Comparison Of Anti-Dandruff Activity Of Synthetic Shampoos And Crude Plant Extracts On Dandruff Causing Isolate

Comparison Of Anti-Dandruff Activity Of Synthetic Shampoos And Crude Plant Extracts On Dandruff Causing Isolate.


With dandruff being everyday problem and the market loaded with antidandruff shampoos and such skin care products; it is obvious to assume resourceful research into this area.

To check its antidandruff activity, experiments was conducted on Malassezia furfur the causal organism for dandruff which was isolated using SDA with olive oil.

The cup plate method was used to compare the antidandruff activities of the synthetic shampoos and plant extracts.

Among the plant extracts tested, Lemon showed the highest zone followed by lime, Neem plant and aloe vera while among the synthetic antidandruff shampoo venoz showed the highest zone followed by Adal A hair shampoo, vintage and 24 hours shampoo.

Comparatively the plant extracts shampoos showed a high zone of inhibition than the shampoos. Medicinal plants have some natural Antimicrobial property and therefore such combination could be a potential antidandruff activity.


Title Page    i

Certification             ii

Approval Page       iii

Dedication   iv

Acknowledgement      v

Abstract       vi

Table of Contents          vii

List of Tables     viii

List of Figures        ix


Aim        2


Dandruff               3

Plants Used     10

Lime                       10

Aloe Vera          13

Lemon          15

Neem Plant         18


RESULTS                    25

DISCUSSION                28


REFERENCES           31


Dandruff is a scalp disorder which is characterized by excessive shedding of skin cells from the scalp. It is a common problem faced by people of all age groups.

As the epidermal layer continually replaces itself, cells are pushed outward where they eventually die and flake off. For most individuals, these flakes of skin are too small to be visible. However, certain conditions cause cell turnover to be unusually rapid, especially in the scalp.

It is hypothesized that for people with dandruff, skin cells may mature and be shed in 2–7 days, as opposed to around a month in people without dandruff.

The result is that dead skin cells are shed in large, oily clumps, which appear as white or grayish flakes on the scalp, skin and clothes (De Angelis et al., 2005).

Yeast like lipophilic basidiomyceteous fungus Malassezia furfur [Pytirosporum ovale] is the causative organism for dandruff (Arora et al., 2011). Malassezia converts the sebum lipid into fatty acids and triglycerides, which accelerate hyperproliferation of keratinoytes (Singla et al., 2011).

The treatment options [ointments, lotions, shampoos] currently available for management of dandruff have zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, imidazole derivatives, selenium sulphide, tar derivatives, ketocanazole etc. as key ingredients (Vijayakumar et al.,2006).

These synthetic treatment options have certain limitations, which may be due to poor efficacies or due to compliance issues (Vijayakumar et al., 2006).

These are unable to prevent reoccurrence of dandruff with side effects that cannot be neglected. The best approach to treat dandruff is to use plants and herbal formulations which possess antidandruff properties.


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