Congratulations for Daughter’s Marriage – Sweet Love Messages

A child’s wedding is definitely one of the best and happiest moments for parents. There’s nothing like seeing your daughter walk down the aisle with the love of her life.

There will be so many emotions running through your mind, but in all, you will be full of thanks and gratitude to God.

You’re also going to be short of words, because of the emotions. But not to worry, I have decided to help you out with this. Your daughter deserves to have the best wishes from you on her wedding day, and you should deliver nothing short of that.

The congratulations for daughter’s marriage wishes below are filled with so many beautiful messages for your daughter’s wedding. Remember, she needs to be very happy, and this is the least you can do for her. Go through them and make sure you send the best to her.

You are the best daughter in the world, and it gives me so much joy to celebrate you on your wedding day. Here’s saying a big congratulations to you and your husband on your marriage. I wish you both the best of everything.

1. Dear daughter, you have made me proud, yet again. This is a great achievement and I am very proud of you. I’m very sure you will be a good wife to your husband, and a greater mom than I am, to your children. Congratulations on your marriage, my love. Wish you the best.

2. This is such a proud moment for me. I can’t believe you’re eventually going to leave me for your husband. I can’t fail to make mention of how sweet you’ve been, all along. I’m so happy for you, and I hope that the Lord never leaves your abode. Happy married life, dear daughter. I love you so much.

3. I’m very happy today, as it is your wedding day. I have always waited for this very moment, and I’m glad that it’s finally here. Even though I feel very sad that you’d be leaving me, I know you’re about to start a greater journey, my love. I’m so proud of you. Congratulations on your marriage. May God make it a fruitful one.

4. I’m so happy that you made it this far. So many people never saw greatness in you, but you’ve proved them wrong. Thank you for shutting the mouths of our enemies. Congratulations on your marriage, my lovely daughter. I can’t wait to meet my grandchildren. I love you.

5. I’m very happy for you, but at the same time, I’m very sure that your husband can’t love and take care of you like I always have. I don’t know why I am feeling this way. But then, I am happy, as long as you are happy. Congratulations on your marriage, dear daughter. I wish you more fruitful times. Amen.

6. Dear daughter, I’m extremely happy, today. In fact, I am the happiest mom on earth, right now. You have always been a good and amazing girl. I have never regretted having you as my daughter. I’m very sure that your husband and your new family will feel this way. I can’t wait to receive a good report from you. Congratulations on your marriage.

7. I have been waiting for this day, like forever. It’s finally here, and I can’t hold how I feel. I feel really good and fulfilled that my daughter is going to her husband’s house. I know that you will make me proud like you always have. Here’s wishing you the best of marriages. Happy married life.

8. If there’s one thing that I am happy about today, then it will be the fact that you married the best and most gentleman. He’s so respectful and kind. At last, someone who deserves you. I’m so happy for you both, and I’m wishing you the best in this new phase of your lives. Congratulations on your marriage.

9. Here’s congratulating you on your newest achievement. I’m a proud mom and mother-in-law, today. I’m so grateful to God, for giving you the best man. At least, he’s someone I can vouch for. Thank you for making me happy and proud, again. I wish you the sweetest of marriages. Congratulations, once again.

10. Dear daughter, you have done it again. I like how particular you always are, about making me happy. I can’t describe exactly how I feel right now, seeing you walk down the aisle with the love of your life. I’m very happy for you both, and I wish you a fruitful marriage. I love you guys so much.

11. My pumpkin, it’s finally your day, and everyone is happy to be here to celebrate you, on your wedding day. I’m so happy because you’ve always portrayed the qualities of a good girl. I know you’re perfect wife material, and your husband has nothing to fear because you won’t disappoint him. Congratulations on your marriage.

12. Honey, your father and I am so proud of you, on your wedding day. This is the day we’ve all been waiting for. I feel like the proudest mom already. Actually, this is a very proud moment for me. Thank you for bringing home a good man. Today, you have my blessings. God bless your marriage. I love you.

