israel.   

Further observation: This question was attempted by the candidates and their performance in it was dull. They mixed it up with the prophecy of Jeremiah and Ezekiel their write up did not show mastery of the subject and the question.

They were supposed to highlight the New Covenant in each of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The contents of each covenant differ from the other. In that of Jeremiah most candidates forgot to mention that:

(i) The people had broken the Sinai Covenant.

(ii) The people would not need to be taught to “know the Lord”.

However, in that of Ezekiel they were supposed to mention that; God would cleanse them of idols, He would put in them a new heart and new spirit and replace the stony heart with the heart of flesh.


Question 5: Matthew 6:19-36

(a) What did Jesus teach about any of the following during His Sermon on the Mount?

(i)Earthly possessions


(b) In what five ways can the misuse of wealth lead to serious consequences for a nation?

Further observation: This very question was popular among the candidates. It was indeed their favorite as they were able to give the narrative, although there were some mixed up here and there but eventually they were able to score above average. The (b) part of the question was very relevant to their environments. As they were expected to mention consequences of misuse of wealth and this added to their marks.

Question 6: Luke 9:57-62

(a) Relate the encounter between Jesus and the three would be disciples.

(b) Mention any three demands of discipleship.

Further observation: A very high number of candidates attempted this question but it was mis-interpreted by some candidates to be the call of the disciples. Instead of them to narrate the story of the three would be disciples i.e. the one that volunteered to follow Jesus, one that asked to follow him and the third one that told Jesus that he would follow him, they just muddle up everything, whereas they were expected to relate the encounter of Jesus with the would-be disciples.

The (b) part was not well handled as most of the failed to mention such points as; complete loyalty to God and total sacrifice as demands of discipleship.

Question 7: Matthew 17:1-13, Make. 9:2-15, Luke. 9:28-36

(a) Narrate the story of the transfiguration.

(b Give three points of significance in this story.

Further observation: This was the most favored question among the candidates and they really did well. Their scores really reflected this assertion. They went straight to the points without beating about the bush. The (b) part of the question in which they were to mention the significance of story paid off as majority of the candidates were able to score the six marks for that part. The overall scores was quite encouraging.

Question 8: Acts 6:1-6

(a) What events led to the appointment of seven deacons in the early Church?

(b) What three lessons can be learnt from this episode?

Further observation: A good number of candidates answered this question and they perform creditably well as they gave account of the Hellenists complain and the appointment of the deacons. The (b) part was the undoing of the candidates as they could not state the following:

(i) Christians should imbibe the culture of division of labour.

(ii) Christians should avoid court settlements.

(iii) Christians should be ready to serve in any capacity when called upon.


Question 9: Romans 12:3-8

(a)What was Paul’s counsel concerning the use of spiritual gifts in the Church?

(b)List three ways in which spiritual gifts are misused today.

Further observation: Most candidates that attempted this question performed very bad as they were listing the spiritual gifts instead of writing about the use of spiritual gifts. They were unable to mention essential points like:

(i) Like the human body, we are severally gifted but do not have the same function.

(ii) If a prophet, he should prophesy in propos
ition of his faith.

(iii) Those given to service should be diligent in serving.

However, almost all of them were able to list the ways in which spiritual gifts are misused and this was able to earned them few marks.

Question 10: 2Cor 9:1-15

(a) Highlight the teaching of Paul on Christian giving as contained in Corinthians.

(b) In what two ways can people benefit from giving?

Further observation: This question was attempted by few candidates and they exhibited shallow knowledge of the subject matter. Only a meager number of the candidates scored half of the mark. Most of them wrote on giving in general not relating it to Paul’s teaching in Corinthians. Some helpful points missed out were:

(i) The gifts sent to Paul were fragrant offering, a sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God.

(ii) That God would provide for their needs according to His riches and glory.

(iii) He was proud and boasted of the gifts to the Macedonians.

(iv) Paul said he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly.

They applied residual knowledge for the (b) part and this earned them some marks. As they mention that God was not a debtor, that there is reward for the giver and there is joy in sharing.

Question 11: 2Thess. 3:6-15

(a) Give Paul’s teaching on “dignity of labour” in Thessalonians.

(b) What four lessons can be derived from this teaching?

Further observation:  Also, this was the most popular question in this Section and the candidates performed pretty well giving the points in sequence and this fetched them good marks. They emphasized the message of he who does not work should not eat but many did not relate it to the Corinthian Church.

They were able to score more marks in the (b) part where they were requested to mention lessons derived from the teaching.

Question 12: James 2:14-26

(a) Highlight James’ teaching on faith and works.

(b) What two lessons can Christians learn from this teaching?

Further observation: This question was answered by very few candidates. They rather beat about the bush. They wasted valuable points by not linking faith and works together. The question was not properly handled. Vital points missed out


(i) James assented that faith by itself, if it has no works is dead.

(ii) He challenged those who claim to have faith to show their faith without works.

(iii)       He also maintained that Abraham’s faith was effective along with his works.

The (b) part of the question did not help matter, as they could not mention the following points:

(i) The best way to express faith and belief in God is to do what He says.

(ii) Faith without effective action results in failure.

(iii) God blesses people’s works of faith and not faith alone.

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