1.   Critical Compare With Colonial Educational System 6-5-4 In Nigeria And The New Educational System Of 6-3-3-4 In Terms Of:

(a)              Quality

(b)              Quantity

(c)              Skills acquisition

(d)              Promotion of scientific and technological advancement

(e)              Solving the countries problem of unitary man power shortage, moral disobedience and corruption.

2.   Critical evaluate the achievement or provision of the minimum academic standard in secondary schools in Nigeria as contained in the guidelines on minimum academic standard in schools national wild.


In the early colonial system, the burden of providing educational for the people of Nigeria was still shuddered by the missionaries, the colonial government were giving financial assistance to the missionary, before they come up to achieve a unified system of education and to give education more attention in order to achieve these aim, the colonial government adopts 6-5-4 system of education, which means that a child should spend 6 years in primary, 5 years in secondary 4 years in tertiary schools in the course of training a child can learn how to read and write even have knowledge of using equipments and solving problem and creating jobs in order to earn a living but during that time people where not interested in school, the turn out was low because people engage in agricultural activities, like farming, cattle rearing, fishing, cultivation and planting economic tress. The masses and most of the native leaders were not given serious attention to school meaning that they were not educated, the colonial government review the system and made provisions for the secondary educational in form of sub professional and vocational course were introduced central agriculture, research stations, after that the educational ordinance was passed regularizing the school system and laying down the condition for grants, that grant should be used for school building and teachers salaries even private schools where assisted to promote and encourage people to go to school in order to achieve this aim the colonial government also enacted laws which give room for appointing local board of education.


i.                    The secondary education in form of sub-professional and vocational course were provided, centre for Agricultural research stations. 

ii.                 The medium of instruction was English.

iii.               The provision against racial discrimination was welcomed by the nationalist.


i.                    In the colonial system companies and government employ people after their education directly to work.

ii.                 The government keeps record of people and number that will retire from service and then tell the institution the number of students to graduate at a period of time in order to avoid unemployment and after the graduation the individual will be given appointment letter to replace the vacancy.


i.                    The scientific and technologies were still at low level

ii.                 The scientific and technologies were not enough and modernized like this current system.


i.                    The interest of people to education then was very low, people give more attention to farming and hunting.

ii.                 Educational research centers were not established in some places.


i.                    Many of the individual do not have knowledge or was not trained to operate the machines in order to encourage output.

ii.                 Our parents were not told that married and aged people can still go to school to acquire knowledge there was no school for adults like work and study.

iii.               Police were working alone to fight crime, commissions like EFCC and ICPC etc. were not established.     


            Education is a essential to man as life itself on this planet earth, societies through ages have one form of education or the order, whether indigenous or western education, education varies from place of place and from time to time infact it is a every important means of developing any nation. This term educational has not lent itself to any strict consensual definition as it depends on the perspective from which one views it can be considered as the cultural norms of a society by people to transmit this life to the coming generations so as to promote perpetual development of the society.

            History had it that long before the advent of both Islamic and Western education, Nigeria has an indigenous type of education (i.e education for the survival of the people subsistence education. However, modern influence at about 300 years interval to each other, robbed the country of its indigenous education to a great extent for instance Christian. Educations were later enhanced by the colonial administratio
n to suit its purpose of colonization.

            Change in time witnessed change in the purpose of exudation in Nigeria as education later changed. Its focus towards developing individuals to contributes to the development of the nation and ultimately in preparation for self government at hideplend.


A critical comparism of the type of formal education in Nigeria before and after independence shows that this education was inadequate and unsatisfactory to the nations yearning and aspirations. In the opinion of many scholars like Nduka Fafunwa, Obayan, the education was parochial, elitist, regurgitate and aspirations of the Nigeria society in a bid to check this abnormality therefore, the then federal government of Nigeria adopted education as an instrument par excellence for effecting national development.

            The then federal government therefore made effort to fund the type of education best suited to Nigerians development hence the identification of 6-3-3-4 system of education.

            The history of 6-3-3-4 system of education dated back to 8th September 1969 during the (international literacy day) when the federal commissioner for education, Mr. Wenike Briggs inaugurated a conference which formulated the ideas leading to the 6-3-3-4 programm Omolewa 1986, stated that the programme was conceived as an instrument of national unity, it was designed to inject functionality in to the Nigeria school system, the 6-3-3-4 was fashioned to produce graduates who would be able to make use of their hand the head and the heart (the 3Hs of education) when it was finally introduced in 1982 there had been inputs by various sectors of Nigeria professional community.

            Then the 6-3-3-4 system of education was seen as a laudable programme capable of ushering man educational revolution in Nigeria. Hence step in the right direction, towards the technological development of the nation however, the current situation on ground as far from this ideal this system seems to be suffering from poor and shoddy implementation.


This is a type of educational system wherein men recipient of the educational would spend six years in the primary school, three years in the junior secondary school, three years in the senior secondary school and four years in the tertiary institutions such as colleges of education, polytechnic and universities respectively.