13. I’m glad to be witnessing this day, even though it’s an emotional moment for me. I have always been waiting for this day. Thank you for not disappointing me. Thank you for not making all my sacrifices for you, go to waste. I can’t wait to meet my grandchildren. Congratulations on your marriage.

14. It’s the happiest moment for this family. We are very happy to be around you today while celebrating your wedding with you. I’m glad to see how much you’ve evolved and grown, over the years. I’m very sure that you will make the best wife. I can’t wait for your husband to come to compensate me for doing a great job. Congratulations, my love.

15. You’re now a woman; a proud and happy woman, at that. I’m so glad that you keep giving your shot at life. The odd has always been playing in your favor. Today is a happy day, and we all are happy to be with you. Your husband is a good man. I wish you both all the bliss that marriage has to offer. Congratulations, again.

16. My child, you’ve always been a delight to my soul. I have never regretted having you, and it’s the same with your father. You just have a way of making us happy, every single time. Today, we are happier than ever. Thank you for making this day an amazing one for us. Congratulations on your marriage.

17. I can’t wait to come to name your first child, after nine months. Congratulations on your marriage, my dear daughter. You have made us so proud again. No one does it like you. I’m particularly grateful that you made it this far. I love you, my daughter. Always love your husband; that’s the most important.

18. I hope you’d be wise enough to let me know whenever something is not clear to you. I hope you don’t ever walk out of your husband’s presence, whenever things are not going right. I hope you have the patience and maturity to always listen to your husband. I wish you the best, my daughter. Congratulations on your marriage.

19. I know you’re getting married today, but that won’t stop me from being your mother, nor will it stop you from being my precious daughter. What I am insinuating is that, do not hesitate to let me in on whatever is bothering you in your marriage. I will always be willing to risk it all for you. Congratulations, my love.

20. Hey, daughter. You’re so adorable. You look so gorgeous and beautiful in your wedding dress. I can’t believe that you’re getting married, today. That shows how much you’ve grown. Thank you for being the most wonderful daughter. I can’t wait for you to be the most amazing wife and mother. Congratulations, my daughter.

21. Marriage is not a bed of roses, but I hope you will be mature enough to let your husband know, whenever something isn’t clear to you. It takes two to tango. And whenever it feels like your husband can’t handle things, just let me know. I will always be there for you. Congratulations, my daughter.

22. I am the proudest dad, today. My angel is finally getting married. Today, you’re officially off the market. I’m so happy to see you walk down the aisle with the love of your life. I hope that your married years bring so much joy and happiness into your life. God bless you, my daughter. Congratulations on your marriage.

23. I’m so happy for you, but I can’t stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I have laboured so much to see you get here, today. I’m so happy that you’ve made everything worth it. I’m filled with so much happiness, today. I’m so proud of you, daughter. I wish you and your husband, the best of marriage. Congratulations to you, guys.

24. Every parent feels proud and happy on a day like this, but I feel prouder and happier. You’ve been through so much, to get yourself here. I’m so happy that you finally got a man who truly deserves you. I hope things don’t turn sour between you both. I love you, guys. Congratulations on your marriage.

25. Getting married doesn’t stop me from being your mother, neither does it stop you from being my precious daughter. Don’t hesitate to let me know when you don’t have enough. Never forget to call on me, whenever you are down. I love and mean well for you and your husband. Congratulations on your marriage. Wish you all the best.

You’re finally getting married to the love of your life. This gives me so much joy. As a mother, this has always been a top priority for me. I’m glad that it’s finally happening. Here’s sending you best wishes for your marriage. I love you, daughter.

26. I have been waiting for this day, like forever. Finally, it’s here and we all get to celebrate you on your wedding day. I’m grateful to God for giving me such an amazing human as a daughter. I’m even more grateful to you for not disappointing but making me proud. Congratulations on your marriage, my love.

