Computerized Drug Information Management System Drug Procurement and Distribution Tracking System

Computerized Drug Information Management System Drug Procurement and Distribution Tracking System.


Drug procurement and distribution tracking system is a set of computer programs that obtains the supplies of drugs, distribute the drugs and monitors the inventory control of the drugs.

Using the pharmaceutical department of  Port  Harcourt University teaching hospital as a case study, the department using manual method to operate lacks good storage of information system for drugs.

Recording system tends to be complex and the method of tracking expired drug is poor. The good approach to this problem is to involve the use of a computer by designing the form, using Access in developing the database and Visual basic as the programming language, to enable keeping accurate record of drug and prevent sales of expired drug.

This guarantees the people’s right to good health care and ensures that drugs received are genuine and safe.


Title page




Table of content

List of figure

List of table



1.1 Background of study-              –

1.2 Statement of problem–

1.3 Objectives of the study-
1.4 Significance of the study-
1.5 Scope of the study- –

1.6 Assumption-

1.7 Limitations of the study-       – 6

1.8 Project report organization- – 6

1.9 Definition of Terms-    – 7


2.1 Computerization in drug management system– 9

2.2 General overview of drug management information system- – 10

2.3 Drug Procurement-  – 11

2.4 Drug Distribution — 12

2.5 Visual Basic 6.0-    – 13

2.6 Softrex Formular-     – 14

2.7 Management Information System-  15

2.8 Benefits of Management Information System-   – 15

2.9 Component of a Database Management System-  16


3.1 Methodology-        – 18

3.1.1 Structured system Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM- 18

3.1.2 Expert System

3.1.3 Prototyping

3.2 Data collection

3.2.1 The Primary Collection

3.2.2 The Secondary Collection

3.3 Analysis of Existing System and Design

3.3.1 The Pharmacy Department

3.3.2 UNTH Inpatient Drug Management-

3.3.3 Drug Procurement System in UNT

3.3.4 The Patient Medication Sheet and Treatment-
3.3.5 Present System Approach to Drug Management-
3.4 Limitations of the Existing System-  –              –

3.5 System Design-

3.5.1 Expectations of the New System

3.5.2 Design of the New System

3.5.3 File Specification File Operation Edit Menu Administrator

3.5.4 The Registration Form

3.5.5 Drug Statistics and Stock Balancing- 32

3.5.6 Program Assets-            – 32

3.6 Database File-    – 33

3.7 System Flowchart-            – 38

3.8 Top down diagram- -43


4.1 Choice of Development Tools-      – 45

4.2 System Requirements-       – 46

4.2.1 Software Requirements-   –        – 46

4.2.2 Hardware Requirements- –  – 46

4.3 Implementation-          – 47

4.4 Testing-        –     – 51


5.1 Summary-    – 55

5.2 Limitations-                 – 55

5.3 Recommendation-      – 56

5.4 Beme (Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation)-    – 56

5.5 Conclusion- –         – 57

BIBLOGRAPHY- –            – 58

APPENDIX A-     –  61

APPENDIX B-      –        – 74


Computerization is defined as the control of processes by computers and its peripherals. Today it would be difficult to think of any process, business or action that could not have profited from the numerous benefits of the computer system. Controlling process or devices with computer started long ago since the invention of computer.

In the 20th century inventors tried to make processes easier with the use of computers. Secondly computerization has been greatly applied or used in controlling process that requires frequent action such as drug procurement, drug management,  drug  tracking  and  drug  distributions  in  hospital  management information system in pharmacy departments of hospitals.

This project which is drug procurement and distribution tracking system provides a
computer based information management system in a Pharmacy Department

The overall aim of this project is to optimize time and material in the processing of data needed for effective operation of large pharmacy department of a hospital. By this approach, data integrity, data redundancy, and consistency will be ensured.


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