Comparative Analysis of Socio-economic Trucking Activities Between Mararaban Jos And Tafa In Kaduna State, Nigeria

Comparative Analysis of Socio-economic Trucking Activities Between Mararaban Jos And Tafa In Kaduna State, Nigeria.


Trucking has become the major and most important mean of transporting goods in Nigeria as a result of the collapse of the rail means.

Due to the bad nature of the roads that these trucks/tankers pass through, the state of the trucks and the fact that most designated truck park are not fully developed.

This has resulted in these trucks/tankers converging on towns on their routes from origin to destination known as rest stations.

This study examines the socio-economic activities of trucking between Mararaban Jos and Tafa, two rest stations along the Abuja-Zaria road corridor.

The aim of the study is to compare the socio-economic activities of trucking between Mararaban Jos and Tafa, while the objectives was to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of truckers making use of the rest stations, assess the impact of trucking on trading/business related to trucking in these rest stations,

asses the trucking facilities in the rest stations, assess the impact of truck drivers on the social life style of the resident of the study area and assess the impact of trucking on the environment of the rest stations.

In achieving this, the methodology adopted for this research work was the quantitative research method; this was done through the administration of questionnaires in the rest stations.


Transportation plays a crucial role in the economic development and trade of countries and consequently in the welfare of their peoples (UNESCO 2008).

The ability of industries to produce goods and services is dependent on transport to bring raw materials, spare parts, labour and energy from different locations. It also delivers manufactured goods, agricultural products and services to domestic and international markets.

For any economy to be efficient and effective there is the need to have an efficient and effective transport system.

Abdulkareem (2008) opined that since no single location is well endowed with all natural resources, there is the need to transport some of these natural resources from places where they are abundantly available to areas where they are needed but not available.

Rodrigue and Notteboom (2009) also noted that the transport sector is an important component of the economy impacting on development and the welfare of the people.

When transport systems are efficient, they provide economic and social opportunities and benefits that result in positive multiplier effects such as better accessibility to markets, employment and additional investments.


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