27. I can’t express exactly how I feel, right now. I’m the happiest woman on earth. I don’t care what anyone has to say today. All I know is, I’m the happiest and proudest mom, because of you. I’m so happy to finally wish you a happy married life. Congratulations, my baby.

28. Oh, I’m so happy about everything happening today. The happiest thing for me is the fact that you went far and wide to get a good man for a husband. He’s so good looking and responsible. Thank you for making us proud, yet again. Congratulations on your marriage.

29. Marriage can be very beautiful and turn otherwise, depending on what you make of it. Sometimes, you will be very happy; other times, you might even blame yourself for getting married. But in all of these, I want you to know that you have a mother who deserves to know everything that’s happening in your life. I will always be willing to put you through. Congratulations.

30. You’re the most beautiful daughter ever, so it’s so sure that you’re going to have the most beautiful marriage. My marriage feels like the best, but you can have something better if you work towards it. Don’t worry, all will be well. Congratulations on your marriage.

31. This is such a great feat! I’m very happy about this. Everyone is gathered here today, just to celebrate this beautiful day with you. You’ve made us all happy, in a way or another. We are all happy to have you, and we are wishing you the best of marriages, today and forever. Congratulations.

32. Love is a very beautiful thing. Just look how you’re blushing. I’m so happy for you, sweetness. You’ve been waiting for this day, for a very long time. I’m glad that it’s finally here. I can’t express how I feel, right now. But, I wish you all the best in your marriage. Happy married life, my darling.

33. Your husband is so respectful and responsible. How did you come across him? I’m glad that you’re getting everything you deserve, without even making too much effort. I love to see it, my darling. Congratulations on your marriage. Wishing you many blissful years to come.

34. I’m so happy that you got it right, this time. You’ve always been so keen to get married to a man who deserves you. I’m glad that this dream has finally come to pass. I’m super proud and happy for you, my beautiful angel. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you the best.

35. I have never seen anyone who loves children as much as you do. I’m scared you don’t end up giving me a dozen of grandchildren. I love how passionate you are about making everyone happy, as well. I’m very sure that you will deliver your wifely duties perfectly. Congratulations, my daughter.

36. The day is finally here, and I can’t contain my joy and excitement. I’m super excited for you, on this beautiful day. We’ve all been expectant of it, but now, it is here. How do you feel, my dear new wife? I hope that your happiness keeps multiplying, as you get hooked with the love of your life. Congratulations on your marriage.

37. I never knew you would get married this fast. You always complained about men, so I thought you weren’t planning to get married. I’m very sure your husband is different from those you’ve been meeting. I can’t wait to see you happy in this marriage. Congratulations on your marriage, my love.

38. I am a proud mother who can’t wait to be the proudest grandmother. I am impatiently waiting for my grandchildren. My dear, I see that your joy is so full, today. I love to see it, and I hope you remain this way, forever. Congratulations on your marriage. I love you so much.

39. This isn’t to dispute the fact that your husband loves you, but no one will ever love you as much as I do. I love you with my whole heart. There’s nothing I won’t do to make you happy, and that’s why I am suggesting that you always call on me, whenever things seem confusing. Congratulations, my love.

40. I can see that your husband loves you very much. I can see it in his eyes. I’m glad that you finally got what you wanted. I’m glad that your prayers are finally answered. Thank God for your life and that of your husband. Here’s wishing you all the bliss that marriage has to offer. Congratulations to you, guys.

41. So many people have written you off. So many people have said a lot of bad things about you. So many people won’t still believe that you’re married, even when they’re staring at your wedding pictures. Yes, your story sounds too good to be true. I personally am happy for you, my baby. Congratulations on your marriage.

42. Marriage is a very beautiful thing. Your dad and I are an example. But I want you to know that it doesn’t just happen that way. We both made a conscious effort to make it work. We both put our differences aside, just to make it what it is, today. I hope you will do the same. Congratulations to you and your darling husband.

