Conflict Management Strategies of Secondary School Principals in Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Conflict Management Strategies of Secondary School Principals in Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Table of Contents


The study was conducted to determine the conflict management strategies of secondary school principals in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. Four research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design.

The population of the study is comprises of all the public secondary school principals and teachers in Ebonyi State. The sample for the study is 350 respondents drown from 20 secondary schools in  two education zones of the area of the study.

The instrument for data collection was a structured question titled conflict management strategies instrument. The instrument was validated by three experts and the suggestions of the experts were duly incorporated into the final draft of the instrument for data collection.

The reliability coefficient of the instrument was computed using  Cronbach  Alpha reliability technique and a reliability coefficient of 0.74, 0.73, 0.80 and for the four clusters 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively was obtained. The data for the study was collected with the help of four research assistants.

The data generated for the study was analyzed using mean and standard deviation for answering the research questions while t-test statistics was used for testing the research hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

It was discovered from the findings that conflicts in schools are caused by misunderstanding, not taking instructions, poor communication, and lack of commitment, poor management and differences in opinion.

It was recommended that Government should look into the issue of workers’ welfare to avert the incessant industrial actions, and provide adequate facilities in schools, evaluation standards should be designed for promotions and awards to deserving personnel to promote job satisfaction for schools personnel and that principals should design proper plans and follow correct procedures in managing conflict in their school.


Title Page………………. i

Approval page….. ii

Certification page………….. iii

Dedication………………… iv

Acknowledgements….. v

Table of Contents…………. vi

Abstract……… ix


Background of the Study……… 1

Statement of the Problem…………. 8

Purpose of the Study…………. 9

Significance of the Study………… 9

Scope of the Study…………… 10

Research Questions…………….. 11

Hypotheses………….. 11


Conceptual Framework………………………… 13

Concept of Conflict………………….. 13

Concept of Management

Concept of Conflict Management………….. 20

Concept of Strategies…………………. 21

Concept of Conflict Management Strategies………………… 23

Concept of Secondary School……… 27

Theoretical Framework…………. 30

Contingency theory by John Woodward (1958)……….. 30

Systems theory by Ludwig von bertanlaffy (1936)………….. 30

The Marxist conflict theory by Karl Marx (1958)………………… 31

Review of Empirical Studies………………….. 32

Related studies on nature of conflict in schools………………….. 32

Related studies on causes of conflict in schools…………….. 34

Related    studies    on    application    of    conflict   management   strategies    in schools.        35

Related studies on preventive measures to avoid conflict in schools.. 36

Summary of Literature Review………… 38


Design of the Study………………… 40

Area of the Study……………… 40

Population of the Study…….. 41

Sample and Sampling Techniques…. 41

Instrument for Data Collection………….. 41

Validation of the Instrument…………. 42

Reliability of the Instrument………………. 42

Method of Data Collection………… 43

Method of Data Analysis…….. 43



Discussion of findings………… 50

Conclusion…………… 55

Implications………… 56

Recommendations………….. 57

Limitations….. 58

Suggestion for further Study………………. 58

REFERENCES……………….. 59



 1.1 Background of the Study

Since 1842, when the early missionaries established the first school in Nigeria, education has grown into a large and complex social organization. Most school systems like other social systems, now experience conflict.

Conflict refers to perceived or experienced incompatible differences within the individual or between two or more individuals, which may lead to some or other form of opposition (Kroon, 1991). Gilman (2002) on the other hand  states that conflict  is the natural tension that arises from differences.

Furthermore a conflict exists whenever people are in disagreement and opposition (Lussier, 2000). Similarly, Griffin (1990) views conflict as a disagreement between two or  more  individuals or groups. Moran (2001) sees conflict as an expression of hostility, antagonism and misunderstanding between the staff members.

Conflict is inevitable and often good, for example, good teams always go through a “form, storm, norm and perform” period. Getting the most out of diversity means often- contradictory values, perspectives and opinions.

However, one can define conflict as all forms of opposition, disagreement, friction between two or more parties and it manifests in the forms of arguments, protests, demonstration, aggression and other destructive behaviours.


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