Coming Soon: QS Rankings by Region and Location

In case the recent QS Business Masters Rankings 2020 wasn’t exciting enough, QS will this month release the annual QS World University Rankings by Region, as well as the first ever Rankings by Location for India and Mainland China, with the latter launching on October 11. The Rankings by Region aims to highlight the top universities in some of the world’s fastest-growing regions, and consists of the QS BRICS University Rankings, the QS Asia University Rankings, the QS Latin America University Rankings, the QS EECA University Rankings and the QS Arab Region University Rankings. Read on to find out more about what you can expect from each of these.

Table of Contents

QS Rankings by Location

New for 2019 are the QS Mainland China University Rankings and the QS India University Rankings, with the China ranking launching on October 11, while the India ranking will launch on October 16. 75 universities feature in the India ranking, and 100 are highlighted in the Mainland China ranking. The results of these new Location Rankings have been compiled based on the QS BRICS University Rankings, and therefore the same methodology and weightings are used for both.

And on October 23, the first ever QS South Korea University Rankings and QS Japan University Rankings will be released. Both of these rankings are based on the results of the QS Asia University Rankings, which will be published the following day. 

And finally, the QS Mexico University Rankings will launch on October 25, with the results based on the QS Latin America University Rankings.


The QS BRICS University Rankings 2019 will launch on October 16, extended this year to feature 400 universities in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, making it the biggest BRICS launch yet. Last year’s edition saw Chinese universities dominate, taking all but three of the top 10 positions, but with Indian entrants such as Indian Institute of Technology Bombay continuing to climb in the QS World University Rankings®, will China perform as well this year?


First published in 2009, the QS Asia University Rankings 2019 will be launched on October 24 and will be the biggest launch yet, featuring 500 universities (extended from 400) in 17 locations. The methodology is similar to the QS World University Rankings®, with some additional indicators and adapted weightings. A total of 10 indicators are used to compile this ranking, including the proportion of staff with a PhD and the proportions of inbound and outbound exchange students. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore was the highest-ranked Asian university in the 2018 edition, but will it hold on to the top spot?

Latin America

Although it’s frequently dominated by Brazilian institutions (with 83 entrants out of the 385 universities in the ranking), last year’s QS Latin America University Rankings was actually topped by a Chilean institution – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Will it retain its position this year, or be overtaken by a rival Latin American institution such as Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)? Find out when the results go live on October 31.

Arab region

Launched annually since 2014, the latest edition of the QS Arab Region University Rankings will feature 120 universities, extended from 100 in last year’s edition, with each institution ranked based on eight indicators. Lebanon’s American University of Beirut was number one in the region in 2018, but will face fierce competition from the likes of Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Check back on October 31 to find out the results.

Emerging Europe & Central Asia

Also launching on October 31, the QS EECA University Rankings 2019 will highlight 300 of the most prestigious universities in the EECA countries, based on a methodology which assesses institutions on eight indicators. This ranking has consistently been dominated by Russian universities, with Lomonosov Moscow State University ranking first for three years in a row, but will it achieve first place for a fourth time?

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