Congratulations: Graduation Wishes and Messages for Daughter

Every achievement should be celebrated. As a parent, it is important to let your daughters know you are always rooting for her anytime she does something incredible.

Sending some beautiful graduation wishes and messages for daughter will be one of my recommendations for you to celebrate your daughters’ graduation as this will let her know how much you care about her and I know you will look for the Best congratulatory messages to send to her.

Look no further, all you need is right here. Why don’t you choose from any of these mind-blowing wishes for a new accomplishment and let her know you acknowledge the efforts and stress she has put into her academic goals.

It is your graduation, my dear daughter. I am sure you are already overwhelmed with joyful messages and wishes. My dearest, I’m using this opportunity to wish you the good things of life. I wish you magnificent graduation. Have a blessed and prosperous year to come.

1. Congratulations my dear daughter! A stage in your life has ended, a new one begins, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

2. Words cannot express how I feel right now, I’m so proud of you. Keep soaring higher.

3. A few years ago you started this journey; today we celebrate not only the completion but your accomplishments during this journey. Have a blast, my love.

4. I am the proudest parent on earth right now. I love you, darling, keep making me proud. Happy graduation!

5. There’s a popular saying “nothing comes easy” you have worked hard for this honey. You deserve it; we celebrate with you and congratulate you on this new status you have achieved. God bless you.

6. A mustard seed is very small, but when it is planted, it grows into one of the mightiest trees in the forest. You are a mustard seed baby.

7. I know a lot of people who started this race with you but fell by the wayside. You have reached the end; I am thankful for God’s grace in your life.

8. I remember how happy you were when you got your admission letter into the university, I am very sure that happiness will be doubled now that you are graduating.

9. Everything that has a beginning must have an end. You have come to the end of this journey, I celebrate with you.

My dearest daughter, you have always taken every task you set for yourself seriously and you always come out successful. Know that I am proud of you and my wishes for you are more strength for greater heights. I am proud to know it’s your graduation day. Have the best celebration.

10. You have just completed a great feat, as you go on in life I wish you success as you go on to conquer greater feats. Happy graduation!

11. Congrats on your graduation, this is not the end. Keep growing. Keep gaining knowledge. Keep developing yourself.

12. Congrats baby girl! You finally did it. I am so proud of you baby. I can’t wait to hang your graduation pictures on the wall.

13. Hats off to you honey! Despite all the odds you came out successfully. Cheers! To the latest graduate in town. Bravo!

14. Wow! You did it! You have got it all! Good looks, brains, heart and now a diploma too. I just couldn’t be happier for you.

15. What an impressive achievement! Happy graduation day!

16. This is a well-deserved success. Please receive my warmest congratulations on this special day. Happy graduation.

17. Sending lots of love, prayers and blessings on your graduation and the nearest future to come. I hope you will always find happiness and have a fun-filled life.

18. I don’t care what the world thinks, but you are a star in my books, you deserve to see your dreams come true.

19. I know this will not be the last time I get to brag about you my dear, keep achieving and slaying!

20. I am so happy I am alive to see this day come; I intend to enjoy it with you to the fullest, so let’s bring out the drinks!

I remember how happy I was during my graduation. I am sure yours is double the happiness. Enjoy, sweet daughter! You did it! I couldn’t be prouder than I am now. We have been rooting for you since day one and everyone sends their greetings to you in a big way.

21. My only regret is I am not there with you right now, to hug you and tell you in person, how proud I am of you.

22. My dear daughter, you have always given me a reason to celebrate, since the day you were born, right up to this moment. Congrats!

23. I have been on my knees thanking God for this achievement, His grace has seen you through. Happy graduation baby!

24. This moment calls for celebration. A great thing has been achieved, more wins! Keep soaring!

25. Praise the Lord! You were determined and have prevailed. I am so proud, the heavens and earth will know something special has happened today. Happy graduation love.

26. Hurray! To the luckiest girl in the world, you have conquered. Happy graduation!

27. Congratulations dear, you are a shining star, shining like the rising sun. This is just the beginning of good things to come.

28. Congratulations baby girl! Our prayers have been answered; I finally get to see you in your graduation gown. This is a glorious time for our family.

29. You planted a tree and now it has brought forth its’ fruit, the fruit of success. Enjoy your day baby girl, today belongs to you.

30. As you have succeeded here, you will continue to succeed in everything you do. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

Dear daughter, you did it! You have made us all proud. Our investment has paid off! We thank God for the success of your graduation. We pray for many more to come. Congratulations! Go on and take on the next challenges, you will be successful too. I have no doubt.

31. My dear daughter, you have kept your thoughts on this day since your first year, I am so glad you made it. I’m sure you gave your best. Happy graduation!

32. My daughter is a graduate! I will announce it “today my daughter joins the list of conquerors, thank you, lord. Happy graduation.