Primary education as regards the 6-3-3-4 system of education is the elementary type of education for children between the age of 6 to 11 years this is the foundation of education upon which all other are built, it therefore determines the success or failure of the whole system while junior and senior secondary schools are simply called secondary school where secondary education is received that is the form of education children receive after primary school and before the tertiary education (National policy and education 1981).

From the pervious discussion so far, one is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the importants of 6-3-3-4 system of education it is rather a functional education which enables its recipients to function, economically, socially morally, intellectually and politically. This educational system in itself is a conscious effort at matching and merging academic and vocational education programmes.

The 6-3-3-4 system of education in Nigeria is job oriented its premium on manual activities, technical proficiency, and respect for dignity of labour and economic efficiency. It is to provide the child with basic tools to prepare him for local craft, at secondary stage emphasis is on the acquisition of vocational skills, while it is professionally oriented at the tertiary stage so as to minimize unemployment and produce skilled manpower, in science and technology, in brief, it is to make individual capable economically and socially.

It is also stated in the national policy on education that a priority of place is going to be given to religion and moral instruction for the moral and spiritual well being of individual, but “no child will be forced to accept any religious instructions which is contrary to the wishes of his parents, this would remove any unnecessary suspicion in term of religion and religion clashes.

One of the greatest problems facing the implementation of the new policy on education in Nigeria is qualified personnel in quantity and quality.

(a)              Teachers in the science, technical and vocational subjects

(b)              Schools inspectors and education supervisor for quality control for the efficient and effective running of the schools programmes

(c)              Supportive staff such as laboratory assistance library assistance, workshop attendants etc.

(d)              Guidance counselors to guild for proper placement having the adequate knowledge of individuals aptitude and interest man and materials


There is no doubt there are shortage of men and materials even at the federal level to implement the 6-3-3-4 system of education, in course of implementing 6-3-3-4 system of education the areas of emphasis are the technical and vocational, which require materials in science and technical discipline these material are either not adequately supplied or they are left outside at the mercies of weather keep beating them or thieves who steals in parts or as a whole the machines and equipment in the secondary schools all over the country the idea of the new system of education was conceived during the years of plenty (during the oil boom) and unfortunately, the implementation period falls in the period of death (the period oil boom) now that the country is in a terrible financial state, the consequence of this to or on the implementation of negative as everything virtually comes to a stand still in the absence of money.


The new system of education is a conscious effort to effect a positive change using education as a means of bringing innovation in to the life of the nation with resultant development but due to the national tendency of man to resist change, the new system was greeted with lukewarm attitude by the people, while the federal government also had its own share of the blames as revealed at the one day seminar of the 6-3-3-4 education system and the drive for self employment held at the university of llorin, faculty of education, where the federal government was criticized for deliberately usurping the goal of the system by paying more attention to the N.D.E National Director of employment in various job drive.

It is unfortunate that the government and people of Nigeria’s attitudes towards solving the country’s problem of development leaves much to be desired and this seems to confirm the view of some authors as to whether the present 6-3-3-4 programme is not too ambitious for the country’s level of seriousness, particularly when one sees its implementation methods.

Qualities of 6-3-3-4           

i.        Free and compulsory education to encourage the grass root and seminar
are organized for importance of education.

ii.     Building of self-help projects and providing textbooks to students through universal basic education board UBEB.

iii.   The technological instrument used now for practicals and research are more modernize and it works faster.

iv.     The new system of 6-3-3-4 means that a child should spend 6years in primary school, 3 years in junior secondary with JSSCE certification, and 3 years in secondary school with SSCE certificate.

v.      The government has establish examination body called national examination council NECO to supliment WAEC at the cheaper rate


i.        The government has provide opportunities by establishing a board called national directorate of employee NDE, in order to train, provide and equip those who are jobless to create job and produce tangible things in order to earn a living.

ii.     Hospitals, industries etc have been established all over the places for industrial training and proper research and practicals, in such that an individual who passed through school can learn how to handle and operate machines.


i.        In this modern the turn out is high because every family wants to go to school

ii.     Both private and public schools are all over the place even at the grassroot level.

iii.   Even the uneducated parents like farmers cattle rearers, the Fulanis who move place to place with their cattle now have interest for education.


i.        Restoring science, technical and vocational education in the scheme of national education for optimum performance.

ii.     The minimum and maximum of subject a student should offer including:- English, Mathematics, which the individual must be credited.

iii.   Revitalization and expansion of the national mathematical centre N.M.C.

iv.   Introduction of information and communication centre ICT.

v.      A student must spend 6years in secondary school and have two certificates JSSCE and SSCE.

vi.   Primary school leaves must have first school leaving certificate F.S.L.C to qualify him to enter secondary school.

vii. Every school should be registered under government and government inspects the school.

Periodical exams to test every student.

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