Coffee Is My Best Friend Quotes

Coffee is a drink with many health benefits and can be enjoyed by anyone at any time of day and is also a great way to start the day. It wakes you up in a good way and helps you stay focused and alert so that your workday doesn’t feel like it’s going on forever.

Coffee is the best friend that lets you drink it all alone, in peace, and makes you feel like crap even though you have the most to live for. It’s a true companion that’s always with you through life’s good times and bad.

When all you have is coffee, you can be yourself. Coffee is the one friend who gives you reasons to get up in the morning, and a cup of coffee can help you make it through any situation. Here you will find all the coffee is my best friend quotes.

Coffee is my best friend. I feel like it’s always there for me. It never lets me down. It’s always there when I need it. It keeps me warm and cosy, but it also gives me the energy I need to get through the day. Coffee is just an amazing drink!

1. Coffee is my best friend, my soul mate, and my comfort food. It’s what gets me going in the morning, and it helps me wind down at night. It’s the only thing I drink besides water and milk, and if I can’t have it, I get really cranky.

2. There is nothing more comforting than a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter’s day or a rainy spring afternoon. For me, there is nothing more soothing than sitting down with a steaming cup of coffee to read the newspaper or watch TV in the evening.

3. Coffee is my best friend. It’s the one thing I look forward to every morning.

4. Coffee makes me happy. That’s something a little stronger won’t do.

5. Coffee is my best friend. It’s my only true friend. It’s the one thing that I look forward to every morning, and it’s the one thing that I can count on in this world.

6. Coffee is my best friend. It’s my only friend. It makes me feel good all over.

7. Coffee is my best friend. That makes my brain work faster than any other drug on earth.

8. Coffee is my best friend. It’s the one thing that I can count on to be there for me all day long. I can always rely on coffee to be there for me when I need it. It’s a great companion, and I love it.

9. Coffee is my best friend, and I don’t know what I would do without it. It’s the one thing that keeps me going through the day and makes all of my problems disappear. Coffee is truly amazing, and I don’t think that there are too many people out there who don’t love this drink!

10. Coffee is my sunshine on a cloudy day, the only thing that makes me smile when I’m feeling down, and even though it may be an addiction, I can’t live without it.

11. Coffee is the only thing that gets me through the day without being grumpy!

12. Coffee is my best friend. It’s just so delicious, and it’s a good way to start the day.

13. Coffee makes everyone more agreeable. Coffee is my best friend! It’s just so delicious and it makes me happy every morning when I wake up!

14. Coffee is my favourite food! I love coffee with all of my heart and soul because it wakes me up at night and keeps me going through the day with no problems at all!

15. Coffee is my best friend. It’s like a spoonful of happiness, and I like a little bit of happiness in my day.

16. Coffee is my best friend, it gets me up in the morning and keeps me going through the day.

17. Coffee is my best friend. It’s the one thing that can start my day off right. If I don’t have coffee, I’m not happy, and when I do have it, I am ecstatic.

18. Coffee is a great way to get through the day and get things done. A good cup of coffee can make your day better than you imagined it could be.

19. I love coffee! I can’t go a day without it! My favourite part about coffee is the smell! It just makes me feel like I am on cloud nine!

20. Coffee is my best friend. It helps me to get up in the morning. It’s there for me when I need it most. Coffee doesn’t judge me, and it’s always there when I need it.

21. Coffee is my best friend, and I love her more than anyone. She never lets me down.

22. Coffee is my best friend and I’m always there for you.

23. Coffee is my best friend, and I tell you why. First of all, it makes me feel awake. Second, to me, coffee is a symbol of good taste and fashion.

24. Coffee is my best friend. I love it to bits and pieces.

25. Coffee is my best friend when I have no friends to drink with.

26. Coffee is my best friend, a friend who’s always there for me even when I don’t deserve it.

27. Coffee is my best friend. I like coffee. I drink coffee. I love coffee. Coffee is good for me. Coffee tastes so good

28. I drink coffee for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And sometimes in the middle of the night. Coffee is my best friend.

29. Coffee is my best friend. Coffee wakes me up in the morning and keeps me going throughout the day.

30. Coffee is my best friend, and I’ll do just about anything for it.

31. Coffee is my best friend, and I will always love it.

32. Coffee is my friend. It keeps me sane. I love it, I celebrate it and I will never stop drinking it.

33. I’m always up for a cup of coffee, preferably black.

34. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me up, and it keeps me going. It’s better than any other drug out there.

35. Coffee is my best friend. I’ll do anything for a cup of coffee.

36. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me up, but I’m the kind of person who needs to be put on pause and taken off the schedule.

37. Coffee is my best friend. I’ve never seen a friend as loyal, sincere and warm as coffee. Coffee is the most amazing thing ever.

38. Coffee is my best friend and I will drink any beverage with a taste of coffee in it.

39. As we all know, coffee is the perfect companion for any job. It brightens up your day and makes you feel like you got the whole thing together.

40. Coffee makes me feel better. It’s like meditation, but for my mind. Coffee is my best friend.

41. Coffee is my best friend and is a quick way to pick up your spirits when you’re down. It’s also the best way to stay awake and productive during the day.

42. Coffee is my best friend and is a wonderful thing. It’s the only thing that can change a bad day into a good one, brighten up your home, and make you feel all warm inside.

43. I’m never bored. I have coffee, and that’s all I need. Coffee is my best friend.

44. Coffee is my best friend. My favourite thing in the whole world. When I am sad, I make coffee. When I feel lonely, I brew a cup. When I want to cheer myself up, it always works!

45. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me alert, focused, and jolly. I enjoy a cup in the morning, one in the afternoon and another in the evening. Without it, I feel like a zombie.