33. Despite all obstacles, you are victorious. I admire your courage. You deserve this. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

34. Your success has been heard throughout the whole family, we are all proud of you. Everyone celebrates with you. Happy graduation!

35. Since you were little you have always looked at the sky, well, it is now within reach. Happy graduation baby girl.

36. Praise the Lord with all my heart. My prayer has been answered. You have done a wonderful thing for my daughter, this will not be the end, and many more blessings will come her way. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

37. You did it! You deserve this fair and square. The pains and struggles over the years have been consoled with this victory. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

38. Those who know you will not be surprised at this achievement because you have always been a go-getter, happy graduation dear. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

39. Sing on the hilltops! Sound the bells! Tell the world of my daughters’ victory. She has succeeded! She is a graduate! Oh! My dear, I couldn’t be happier, I wish you the best! Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

My lovely daughter, we just got the messages about your graduation, how proud you have us as your parents. I cannot remember the last time I was this happy. More grease to your elbows. You are a winner and will always be a winner. Happy Graduation!

40. I trust you my daughter to always make me proud. You have never disappointed me and you never will. Have a splendid as you celebrate your graduation.

41. Keep soaring like a bird in the sky. You are untouchable. You have made success your home, I pray for more wins for you. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

42. Please let me flatter you, it was not easy, but you did it. Let everywhere tremble and shake. My baby is on her way. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

43. I am so thankful and glad, and I feel completely fulfilled. Its’ time for you to choose your path in life. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

44. Today is a reward for all the effort you have put in these past few years. Witnessing your graduation is a blessing. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

45. You have kept on track. You did not swerve to the right or left, you just kept pushing ahead, and now you have crossed the finish line. Congratulations baby.

46. Your academic pursuit has just hit another important milestone, congratulations on your graduation, more grease to your elbows. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

47. Now I know that success comes to those who work for it. You a shining example of what others should emulate. Congrats baby, wishing you the best. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

48. No speech or words can describe how I feel right now. My best wishes go out to you. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

49. Throughout this program, you never lost your courage, despite all the challenges, you forged ahead. You certainly deserve this. I wish you the best. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

50. I am so happy for you! You have received your heart desire. Your plan has succeeded. I am pleased with you. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

My daughter, today you have added another successful journey to the list. I still remember when you left for school, starting the journey. How time flies. I am sending this congratulatory quote with joy. Just know that I have and always will love you. I wish you happy graduation. Congrats!

51. I remember one popular saying “the world is yours” defeat does not come to those who work hard and are persistent. I celebrate with you dear on this special occasion. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

52. You have done what is right, you have done what is expected of you, and you have passed the test of time. Now you are shining so bright. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

53. You have weathered the storm; your roots of success go deep. Today we celebrate your achievement. We wish you many more victories. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

54. I praise the Lord, he has kept you safe all these years and seen you through, and he has given you success. I am so grateful for his mercies upon your life. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter!

55. There is a popular saying “tears may flow in the night, but joy comes in the morning”. Your night is over and your morning has come. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter!

56. When I heard the news of your graduation, I was not surprised because I have always been confident that you will achieve this feat. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

57. You always worked hard, now you have found out for yourself how success tastes. Remember nothing good comes easy. You deserve this one. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

58. I have called all my friends to tell them the good news; we are all celebrating with you. Congratulations on your graduation my baby girl.

59. To my dear daughter, your wisdom has spoken for you, on this special occasion, may your future be always covered with more success and may your progress be faster than a cheetahs’ speed. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

60. My dearest daughter has graduated! This is a time for singing and to be merry, makes sure you eat and drink well. You are allowed today. Enjoy this moment and never forget it, my dear daughter. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

61. My daughter, a new dawn has come for you, you have achieved a beautiful and bright feat. I’m proud to call you my daughter. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

62. This is a special moment, the Lord has heard my voice from his garden, and his angels have visited me with the answer to mine. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

63. Though many obstacles tried to shut you in and prevent you from graduating, the Lord has destroyed them all and given you success. Enjoy your day Congratulations on your graduation my daughter!

64. Your passion for your education has always marvelled me, it always burns like a raging fire, water will not put it out, and no flood will drown it. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

65. Today is your special day, delight in it; everything pleasant is near your door. Wake up and enjoy them today. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

66. My daughter, you are like a tree that grows beside a stream, you will be fruitful, and your blessings will never run dry. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

67. So you have finally done it, I know everything you do will be successful; you are like a house built on a rock Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

68. My daughter on this day you are exalted by God, I pray he continues keeping you apart for Himself under his protection. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter. Love you.

69. All those who have been planning your downfall have been put to shame; their plans will be made useless. The Lord has set a table for you in the presence of your enemies. Forward ever is your portion. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

70. Today, the lord has shown that you are his daughter, everything good is yours, and your enemies will be shattered like a clay pot. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter. Enjoy!

