Comparative Analysis Of Amplitude Of Accommodation And Binocular Cross Cylinder Method In Determination Of Reading Add

Comparative Analysis of Amplitude of Accommodation and Binocular Cross Cylinder Method in Determination of Reading Add.


This study was carried out to compare the amplitude of accommodation and binocular cross cylinder methods in determination of reading Add. A total of sixty two (62) presbyopic subjects where used and thirty were males and thirty were females.

Amplitude of accommodation and binocular cross cylinder test were performed and the reading add were determined using amplitude of accommodation and binocular cross cylinder methods.

The mean add determined through the amplitude of accommodation were 1.39 ± 0.57 and the mean add determined through the binocular cross cylinder were 1.89 ± 0.59.

Statistically software using pared sample T-test at 0.05 level of confidence and 95% confidence interval showed that there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in obtaining the reading add using the amplitude of accommodation and binocular cross cylinder method.

Reading add determined through binocular cross cylinder method provides a tentative reading add closer to the final reading add than the reading add determined through the amplitude of accommodation method.

Binocular cross cylinder method should be used when determining reading Addition for presbyopes since it gives a tentative reading Addition closer to the final reading Addition for presbyopic subjects.


Cover Page  i

Title Page      ii

Certification  iii

Dedication    iv

Acknowledgement   v

Table of contents  vi

List of Tables   x

Abstract      xi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                                                  

  • Background of Study       2
  • Statement of Problem    14

1.3        Objective of Study     15

1.4        Research Questions     15

1.5        Research Hypothesis      16

1.6        Significance of Study   16

1.7        Scope of Study  16

1.8        Limitation of Study     17


Literature Review     18

CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHOD                                                         

3.1        Area of Study    23

3.2        Research Design 23

3.3        Population of Study  24

3.3.1     Inclusion Criteria   24

3.3.2     Exclusion Criteria    24

3.4        Sample Size Determination  24

3.5        Sampling Technique      26

3.6        Instruments for Data Collection  26

3.6.1     Validation of Instrument    26

3.7        Procedure for Data Collection 27

3.8        Procedures for Data Analysis     27

3.9        Ethical Consent        28

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS                                                                                                              

4.1        Presentation of Data     29

4.2        Testing of Hypothesis     41

CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION                                                                                         

5.1        Contribution of knowledge       44

CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                                     

6.1        Conclusion         45

6.2        Recommendation     45

REFERENCE           46



Aging is a normal physiological process, which is associated with changes in the functional capacity of the body. All vital organs of the body begin to lose function as one gets older. And therefore, the effect of aging on vision (the eye) cannot be over emphasized.

The most distressing challenge an emmetropic aging adult (mostly from 42 years) has is difficulty in continuing to read tiny prints at hitherto, normal range of near distances (25cm – 60cm). This condition is known as presbyopia.

Caring for patients with presbyopia requires appropriate eye examination and management procedures to reduce the potential visual disabilities associated with presbyopia.

Optometrists play an important role in evaluating patients with symptoms or functional disability resulting from presbyopia, an expected vision change that, in some way, affects everyone at some point in adult life.

Vision is the ability to see and the eye is the sense organ responsible for vision. Clinically, it is classified as far and near vision. It is termed far when an object of regard is at 6m and beyond, near when an object is at 40cm. near vision task may include reading, writing, needle work, computing etc.

Which are all performed at 40cm distance. To achieve clear retina image at 40cm, the mechanism of accommodation must come into play and this is necessary to enable an individual do near work comfortably (Nwala et al., 2015).

Presbyopia is an age-related progressive loss of crystalline lens power of accommodation resulting in the inability to focus at near distance (Emerole et al., 2014).

The ability of the eye to focus clearly for objects at various distances is called accommodation (Grosvenor, 2007). Presbyopia is an aging alteration causing a gradual reduction in near vision which is initially noticed at the age of 45-45 years.


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