Comparative Efficacies of Dna And Live Oocysts Vaccines Against Experimental Infection With Local And Houghton Strains of Eimeria Tenella In Broiler Chickens

 – Comparative Efficacies of Dna And Live Oocysts Vaccines Against Experimental Infection With Local And Houghton Strains of Eimeria Tenella In Broiler Chickens – 

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The search for a sustainable cost effective that will be attractive to all poultry sectors has so far yielded the identification of novel recombinant DNA vaccine candidates such as Apical Membrane Antigen-1(AMA-1).

This study was aimed at evaluating the efficacy of vaccination of broiler chickens against coccidiosis using Eimeria tenella AMA-1(Et AMA-1)DNA vaccine in comparison to live , gross caecallesion score, oocyts production, histopathology, haematology and changes in serum enzyme levels of the immunized and challenged broiler chickens.

A totalof 80-day old broiler chickens were assigned to eight groups (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7and 8) of 10 each. At 14 days of age, the birds in groups 1(unchallengedunvaccinated control group)


Background of the Study

is caused by an apicomplexan parasite belonging to the genus Eimeria of which at least seven species are incriminated in the cause of the disease(Conway and Elizabeth, 2007; McDougald and Fitz-Coy, 2008).

occurs when a susceptible chicken ingests the abundant infective sporulated oocystsfrom the environment, contaminated feed or water (Majaro, 2001).

This causes economic losses worldwide estimated to be greater than $3 billion annually (Williams, 1999; Dalloul and Lillehoj, 2006).

Approximately, 80% of these losses are due to mortality, inefficient feed utilization and impaired growth rate of broilers and or reduced egg production in layers.

While the remaining 20% losses is dueto the cost of chemoprophylaxis (Wiliams et al., 1999). Eimeria tenella is the commonest and most pathogenic of all the Eimeria species affecting chicken and is prevalent throughout the world.

Eimeria tenella is the major cause of haemorrhagiccoccidiosis in poultry establishment worldwide causing high morbidity and variablemortalities. (Taylor et al., 2007).


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