Ring the bells! Sound the alarm! Everyone must see this message (Lol)! Against all odds, my daughter has succeeded. Today is her graduation. She is now royalty. I always knew you could do this baby. My wishes for you are greater accomplishments than this.

71. This news is a cause for celebration; my daughter just added another landmark to many more to come. Continue succeeding with grace my love Congratulations on your graduation my daughter!

72. From today onwards a new path has been set for you, your courage has seen you through, you will not be afraid of the thousands of enemies that surround you because you will prevail. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

73. You have always been victorious because your victory comes from God; you have always been successful because your success comes from God. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

74. I always thank God for you, you have always been a treasure to me, a source of pride and happiness, and it is a privilege to call myself your parent. Happy graduation my dearest, have a blast!

75. What a joyous day! My daughter has graduated. You will never be shamed, your enemies will never gloat over you, you are victorious, enjoy your day! Congratulations on your graduation my daughter

76. Oh! What joy feels in my heart today, my daughter is now a verified graduate. Happy graduation my dear. Shine like the sun.

77. The lord will be good to you from now and forevermore, as he has given you this success, he will continue to give you many more for years to come. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter

78. Your struggle and toiling have been turned into a joyful dance, all your sorrows have been taken away, today is your day, enjoy it. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter

79. This moment as you celebrate your success, I implore you my daughter trust in the lord and give yourself to him and he will help you. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter

80. My prayer for you as you celebrate your day is you will see more reasons to celebrate, you have built your house on a firm rock and made yourself secure. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter

Since the day I brought you into this world, you have always filled my life with joy, and here you are, doing it again. You have made your mother proud my dear daughter, now I can go and boast to my friends that my daughter is a success. Happy graduation day.

81. This achievement has been done according to God’s plan and decision; God decides that you should graduate. Enjoy your graduation, my dear daughter. Mom loves you always.

82. This date marks another mountain that has been overcome in your life. You will be successful in all you do. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

83. As you celebrate, today, God will bless you and keep your gates strong, He will keep your borders safe and satisfy you with the finest things of life. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

84. Happy graduation my dear daughter, you will rise and shine like the sun, people will be drawn to your light, your days will be filled with joy. Congratulations on your graduation once again.

85. As you add another successful endeavour to your list, the God I serve and put my trust in will always be there to see you through. Happy graduation my dear daughter.

86. The lord will be king over your life and rule over your affairs. You will tell people what he has done for you. Happy graduation dear, from mom with love.

87. The goodness of God will always be in your life from now and evermore, you will be celebrating more victories, you are blessed with glory and peace. Happy birthday, dear.

88. Your purpose will never be frustrated; all your plans will be carried out successfully like this one. I’m sending love and happiness your way. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

89. The good lord will always watch over you my dear and keep you alive. You will always have plenty of reasons to celebrate more wins. Congratulations on your graduation my daughter.

90. Today people will hear all that God has done for you and they will praise him because of you, they will testify of his goodness in your life. Congratulations on your graduation my princess.

My dearest daughter you have done me proud, my hats off to you. My friends and colleagues must hear this, they must celebrate with me. I am the happiest father in the world. My daughter has not let me down. Do have a splendid graduation ceremony.

91. As a father, I have never felt this proud, my baby girl has just graduated, I wish you all the best, my dear daughter. Congratulations on your graduation my princess.

92. I am going to thank God seven times today for this success he has given you, there is nothing He wouldn’t do for you, my baby girl. Love you with all my heart. Congratulations on your graduation my love. Have a blast!

93. I have received a lot of gifts from God but you my daughter, have been the best gift I have ever received, from the depths of my heart, on this special day, I pray for you to continue being fruitful and successful. Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart.

94. This is a special day to laugh and sing for joy, the lord has done a great thing for you today, and he has added another victory to you. How happy I am as a father. Congratulations on your graduation sweetheart.

95. It wasn’t too long ago you started this journey, now you are here celebrating the successful completion of the journey. I am proud of you. Congratulations on your graduation baby girl.

96. We pop champagne today and celebrate merrily because it is my dearest daughter’s graduation, what joy feels in our hearts. Happy graduation dear.

97. The traps set by the wicked did not catch you; you successfully completed this course, instead, the ones who set the trap have been caught in it. You are divinely protected. Congratulations on your graduation love.

98. I can’t curtail my joy. My baby is celebrating her graduation, what could be better. Congratulations on your graduation love.

99. Sitting still is impossible right now; my baby has graduated. I am sending this message to tell you how much I love you and am happy for you. What a wonderful feat dear daughter.

100. You did not allow your mind to be invaded; you kept your head on your shoulders and achieved what you came for. Congratulations on your graduation baby girl.

What are you waiting for? Pick one of these lovely, heartfelt, graduation wishes and messages for daughter and send it to your daughter to congratulate her on her graduation. She will definitely appreciate the gesture.

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