46. Coffee has been my best friend since I was a little girl. The smell of it, the taste of it, and the feeling of it in my hands have been the answer to every question I’ve ever had and still are today.

47. Coffee is my best friend; it keeps me up when I’m down, and it comforts me when I’m sad.

48. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me company when I’m feeling blue. It reminds me of the good things in life and helps me look at the bright side of things… It’s always there for me, any time of day or night.

49. Coffee is my best friend, and a little caffeine will keep you going all day.

50. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me company, it cheers me up, and most important of all, it makes me feel good.

51. Coffee is my best friend, and that’s why I drink her all the time.

52. Coffee is my best friend. It’s like having a glass of wine with my meal.

53. Coffee is the reason I get most of my work done early.

54. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me warm on a cold day, and it keeps me going when I’m down. Coffee is my best friend.

55. Coffee is my best friend; I love it; I drink it. I need it; I crave it. But in the meantime, nobody can take its place.

56. Nothing says friendship like a cup of coffee.

57. Everything is better with coffee in your life.

58. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me smiling when I’m feeling down and makes me feel better when I’m sick. Coffee is the reason I get out of bed in the morning, it’s the gate to my productivity, and it always keeps me going on a long drive home from work.

59. Coffee: you’re my best friend; you keep me warm when I’m cold, and you keep me cool when it’s hot.

60. Coffee is my best friend. I take it everywhere with me and share it with others. When I’m lonely, I put on my coffee and let it warm me up and tell me that everything will be all right. And it always is.

61. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me sane, it keeps me fat, it keeps me warm and it keeps me in my closet.

62. Coffee is my best friend—it keeps me Company when I’m worried and calms me down when I’m bored.

63. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me company when I’m sad and makes me happy when I’m happy.

64. coffee is the best friend who will always lift your spirits when you’re down. Coffee is my best friend. I love coffee!

65. Coffee is my best friend. I love it in all its forms: brewed, iced, and blended. It’s been through a lot with me, and I think I’ve earned the right to call it my friend.

66. Coffee is my best friend. It mends my wounds, cheers me up and comforts me when I’m down. And when I’m feeling blue, there’s always a mug of coffee to be found.

67. Coffee is my best friend; I like to sit and drink coffee when it’s nice out. The combination of the heat of the coffee, the cool air and the sun makes it the greatest thing in the world.

68. Coffee is the best friend of any writer, editor, and creative. It lets us remain productive even when our brain needs a break after a long day of work.

69. Coffee is my best friend. It’s like liquid brownies.

70. Coffee is my best friend. It brightens up my day, and I wouldn’t know what to do without it.

71. Coffee makes the day bearable and the night worth sleeping through.

72. My best friend is a cup of coffee. We go together perfectly.

73. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me company on a lonely night.

74. Coffee is my best friend. It’s always there for me when I’m down, and it always cheers me up. I can’t live without coffee!

75. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me company on sleepless nights and brightens up the day when I’m feeling down.

76. Coffee is my best friend. I always feel better when I have my coffee, even if it’s only 5 minutes before bed!

77. Coffee is my best friend; it helps me stay up late, think straight and do hard things.

78. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me going through those days when I don’t want to get out of bed.

79. Coffee is my best friend. I wake up when I wake up, have a cup of coffee, and go to work as if nothing happened.

80. Coffee is my best friend. I like to drink it black and sweetened with honey. It’s how I start every chapter of my day with a smile on my face.

81. Coffee is my best friend, and it keeps me awake at night.

82. Coffee is my best friend. I’ll do anything for a cup of coffee.

83. Coffee. It’s what’s for breakfast. It’s what’s for lunch. It’s my best friend, and I love it so much right now.

84. Coffee is the perfect morning companion. It’s the friend who always listens and never judges.

85. Coffee. I get up in the morning and smile more when I’m with you. It’s what connects us every day on our journeys.

86. Coffee is the perfect reward for getting through the hard parts of a day.

87. Coffee is a social lubricant. It keeps me connected and engaged.

88. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me up, helps me get things done, and helps me lead an interesting life.

89. coffee is my best friend – because, after a long day at work, I can just come home and chill with a nice cup of coffee.

90. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me company when I’m feeling low.

91. Coffee is my best friend; she keeps me company when I’m lonely and keeps me awake when I’m tired.

92. Coffee is my best friend. It lets me be myself, it knows when I’m nervous and it makes me laugh. Without coffee, I am like a car without gas: electric but without power until the fuel runs low. Coffee is the voice of reason in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.

93. Coffee is my best friend, and I drink it every day.

94. Coffee is my best friend. It keeps me grounded and focused; it keeps me going when the world is at a standstill; it gives me the energy to get through the day, and, more importantly, tastes great!

95. Coffee is my best friend and is the most important part of my morning routine. It’s the first thing I have before I get dressed and keeps me going through the day.

96. Coffee is my everything. I can’t live without it. It’s the best thing in life.

97. Coffee is my best friend and is the most important part of my day. It’s more than just a drink; it’s part of my ritual, and ritual is vital to me.

98. Coffee is my best friend; it keeps me up at night. I consider it like a sister that keeps me warm in the winter and cools in the summer. It’s always there for me whenever I’m down.

99. Coffee is my best friend. It’s always ready to talk and listen and always has my back.

100. Coffee is my best friend; it keeps me from being murdered in my sleep.

101. Coffee is my best friend. It never lets me down. It comes through for me when I need it and gives me strength when I am weak. It is a true friend, willing to go anywhere with me, listen to everything I say, and cheer me on every step. I love you, coffee!

102. Coffee is my best friend. Coffee is everything that matters to me.

103. Coffee is like my best friend. It never lets me down and always looks great in any situation.

I hope you have enjoyed and selected your choice from these beautiful coffee is my best friend quotes. Please, don’t forget to drop your comment and share it with your family and friends.

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