Concrete Reasons for Leaving your Job | Plausible Examples

– Reasons for Leaving your Job –

 “Why do you want to leave your current job?” Hiring managers want to know why you’re leaving so they can learn more about what’s important to you in a job and how you handle undesirable situations.

The purpose of this article is to help you express your reasons for leaving in a way that will satisfy your current and prospective employers.

Therefore, before reading the top 10 reasons you might want to leave your job, make your own shortlist of reasons (however vague they may be).

So, when can you expect to have to deal with these scenarios, and what is the best way to deal with this tricky situation?

There are three main scenarios where this can happen:

1. You are in a job interview and have been asked the question “Why did you leave your last job?”

2. You are applying for a new job and one of the requirements on the job application is to give the reasons you left your last job.

3. You are leaving your current job and need to give your current boss a reason for your leaving.


Top 10 Concrete Reasons for Leaving a Job

Let’s look at a few different reasons why you might have left your last job.

1. You are Looking for Better Career Prospects

Most people who advance far in their careers have worked in a variety of companies. Large, small, public, private, etc.

Example: “I had been with the organization for a number of years and wanted to experience a new environment to continue growing.”

2. You want a Change in Career Direction

It’s fine to change jobs if you feel it will help you advance in the future even if it’s not an immediate promotion.

Example: “I saw a better path forward at another company. So, I joined a new company for an opportunity to build a new skill that was important to me.

3. The Company Closed Down

This is a rational reason for leaving your job. However, it is necessary to provide proof such as unpaid salaries, no increases, lay-offs, insufficient resources to do your job.


“Unfortunately the company is currently cutting costs and 5 members of my department were let go.


I can’t see future prospects within the organization so I think it’s the right time to move on.”

4. Your Company was Restructuring

Companies grow and evolve, and internal dynamics change as a result. Acceptable answers for leaving a job will focus on the positives of the situation.


“My team recently reduced and the scope of my responsibilities narrowed.


Although this was necessary for the company’s new direction, I think it’s time for me to pursue opportunities which better fit my skill set.”

5. Due to Family or Personal Reasons

Family and health always come first and are good reasons for leaving a job. But remember, you do not have to disclose your health problems or disabilities to your employer if you don’t want to.

Example 1: “I decided to be a stay-at-home parent to my children. Now they are in school, I am ready to re-enter the workplace.”

Example 2: “I had family issues which required me to move closer to home.”

Example 3: “I have to leave this job because of health issues.”

6. You Decided to Relocate to a New City

A respectable employer understands that a good work/life balance is essential to maintaining happy, productive employees.



“My partner got an incredible job offer in a different city, and while I enjoy my current job, I want to move with her to allow her to explore this new opportunity.”

7. You Decided to go Back to School

This happens all the time. It’s very common and you shouldn’t feel any anxiety about giving an answer like this for why you left your last job.

Example: “I went back to school to pursue a Master’s Degree (or Ph.D., etc.)”

8. You were Laid Off or Let Go

Remember, you do not have to disclose to an employer that you were let go from a previous job.

However, if you are directly questioned in an interview about how your previous employment ended, it can be difficult to sidestep the issue.


“Unfortunately my team was absorbed into a larger one and my position became redundant. However, my former employer will be happy to provide a reference.”

9. You Wanted to Work in a Different Industry


“Working at a Fortune 500 company has given me an incredible experience, but it’s also made me realize that I prefer to work at a smaller organization where I can have more of a direct impact.”

10. You Are Overqualified and/or Under-Utilized

We are all on the quest to find the perfect job that satisfies all our needs…but there are also times in our lives when you’re forced to take a job because, well, you need the money!


“Although it was a good job, I felt as though I had learned everything I could and wanted to move on to a new company where I can continue to grow professionally.”


Bad Reasons for Leaving a Job

1. Insults or complaints: “My boss is a total control freak.”

2. Boredom: “To be honest, I get pretty antsy any time I stay at a company for more than a couple of years.”

3. Want an easier job: “My current job is pretty intense. I’m looking forward to a job where I won’t have to work so hard all the time.”

4. Want more money: “My boyfriend and I are moving to a nice new apartment which my current salary can’t support.”

5. Poor performance: “I missed quota the past couple of quarters in a row, so I’m trying to find a new job before they let me go.”

Mistakes to Avoid When Answering Why You Left a Job

Now you know 1good answers you can give any time the interviewer asks, “why did you leave your last job?”

However, there are a couple of more tips you should know, and mistakes to avoid when answering.

So here are my top tips and mistakes when you explain your reasons for leaving a job in the past.

1. Do not criticize your employer.

2. Do not get defensive. Your interviewer is only trying to get a feel for the kind of employee you might be.

3. Avoid using unprofessional words such as ‘boring’, ‘annoying’, or ’tedious’ to describe a previous job.

4. Avoid using company politics as a reason for leaving. It can be taken as a criticism of your previous employer.

5. Resist saying how unhappy you are in your current role.

Consider these as you complete your answer, and develop a few ideas for what your answer may look like for follow-up questions. Remember: Leaving a job for a new opportunity is very common. 

I hope this article was helpful. Don’t hesitate to drop a comment on the comment box for more educating information.

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