Interpretation and Discussion of Findings

            The following are the ways in which the various research finding were discussed. It was discovered in the process of analysis that availability of finance to local government determines the extent to which local staff extends their roles. It implied that finance is one of the reasons for Local government staff not to carry out their duties properly.

            In addition, the dearth of managerial know-how is also a factor affecting the performance of local Government in the management of community development. It implied that the local government does not have enough qualified staff to carry out their roles successfully due to; political appointees has always slaughtered merits at the altars of mediocrity.

            Furthermore, the system of co-ordination of Local Government Staff also affects the performance of local government in community Development programmes. It therefore implied that the administrative system of the Local Government council is not well structured because most local Government executives may appreciate their statutory functions but are not mindful of them.

            Finally, political and religious involvement also affects the development programmes and projects in community development. It implied that local government are not given administrative, financial and political autonomy in discharging their duties as a tier of government.


            Based on the above major findings, the following conclusions where drawn.

The local government is not financially buoyant due to mismanagement of revenue generated. In the aspect of performances of the managerial know-how, local Government was seem not to have qualified staff that are capable to improve the management performance. That implies, qualified staff are needed for best result in the aspect of administrative system. 

Local government is not well structured because of inadequate co-ordination of their staff that is to say that local Government staff need some form of co-ordination and motivation for increase in their level of performances. And in the aspect of interferences, local government is faced with political and religious problems that affect their administrative systems. And for that regard, local Government should be given political, financial and administrative autonomy in discharging their duties.


            From the above findings discussed and the conclusion that was reached, the following my recommendations:

1.         Local government Staff should be well supervised and well co-ordinated in order to put more effort in extending their roles.

2.         The inhabitants and indigenes of every local government should contribute their own quota by co-operating and communicating with local Government Staff in order to enhance development in Idemili North Local Government Area.

3.         The Local Government Staff should be motivated and the federal government should also encourage the rural community by appropriately managing the financial and administrative sectors of Government.

4.         The Local Government Staff should be motivated and the Federal Government should be screened occasionally, to identify those who were employed not based on merit, since meritocracy is a principle in a bureaucratic sector.

5.         Local government should be given political, financial and administrative autonomy in discharging their duties.

6.         More seriousness should be attached to local Government ratter than neglecting it or planning to eradicate it from the tiers of government.



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