43. You have always loved the idea of getting married, but you’ve never been lucky with a good man. I just hope that this one is nothing like the previous ones. I really want you to be happy, and that’s why I approved of this, even though it doesn’t seem like a good one. I wish you all the best, dear daughter.

44. Here’s saying a big congratulations to you, on your wedding day, my love. We have all been waiting for this day. To know you is to love you, and that’s why everyone has decided to leave their jobs and families behind, just to rejoice with you. Congratulations on your marriage, my baby. I love you.

45. You already know I don’t take you for granted. I have never, and will never do anything like that. You mean a lot to me. You’re getting married today, and that means you are officially leaving this family. I just hope you come over from time to time, just to check on me. Congratulations, my love.

46. I am very sure that you will enjoy all the goodness of marriage. You’ve always been a sucker for love, and a fan of good marriages. You deserve nothing short of the best marriage, and I hope that you get just that. I celebrate you and your husband, honey. Congratulations to you guys, on your marriage.

47. My darling, my joy is so full. I can’t remember the last time I felt this happy. It just feels like I am the one who’s getting married. Thank you for putting a smile on my face, today. Thank you for bringing home a man who deserves you. I hope that your love never goes south. Congratulations on your marriage.

48. Marriage is everything! People will tell you otherwise, but I’m telling your firsthand, as a woman who’s been married for years, that marriage is the best thing ever. Well, not without having a loving and supportive partner, of course. I hope your husband will deliver as expected. Congratulations on your marriage.

49. Celebrating you always gives me joy. I’m so happy that I get to celebrate you again, today. It’s your wedding day, and you’re looking very ravishing and beautiful. I just hope your husband will be able to maintain this beauty. I love you, daughter. Congratulations on your marriage. Do have marital bliss.

50. It’s no news that I have the best daughter ever. You’re someone I can vouch for, any day any time. You always surprise me, by making me happy. On your wedding day, I can’t express in words how happy I am for you. May the love you both are sharing grow stronger and deeper through each passing day. I love you both.

It’s your wedding day. I don’t know why I can’t stop the tears from rolling. Maybe because I don’t want you to go. My life has been so blissful with you. I’m very sure you have enough bliss to share with your husband and new family. Sending you best wishes for your wedding, my daughter.

51. You have brought nothing but joy into this family. Our world became a better place when you arrived. Ever since it’s been full of bliss and many beautiful things. On your wedding day, I just want you to know that I am proud of you. I await a great review from your husband. Congratulations, my dear.

52. Nothing gives me joy than to see that you’re happy. These days, you’ve been making me happy back to back. It’s your wedding day, and I am even happier. Hey daughter, I’m so proud of you and all you’ve achieved within the space of a few years. Like I always have, I won’t stop supporting you. Congratulations, daughter.

53. Dear daughter, it’s your wedding day, and we have so many people in attendance. Your friends, colleagues and family are all here to celebrate and rejoice with you. You have the most beautiful heart, and that’s why people keep showing up for you. I hope that your marriage makes you better. Congratulations, my daughter.

54. The day we’ve been waiting for, is finally here. Dear daughter, my joy is very full. In fact, I feel so grateful to God. I never knew a day like this will come so fast. I’m so happy that God didn’t waste time in making you meet the bone of your bones. I hope that your union lasts forever. Congratulations on your marriage.

55. I have witnessed how you always pray for the best partner, so many times. If there’s anything you’ve always been so interested in, it is having the best marriage. I’m glad that you found a good man, and I am hoping that your marriage not only lasts forever but brings a lot of happy moments with it. Congratulations on your marriage.

56. I have always loved you, even before you were formed inside of me. I have always been particular about making you happy, just like you always have. I’m grateful to God for making this day a reality. I hope that this fresh start brings so much joy and happiness into your life. Congratulations on your marriage.

57. As a good mother, I have never had anything against you. If anything, I have always supported and loved you. I’m so happy that this is happening while I am alive. I’m the happiest mother today, and I hope that you feel more happiness. Congratulations on your marriage, my daughter. I wish you years of bliss and love.

