Commonwealth Scholarship for Nigerian Student 2022 Application Portal

Commonwealth Scholarship for Nigerian Student

The Commonwealth nation is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students into their Commonwealth Scholarship for Nigerian Student. There are well-funded scholarships for all students.

Thus, as a Nigerian student (a Commonwealth nation), you can benefit from these scholarships too. However, though there are requirements, this article gives you some vital information on how to apply for some of them.

Commonwealth Scholarship for Nigerian Student

The following are some of the Commonwealth scholarships for Nigerian students:

1. University of Exeter Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

The University of Exeter has officially announced the offer of scholarships. And this is in partnership with the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

Also, it’s in partnership with the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC). And it’s for students from developing Commonwealth countries.

Additionally, this is one of the Commonwealth scholarships for Nigerian students. Furthermore, it targets those who would not otherwise be able to study a Masters program in the United Kingdom.

Targeted Level/Field of Study

The University of Exeter scholarships will grant a total of five awards. And they are to students pursuing a masters degree in any/one of the following courses:

1. LLM Law.

2. Also, Master of Public Administration (MPA).

3. Furthermore, MSc Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.

4. Also, MA Theatre Practice.

5. Additionally, MSc Environment & Human Health.

6. Plus those doing MSc International Tourism Management.

Important Information About Commonwealth Scholarship for Nigerian Student

➢ Deadline: Will be communicated

➢ Scholarship Worth: It covers 100% of tuition fees. Also, covers return airfare to the UK. And a maintenance award and additional allowances.

➢ Eligibility: Applicant must be an international student from Commonwealth countries. Also, must not have studied or worked for one (academic) year or more in a developed country. And must show financial constraint.

➢ To Apply:

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme at Sheffield Hallam University

Also, this is one of the Commonwealth scholarships for Nigerian students. Eligible applicants will be granted consideration for this program.

Furthermore, this scholarship will be awarded to well-qualified students. However, students must demonstrate academic, personal or professional achievement

Also, successful applicants will be awarded a certificate to mark their achievement following enrolment on their course.

Targeted Level/Field of Study for Commonwealth Scholarship for Nigerian Student

This scholarship is available for pursuing a Master’s program. However, the following are some of the fields and programs this scholarships covers:

1. The field of International Hospitality and Tourism Management.

2. Also, Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

3. Advanced Mechanical Engineering.

Furthermore, Urban Planning, Nutrition with Public Health Management. Plus, additionally, Healthcare Education, Design (Product) and Environmental Management.

➢ Deadline: Will be communicated

➢ Scholarship Worth: It has a value that covers tuition fees. Also, covers living and travel costs for the duration of a full-time taught masters course.

➢ Eligibility: Applicant must be nationals of a Commonwealth developing country. And must not be currently living or studying in a developed country. Also, must hold a first degree at either first or upper second class level

➢ To Apply:


 SMU Cox MBA Scholarships

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3. Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships are for candidates from least developed and lower-middle-income Commonwealth countries. And it is one of the Commonwealth scholarships for Nigerian students.

Also, it’s for part-time Master’s study by distance learning on selected courses offered by UK universities.

It targets Nationals of Commonwealth Developing Countries  such as:

1. Bangladesh, Cameroon and Eswatini.

2. Also, The Gambia, Ghana, Guyana and India.

3. Furthermore, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho and Malawi.

4. Additionally, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan and Papua New Guinea.

5. Plus, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands and Sri Lanka.

6. As well as Tanzania, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu and Zambia.

Important Information About Commonwealth Scholarship

➢ Deadline: Visit the application link below for this information.

➢ Scholarship Worth: It provides full-tuition fees. And all other compulsory costs of studying a UK Master’s course by distance learning. As such, it includes the full cost of any residential components of a course.

➢ Eligibility: Citizens must be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person.

Also, must be residing permanently in a developing Commonwealth country. And must hold a first degree of 2:1.

➢ To Apply:  

The above are some of the commonwealth scholarships. Though there are a lot of them, the application date for them has elapsed.

However, the above is someones for now. Thus, rush and apply as their deadlines also encroach.

Finally, before applying, read the requirements carefully. Ensure that you meet the requirements. Also, you can share this article. Thus, share with your friends. And share in your social media space. 

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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