The indispensable role of information and communication technology ie the information age or the internet age cannot be overemphasized societies that have harnessed the benefits of this social tool, are the ones considered to be to be peaceful developed and progressive. This research work was on the Citizenship Education in the information age: challenges and enhancement strategies: a case study of Izzi Local Government Area. The major instrument for data collection was the questionnaire.

The research used the Likert scale method of data analysis. A total of 100 respondents were used. The research recommends that; the ice should be used to teach the learner at all levels to boast teaching and learning of responsible citizenship. The ice should be used to teach the learner at all level to boost teaching and learning of responsible citizenship. The inclusion of citizenship education via the ret at private and public agencies and institution. The use of ICT in political sensitization, education and religious education in order to create a peaceful society.  





1.1       Background of the study

            Citizenship education is the study of the legal right in relation to the ways in which a citizen behaves as he craves to help his community. Citizenship education is a new subject in the Nigeria secondary school curriculum. A cursory look at Nigerian history shows a lot socio-economic and political reforms taking place. Yet the national civic, political and economic landscape remained beset by the same age-old problems that have always hindered nation at development Nigeria Nation has been (and still being characterized of ethnic chauvinism religious dashes, social and civil crises. These bedeviling problems call for urgent attention. Critics and analyst have conterminously advocated for civic education at all levels of education particularly at secondary level-federal government has hearkened and headed to such clarion call by introducing civic education in school’s curriculum.

            Citizenship education is a dynamic subject. As a subject and also art, it is located and practiced in the social environment where change is constant. In the information age, the learner is prone to myriads of data with some having both positive and negative.

            This study is on citizenship education in the information age: challenges and enhancement strategies – A case study of  Izzi Local Government Area.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

            Citizenship education in the information age has it challenges and setbacks. The study intends to investigate how the information and communication technology (ICT) can help to boost or mar the social responsibilities of individuals in the school and society at large

1.3       Purpose of the Study

            The purpose of the study which was on citizenship education in the information age challenges and enhancement strategies a case study of Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

            The purpose of this study include;

a.         To understand the role of ICT in citizenship education.

b.         To highlight the challenges of ICT in citizenship education.

c.         To explore enhancement strategies for citizenship education in relation to ICT

1.4       Research Questions

            The following research questions guided the research

a.         What is the impact of the information age (ICT) on       citizenship education         

b.         What are the benefits of the information age (ICT) on citizenship education

c.         What enhancement strategies can boost citizenship education in our schools and communities.

d.         What are the major challenges to citizenship education in the information age

1.5       Significance of the Study

            This research work which is on citizenship education in the information age challenges and enhancement strategies – a case study of Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, has a lot of significance.

a.         It would help the government to understand the need to encourage the citizens to embrace the ICT age.

b.         It would help the individual to be current with present day realities and be able to make references and inferences.

c.         It would help educational planners and policy implements to explore ways of making computer studies a permanent feature in our schools

d.         It would also encourage private individuals and agencies to partner with schools and governments on how to boost computer literacy as it relates to citizenship education

1.6       Scope of the Study

            This study which was on citizenship education in the information age: challenges and enhancement strategies was supposed to cover the nook and crannies of Ebonyi State but was limited to Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.



2.0       This chapter reviews the related literatures on citizenship education in the information age: challenges and enhancement strategies; under the following subheadings;

           What is citizenship education?

           Citizenship education and the information age

           Challenges to citizenship education in the information age

           Enhancement strategies

           Conclusions and summary

2.1       What is Citizenship Education?

            Education in the context of citizens and civic education. Education is the process of transmitting what is valuable in the sense of what is desired to relevant public who are the beneficiaries of that purpose. The centre of gravity in the educative enterprise then is organized around socialization of participants into cultures of knowledge considered as foundation for the desirable, the worth while and the valuable.

            Subsequently, dispute arises as to the content of these categories. Whatever they are, whatever their content they constitute the purpose of education an adequate discussion of education with a view to define or even describe it, must set on the basis of this type of thing – the purpose. The purpose of education seems then, in an organic way to be linked to its content and meaning and even method. But inspite of the purpose contrived and the methods adopted, the educative process is a perennial one spanning its perception as a life – long affair.

            Julius Nyerere (1985) maintained that the educative process within any social continuum serves to reinforce the social ethics of the social order from which it necessarily springs. It is within this context that the educational system produces the man that is adequate to its needs and desired by it. Thus any social order adopts an educational system that conduces to its survival and whose principles are consistent with the under – girding values for its growths and development. Citizenship education is the preparation of individuals to participate as active and responsible citizens in a democracy civic education is key to grow a positive and dynamic citizenship participation space in the polity. Criticality of citizenship education also lies in the equally important role of effective citizenship recruitment it is the most powerful instrument available to the state to engage and Implement programs of value reorientation in the social carder. The following statement by Thomas Jefferson expresses the rational and summaries the province of civic education.

            “I   know of no safe depository of the ultimate power of society but the people themselves and if you think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome dedication; the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.

            Citizenship education is a social phenomenon that is historically specific. This is so in respect to its essential contends. Its total burden includes, but is not exhausted by those conditions and processes that produce outcomes in the internalization perpetuation and propagation of citizenship consciousness, moral, social and political obligations and role expectations in the society. It is also the externalization and deployment of this type of consciousness to enable full participation in the dynamic of citizenship in the state. From the east stages in the historical development of the society specifically, that is, with the emergence of the state. The education of the citizen into socially correct roles has been an item of high ranking challenge and priority. In a state characterized by social inequality there exist different conceptions of what are correct citizenship roles for the different social classes within each state. This in unrequited differential items of curricular content Plato’s view in this regard is guardian class, the rulers, who hold the highest from of citizenship in the state citizenship them into role of leaders. The goals of citizenship education were specific and targeted on their historical roles Lower echelons of citizenship were available and occupied by merchant teacher and consent; etc citizenship as a term is a word which defines the legal right as it belongs to a particular country. It also means the state of being a citizen and accepting ways in which a citizen behaves, for instance, being responsible and helping his community. Citizenship Education therefore is the study of the legal right in relation to the ways in which a citizen behaves as he craves to help his community. Citizenship education is that which enables people to make their own decision and to take responsibility for their own lives and their communities. Citizenship Education is move than a subject because it is an important opportunity especially for students, to explode their social and political vices If it is taught well and tailored well to local needs, its skills and values will enhance democratize life for all citizens, both rights and responsibly,  beginning in schools and radiating out citizenship Education is targeted at young people so that they can leave school with an understanding of political, legal and economic functions of adult society and with the social and moral awareness to thrive in it citizenship education is essential for preparing young people for our shared  democratic life.

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