58. You have been with this man for years, and I’m glad that you both have eventually decided to make it official. I’m so happy to be the mother of the bride. I wish you nothing but happiness, so I get to always see you happy. Congratulations on your wedding, my sweetheart.

59. Your father and I have one of the best marriages. I’m so glad that you’re following suit. I am happy about this union, and I hope that whatever you both have going on, will not end or crash. I wish you all the beautiful things that come with marriage. Congratulations on your marriage, my daughter and son-in-law. I love you both.

60. You have always wanted to be married. You have always wanted a marriage like that of your father and me. I am so happy that you eventually brought home a good man. It’s your wedding day, today and we are all happy to be here. Always remember that you are my princess and you can ask me for anything, regardless of your married status. Congratulations, baby.

61. I have always known that you will do well and go far. You have never stopped surprising me with the things you do. Again today, I am so grateful to be your mother. I’m glad that God has given you a beautiful life, and I hope you enjoy His presence forever. Congratulations on your wedding, my daughter. I love you and your husband.

62. No matter how far you go, you will always be my beautiful daughter. I will always be present in your life. Even though today is such a rollercoaster of emotions, I can’t but wish you well with your marriage. I’m so proud of you, baby girl. Here’s wishing that you always stay happy, in and out of your marriage. I love you.

63. You’re the most respectful girl ever, so I am very sure that your husband and his family will never have a problem with you in that regard. In fact, in all areas, you’re the best. Thank you for bringing me tears of joy, today. I can’t wait to meet my grandchildren. Congratulations on your marriage.

64. It’s been a long time coming between you and your husband, but you both never gave up, even with the backlash you always received from your ex-partners. It shows that you both are in love. I’m so happy that you finally got a man who deserves you. Congratulations on your marriage, my love. I wish you both the best of marriage.

65. You and your husband deserve a standing ovation, today. You both keep holding it down, despite all that people have to say. You unapologetically have each other’s backs. I have never seen a couple so great like you both. You deserve the best, and that’s exactly what I am wishing you. Congratulations on your marriage.

66. I already know that you will have the best marriage. You’ve always been so serious about learning the things that marriage entails. You have never stopped asking me questions about it. I know that you will do better than to disappoint me. Congratulations, my daughter. I wish you the best.

67. No one else deserves all the bliss in the world, except you. You’re so special and amazing in every way. I’m sure you know that you are so loved, and nothing will change that. I’m so happy to be seated as your mother, on your wedding day. I wish you all the best in your marriage. Congratulations, my baby and hubby.

68. I love how your husband always smiles. He doesn’t have a problem with anyone. He’s so respectful and accommodating. I’m glad that you got the best of them all. You’re also special in your own way. I hope that you both never fall out of love. Congratulations on your special day. I wish you both good luck with it.

69. Apart from being the happiest mom today, I am also the proudest mom. I don’t know why God has decided to show me so much, love. You have always been about making me happy. I’m glad that today is one of such occasions. A new journey begins for you, today, but it’s beginning with your husband. Congratulations, my love.

70. I respect you a lot, you have no idea. I love how you always seek knowledge in everything you do. You have never accepted to know it all, even when it’s so obvious. You’re just a naturally sweet and down to earth person. I’m so happy about this new phase of your life. I hope it brings pure bliss. Congratulations on your marriage.

71. Yes, it’s your wedding day! I haven’t been this happy, in a long time, but finally, I get to feel more happiness than I ever had! You look so beautiful in your wedding dress. I’m so happy that this is happening right before me. Thank you for making our dream come true. Congratulations on your marriage.

72. I have no idea how you do it, but you always make me happy. You’ve never made anything about yourself alone. You always seek to know how to make other people feel true happiness. It’s your time, and we’re going all out for you and your husband. Today, you officially have a new family. I wish you the best. Congratulations on your marriage.

