Current trend in the concept of health views is as a multifaceted concept, consisting of six dimensions, namely: physical health, mental health, social health, emotional health, spiritual health and occupational health (Nonye, 2005:2). The World Health Organization (WHO, 1971) defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of an individual, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity-Udo and Ajala (1999) in Obionu (2007:1) saw health as a state of quality which enables an individual to face up to crisis, carryout his daily responsibilities efficiently and relate to other persons effectively.

Accordingly, physical health includes efficient functioning of the body, resistance to diseases, physical capacity to respond to varying experiences without undue fatigue. This means that all organs of the body should function efficiently.

Mental health is viewed as the ability to live comfortably with one-self and others, understand and accept one’s own feelings, to be creative, to deal with anxiety and stress, to endure frustration, to gain satisfaction from constructive achievement, and to use leisure time profitably (Owie and Eke, 1998), mental health equally means intellectual ability and skills needed to cope with changes in life stress.

Social health includes good relationship with other person, adaptation to the environment, acceptance, tolerance, friendliness and co-operation. Emotional health is described as ability to control emotions and express comfortably and appropriately. The qualities of an emotionally healthy individual include: sense of human, love and affection, self reliance, productivity, realism, awareness of potentials and limitations, selfless and sense of worth.

Spiritual health includes the ability to discover and articulate a personal purpose in life, to learn how to experience joy, love, peace and fulfillment, as well as how to help oneself and others achieve their full potentials (Nonye, 2005:6) spiritual health also include positive self image.

Occupation health is the study of conditions that influence the health and well-being of the workers, not only in the work place but also at home with the aim of promoting health, safety and welfare of the worker and their family.

The saying that “health is wealth” is absolutely true, from the forgoing analysis. And to conclude that good health translates to economic growth of a nation is not therefore an over statement.

CONCEPTS OF HEALTH CARE DELIVERY                                   

            Health care delivery (HCD) is described as all the formal and non-formal activities which help in the provision of health services for a given population (Bryant, 1998:10). The formal and non-formal activities bring to the knowledge of the community members health care information. The formal activities are carried out by or the day practitioners through:

i.                    Primary health care (PHC)

ii.                 Secondary health care (SHC)

iii.               Tertiary heath care (THC)

iv.               Medical field unit (MFU)

v.                  School health programme (SHP)

vi.               Health establishments (HES)

vii.             Mobile Clinics (MCs)

viii.           Community health programme (CHPs)

ix.               Under five clinics (UFCs)    

Non-formal activities in health care services are rendered by traditional practitioners like bore setters and traditional Birth Attendant (TBAs) (Nonye, 2005:7)


            The components into which health care delivery system is composed in Nigeria include:

·        Orthodox health care/medicine

·        Traditional Health care/medicine

·        Alternative Health care/medicine 

Fig 1: Organogram of Nigerian health care delivery system source, Nonye, 2005:9

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