Congratulations to My Daughter on Her College Graduation

Time flies! Suddenly your daughter is grown up, moving out for the first time, and about to graduate from college. Only a few years ago, you held her as a newborn baby. Now she’s graduating from college.
You are proud of all her accomplishments, You’re excited and as well as a little anxious about how best to say congratulations to her.

She has earned a feat, and now she’s ready to embark on an exciting new stage in her life. But as a parent, your duty doesn’t stop there. You must give her something even more valuable: guidance.

When your daughter graduates from college, you’ll be grateful and optimistic. You’ll help her celebrate this huge achievement by doing something memorable for her.

You’re not sure what you should say or the right words to send to her to congratulate and wish her well. That’s why you are here, right. Well, you don’t have to stress yourself out, below, you will find top-notch congratulations to my daughter on her college graduation wishes and quotes. They are the best graduation messages for daughters you can find.

Whether you want to get her the best graduation gift for daughter or also get some graduation party ideas for daughter, these wishes will still come in handy because they have a way of preparing her heart for whatever you have for her for the big day. You can print them on a congratulations card, use them as graduation captions on social media or send them directly to her as a text message.

I can’t believe that you will soon be a college graduate. You are such an amazing young lady, and I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. I look forward to many long and successful years spending time with you and watching you grow up. Congratulations, dear daughter. Best wishes today!

1. You really completed your journey and became a wonderful adult. I’m proud that you completed the program and graduated from college. Thank you for being such a good daughter. Love you!

2. You are the most talented, pretty, energetic, active, studious, sweet girl that I know. More than anyone in this world I am truly proud to be your mother. You are turning into a beautiful woman and one day, I hope you will remember what I have said.

3. I can’t believe you are graduating with a degree in computer science. I am so proud of you and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. You are my star in the sky and I hope that whenever you look up into the sky, I am there in your dreams. Congratulations on your graduation, dear.

4. You have been a wonderful daughter and a great friend. I am so proud of you for everything you have accomplished. You’ve gone from being a little girl to being a young adult and have achieved so much. You have become a beautiful young lady, and I am so lucky to have you as my daughter. Congratulations on graduating from college!

5. To be able to say that you go to college today and you will grow up to be a great person is the greatest gift one could ever receive. The stars are lining up for you. You are blessed beyond measure. Thank you for being my daughter with all your flaws. I love you with all my heart.

6. Congrats to my daughter on her graduation from college! It’s been a great season of goodbyes and hellos. I hope the next school year is a doozy for you and that you come out a champ. This journey has been pretty awesome and I’m proud of you big time.

7. My wonderful daughter, you’re really no different than the child I held in my arms when I was pregnant with you. You’ve amazed me with your strength and courage. I will never forget all that you have shown me in the past four years of being your mom. I wish each morning might be filled with love and laughter. Happy graduation!

8. I am so proud of you. I love you so much, I can’t wait to see what God has in store for your life. Get married one day! Teach your children! Love them unconditionally! Your future is bright and I look forward to it. Congratulations on your graduation.

9. WOW! You’ve done it, my love! Now you get to experience life on your own terms!! To not wonder anymore and just live and learn! I can’t believe I’m here with you now, wishing you the best of blessings and the happiest of future years.

10. I am proud of all you have learned and accomplished here. You are constantly growing into an amazing young lady. Your successes give me great joy, showing everyone that anyone can succeed if they work hard enough. I always look forward to seeing the progress you make in your life and how much more exciting things seem each day.

11. You did it!! You did it!!! Why do I say that? Because that’s what we’ve done together, we’ve gone through it all together and we’ve proven we can get through anything. We finished this chapter of our life and now I get to see you soar up higher than you ever could have dreamed of. I love you so much and I’m so proud of you.

12. Happy graduation! This past year has flown by. I’ve watched you develop into an amazing young woman and hope you continue to grow into the wonderful person that I know you will be. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you; however, I can guarantee it will be full of love. Happy graduation, daughter!

13. I hope you had a wonderful day at college. You are a very talented and beautiful young lady. By far the most happy-go-lucky kid I have ever met. On this special day, I am thinking about you the whole time, as I can’t wait to see your fabulous smile as you are walking across that stage.

14. You are an amazing young woman. Your passion for education, your perseverance through college just to earn your certificate is truly remarkable! You are loved beyond understanding by your family and I am so proud of you! You are loved beyond words!

15. You are my true daughter, you were born to accomplish great things in this world. You make me tear up with pride. You’re the best thing that could have ever happened to our family. I love you so much!

16. You are growing up to be an amazing person. I cannot think of a better person to have come out of my daughter’s womb. I am so proud of you and that you are following in my footsteps. You are an inspiration to everyone you meet that cares about your future. “Good luck to you, may the winds blow breezy.

17. I can’t think of a better day to celebrate my daughter’s graduation from college. She is going to make a wonderful life for herself and I know she will make you proud. Congratulations!

18. Happy Success! I am so proud of you. You are everything I could ever hope for in a daughter. I’m so glad you followed your heart, even though it was difficult at first. We may not be super close like we use to be but I still think of you every day. Sending love and hugs to you!

19. I’m so proud of you! You really worked hard at school, and although you may think I don’t care about the grades, I guess I need them for my own self-esteem. At least you are getting one thing right. My biggest wish that I pray every night is that your future is always filled with love and happiness that I can’t even begin to imagine.