73. Nothing beats the happiness I feel, right now. I can’t believe you’re wedding day is here, already. Look how beautiful and gorgeous you look in that dress. Today, I’m even prouder that you’re my beautiful daughter. A brand new phase of your life is about to begin, and I’m wishing you the best with it. Congratulations on your marriage.

74. Talking about marriage has always been fun for you. Sometimes, I wonder how you come up with the questions you ask about it. Today, I’m glad that you’ve finally decided to take a step forward. I’m so happy for you, your husband, and your new family. Please, always be of good behaviour. Congratulations on your wedding.

75. I have always known you to be the best daughter in the world. Today, you’ve reconfirmed it. In so happy and I feel so grateful to God for this blessing. Yes, it’s a huge blessing to witness you walk down the aisle with the love of your life. I wish you both blissful years forever. Congratulations on your marriage.

A Father’s Wish for His Daughter on Her Wedding Day

Because I have you, I now feel like the best father in the world. I have always had beautiful wishes for you, but today, I’m wishing that you have the best marriage ever. I wish you a more beautiful marriage than that of your mom and me. Congratulations on your wedding.

76. Here’s acknowledging the fact that God gave me the best human for a daughter. I’m very sure He did it for a purpose best known to Him. Thank you for allowing me to love you as you deserve. Thank you for always looking up to me on matters of life. I’m so proud of you. Congratulations on your marriage.

77. I hope your husband has not deceived you, by telling you that no one will ever love you as he does. If he has, it’s all deceit. No knew will ever love you as much as I do. I have been through a lot for you, and the evidence is there. I just hope he loves you enough. Congratulations to you both, on your marriage. Wish you the best.

78. You have always told me how much I deserve the award for the best father, but you’ve never said anything about you having the award for the best daughter. Don’t you think you deserve it? I don’t care if you do, I just know that you’re the best. Happy married life, my princess. I love you so much.

79. No matter how much your husband claims to love you, you will always be a daddy’s girl. I have always loved you. In fact, up till now, I still don’t want you to leave me. I want to keep seeing you every day. But since it’s impossible, I’m wishing you the best and sending my blessings. Congratulations on your marriage.

80. It’s a special day for you both, and everyone can feel it. Look how full the hall is, just because we’re celebrating two good children. I’m so happy that you’re getting hooked with your best part, today. It gives me so much joy, even though I can’t stop the tears from flowing. Congratulations on your marriage.

81. I feel so great, considering the fact that this is a great occasion. But, I don’t want you to leave me. I can barely survive without you. I just hope that you don’t ignore me, now that you have a husband. I will always love and cherish you, my daughter. Congratulations to you, on your marriage.

82. My life has always been beautiful because of you. If not for you, it would’ve been meaningless. I’m grateful to you for bringing out the best part of me, which was so difficult for your mom. This is just one of the reasons I don’t want you to leave me. Well, it is what it is. Congratulations on your marriage.

83. I can’t forget how you always followed me everywhere I went when you were little. Even up till now, you still ask me “where to”, each time I step out of the house. You’re just a sweet lady. Although you will remain, my little princess, always, here’s wishing you a blissful marriage. May you have a wonderful life with your life partner

84. Time has really flown by! I can’t believe my little princess of years back, is now getting married. Honestly, I feel very proud. I’m the happiest dad on earth, right now. Thank you for deciding to make me happy, today. Meanwhile, I love your husband. I’m sure you both will go far in the institution. Congratulations on your marriage.

85. You have taken all the time to work on yourself, and I’m so happy to see how it all turned out. You’re now mature enough to think of marriage. Isn’t God awesome? Thank you for making me happy, rather than shaming me. I wish you the best with your marital life. Congratulations on your marriage.

86. We have always been best friends. I’m so scared that your husband is taking you away from me. Will I get to see you, from time to time? Will you call me often? Will you be here when I am sick? I have so many questions, but I guess it’s best to save them for later. Congratulations, my baby. I love you.

