Computer-Based Census Management System.

Computer-Based Census Management System.

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The researcher chose to research on this topic “Computer Based Census Management System” because of its relevance to society. Meanwhile, the manual method so far has its attendant problem of being tedious.

The researcher, in order to solve this time consuming, monotonous, and repetitive manual census activities went into a thorough study of the existing system. In the report proper, the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) was adopted and explained.

The high-level model of the proposed system was also designed and displayed in a format easily understandable to the user. The high-level model of the proposed system was designed architecturally and detailed designed through its separate components.

There were four modules in all, each taking care of specific function like: the staff management module that maintains records about the staff; the department management module manages information about departments in the commission; the register person, the register states, and the register LGA modules that do the actual registration of individuals.

Finally, the parallel change over methodology was adopted to enable the commission compare the results of the two systems (old and new) before implementation.


Census has been a reliable exercise from time, from where government rely for decision-making, and aids for administration and planning. According to Robert M. Groves, (2010) Director of the United States Census Bureau;

“Just like we cannot survive without roads and bridges, the country does not function well without an updated census to distribute funds to areas that most need them and to support community decisions and their own future.”

The increasing complexity of modern life means a greater need to plan housing, schools, roads, transportation, and a vast range of social and economic requirement for nation. This cannot be done without a detailed count of the population.

Census is being officially managed by some organizations or government, for example the National Population Commission (NPC).


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Fred R. McFadden and Jeffery A. Hoofer (1988), Database management, 2nd edition, The Benjamin‟s/Cumming publishing company Inc, U.S.A

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