Conflicts Resolution Mechanisms in Public Secondary Schools in Ebonyi state, Nigeria

 – Conflicts Resolution Mechanisms in Public Secondary Schools in Ebonyi state, Nigeria –

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This study was conducted to investigate the conflict resolution mechanisms in public secondary schools in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. Four research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised of all the public secondary school principals and teachers in Ebonyi State.

The sample for the study is 260 respondents, out of the total population of 5228 respondents.  The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled conflict resolution mechanisms questionnaire. The data generated for the study was analyzed using mean and standard deviation for answering the research questions while t-test statistics was used for testing the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

It was discovered from the findings that cause of conflicts in schools include: individual aggressiveness, authoritarianism, frustration due to uncoducive working atmosphere, poor motivation and stress from the job, misunderstanding, not taking instructions, poor communication, lack of commitment, poor management and differences in opinion.

Conflicts in schools are manifested through destruction of public properties, blocking the highways and preventing others from attending to their work peacefully, writing of petitions against authority by staff, students/community riots, teachers strikes, verbal hostility expressed in for of rebukes and defamation of character, demonstration and carrying of placards and of songs.

Conflicts encourage indiscipline, breeds non-charlant attitude to work, and adversely affects students’ performance and drag reputation of schools to mud.  Conflicts could be resolved by involving both parties to a conflict in a discussion, involving teachers and student in decision-making; being fair and firm, and holding regular meetings with the PTA.


Title page i

Approval ii

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgment v

Abstract vi

Table of Contents vii

List of tables vii


Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 9

Purpose of the Study 11

Significance of the Stu 11

Scope of the study 13

Research Questions 13

Hypotheses 14


Conceptual Framework 16

  • Concept of Conflicts 16
  • Concept of Resolution 21
  • Concept of Conflict Resolution 22
  • Concept of Conflict Resolution Mechanisms 24
  • Concept of Secondary Schools 26

Theoretical Framework: 52

– Georg Simmel Social Conflict Theory 52

– Fisher and Keashly Contingency Theory 53

Review of Related Empirical Studies 54

Summary of Literature Review 57


Design of the Study 60

Area of the Study 60

Population of the study 61

Sample and Sampling Techniques 61

Instrument for Data Collection 61

Validation of the Instrument 62

Reliability of the Instrument 62

Method of Data Collection 62

Method of Data Analysis 63


Summary of the Findings 69



Discussion of findings 71

Conclusion 73

Implications of the study 74

Recommendations 75

Limitation of the study 76

Suggestion for further studies 76

References 79

Appendices 84


Conflict is experienced within the individual, between individuals, among groups, states and sometimes transcend to other creatures. The fact that this phenomenon exists in all creation makes it difficult to understand and almost impossible to resolve successfully, especially when its causes are natural. When conflict is resolved there is bound to be peace.

The major concern has been how to give meaning to this phenomenon, diagnose its structure, locates its causes and attempts finding solution. In spite of all the efforts, by the Government conflict appears to defy solutions by drawing individuals at daggers points, groups as well as institutions at war and nations at loggerheads.

It has been a central concern not only to these mentioned categories but also to international community and development agencies. According to Onu (2005), One major reason for the concern about conflict resolution and transformation is because if it becomes protracted, conflicts can wrap up a society, economies or regions where they are situated in complex emergencies which can in turn be extended to global environment, and become obstacle to peace and progress.

For any organization to perform effectively, interdependent individuals and groups within the organization must establish relationships across organizational boundaries, between individuals and among groups.


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