87. My focus has always been to make you happy. I love it when you give me that beautiful smile. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. You’ve done a whole lot for yourself, and it makes me so happy. Thank you for being so intentional about your growth. I hope that marriage makes things easier for you. Congratulations on your marriage.

88. It’s a good and special day. We are all celebrating a very special person, who’s also dear to our hearts. As your father, I am the happiest person today, even though your mom is claiming to be. You’ve been my best friend for years, and it doesn’t feel good seeing you be the same with someone else. But, I wish you the best. Congratulations.

89. Before now, I couldn’t contain the excitement that you’re getting married. The day is here, and I can’t stop crying. I don’t want you to leave me. I’m not sure if this guy you’re getting married to. I’m not sure if he’d allow you to check on me, constantly. I hope you fight for this if it turns out to be what I am thinking. Congratulations, daughter.

90. I already knew that you will make the best choice. I’m not saying this because he’s my friend’s son, but because he’s an amazing person on his own. I’m glad that you didn’t give disappointment a chance, this time. I hope you both enjoy all the bliss and beautiful moments of marriage. Congratulations on your marriage.

91. You both are two real people who fell in love. I’m so happy that things later worked out as planned for you both. The journey hasn’t been easy, but it’s just about to start. Whatever you’ve experienced before now, is the tip of the iceberg. But don’t worry, I will always be willing to put you through. Congratulations on your marriage.

92. Finally, your wedding is happening today. Guess who the proudest father is; that’s me, my daughter. I feel very proud of you, right now. You made a choice I am happy with. How else do you expect me to feel? It’s so good to be the father of the bride. I just hope your mom isn’t jealous of my shine. Congratulations, my daughter.

93. Leaving you to go be with another man, is a struggle! I can’t even process it. I don’t know how to feel, as we’ve bonded really well. I just hope that this new man gives you the best treatment. And if he does anything to hurt you, do not hesitate to let me know. I care so much about you. Congratulations on your wedding.

94. Now, I can officially call you a big girl. You’ve finally decided to do what big girls do, after so many years of being single. I’m so happy about what’s happening today, my love. It will not be easy without you, but I will cope. Your mom will take care of me like she always has. Congratulations on your marriage.

95. It’s a special day for you and your husband. In fact, it’s a special day for everyone here, today. We have all been waiting for this day. Your wedding is finally happening today, and we are all happy. I want you to know that, whatever happens, you have a home in my house. Congratulations on your marriage.

96. You are the closest to my heart, and even your mom knows this, even though she’s always been jealous of you. I’m so happy that you eventually found the man who deserves you. Your mom will be happier because you have decided to let her husband go. Lol. I hope you have the best marriage and family. Congratulations, daughter. Enjoy the day.

97. I love you both because you’re my children. I can’t thank you enough for bringing home the best choice. You have been through so much, but you never gave up on finding a good man. Your marriage starts today; I hope it continues to be blissful and sweet. Congratulations on your marriage.

98. It’s a good day for both of you. In fact, it’s the best day of your life. It gives me so much joy to celebrate you both, today. You’ve proven to families and friends, that you know exactly what you want. I hope that you don’t stop loving each other. Sending my best wishes to both of you. Congratulations.

99. Trust me, you’re about to have the best experience of your life because you are a good woman and you’re getting married to one of the best men. If anything ever happens, remember that you have a father. Above all, may your life witness the nicest moments of life in this marriage. Congratulations to you and your husband.

100. Today, we all gather to celebrate you and your husband. Family and friends are present here, just to join in the celebration. If you both were not important to us, this won’t be happening. As your father, I feel happier than any other person here. I hope that each day of your new life blooms with love, trust, and joy. Congratulations on your marriage, sweetheart.

Hello there! I hope this meets you well. I’m so happy that your daughter is getting married. I hope that the congratulations for daughter’s marriage wishes up there are enough to show to your daughter how much she means to you.

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