20. You are the perfect person to go into the world. You are inspiring to everyone that has seen you shine through your college years, and I’m excited about what you will do next.

21. To my daughter, Congratulations on your graduation! You have worked hard for this and now that it is here I am so proud of you. It was a long road to get here and you have done a fantastic job. As a parent, the hard work is never going to stop, but I can tell from reading your accomplishments that you are a driven individual and a wonderful person. Have a wonderful life and keep following your dreams!

22. you are now an adult. it’s so hard being apart from you for college, but I know it’s what is best for you. I have these incredible memories of you that will last a lifetime. be happy and your parents love you every day!

23. It’s been a while since you graduated from high school and the world has changed. Life is going to be a constant learning experience and I want that for you. You are a wonderful daughter. Please continue to grow and be a woman of God. I love you with all my heart! Congratulations on graduation from college, sweet girl!

24. Well I think you deserve some type of recognition but I don’t think a diploma would be enough. So here goes: You are amazing and I love you more than words can say. You make me very proud and I am so lucky to call you my daughter. Thank you for giving me the gift of daddyhood and making me a better person.

25. I was so proud of you moving forward at your first choice of college. I wish you all the best of luck. I know that you were put here by God to do amazing things. Congratulations on your graduation!

26. I love you more than words could ever express. I have never been so proud of someone. After years of studying the best you could, your education is now complete! Congratulations!

27. As I sit here celebrating my daughter’s graduation from college, I am deeply impressed with her perseverance and determination to reach her goals. Her heart is bigger than any obstacle that comes her way and it will always lead her forward in life. I wish her the best in life.

28. I am so proud of you. For the past 5 years, you have always been headstrong and strong-minded. I believe that this is just the beginning of great things. As you embark on your new life, I am truly excited for you to take your first steps into adulthood, and I wish you all the success in the world.

29. I am so proud of you. You are an amazing woman who has worked so hard for everything she has done. Never again will I want to make you feel bad about yourself. You are loved! You are loved!!!

30. I am not wholeheartedly happy that you are getting off college. You are truly an adult now! I know you will do great things at this time in your life. However, I miss you every day. Congratulations on your graduation.

You’re an amazing young woman with so much potential. I’m so happy you had the opportunity to experience college while being raised by a family with so much love and support. I wish you many more great memories in your life! I have to write you this graduation card and hope you like it. Congratulations, daughter!

31. I want to tell you that I am proud of you. Maybe not proud of your grades, but proud of the person you are becoming. I hope that one day we can look back and remember college days as the best of times. Congratulations, dear.

32. I’m so very proud of you. I’m so excited about your future! I wish you all the success in the world. I know it’s going to be a great one, so keep going! You have so much going on and so much to learn… all I ask is that you enjoy every moment and remember who got you here.

33. I am so proud of you for graduating college. You deserve to be happy and I am so happy for you! You are the best daughter anybody could ask for, and I can’t wait for us to start another chapter together.

34. I’m so proud of you baby girl, you’re going to love this college graduation, you’re going to make a great nurse. I can’t wait until you call me and tell me how good it went. I love you all my life. Congratulation!

35. Wishing you the best today on your final days at college. You are my pride and joy. Thank you for all of your hard work. You are truly the best! Congratulations!

36. I’m so blessed that I have a daughter who can handle everything I can do, she’s pretty good at that. But, from the moment you were wrapped up in my arms as a newborn, you have been a blessing to me. You are strong and beautiful and smart and always bring joy to my life. Congratulations on your graduation from college.

37. I remember the first day I met you. dear, you were a little thing then, and now you’re all grown up and graduated from college. You’re still special to me. Congratulations to you from dad.

38. You are the most thoughtful, considerate and caring person I’ve ever known. Follow your heart, always be yourself and I promise you, you will find your calling in life. You will be a great young lady one day soon. Congratulations on your graduation, daughter.

39. You have been so kind and so patient as you have grown up under my roof. Your life is now truly yours as I am so ready for you to be off at college. Congratulations!

40. You’re my daughter. You are the best daughter in the world. I am so proud of you for graduating college with an accounting degree. You are smart, wise, and beautiful inside and out.

41. As you graduate, I am so proud of you. You have grown into such a beautiful and smart young woman. I love that with each passing year you do become more and more like your mother. I am so glad you will now be heading out of college to where you will develop your own goals and dreams. Congratulations!

42. You are an amazing woman! I know you will go far in life in all fields, but what I love most about you is your optimism in the face of life’s pressures. The way you look at life is so beautiful to me. So much love always to my beautiful daughter.

43. Congratulations on your bright future. You have made us very proud and you will always be a part of our family. Love, Grandma, Dad and Mom.

44. I wish you all the best in your new journey ahead of you. I want you to remember that I am always right there by your side. Nothing is better than seeing my daughter smile and be happy, and I hope that never changes!

45. Love you darling. You’ve always been such a bright light in my life and I know that you will go out and grab the world by the shoulders and shine so powerfully, it will be hard not to follow you.

46. Hey beautiful! I’m sorry I kept you in the dark for this long, but I wanted to make our day special. You were right and I was wrong. I didn’t know that life without you was even possible, but now it’s here and we both have to make the best of it. Things will be good, better than they were before. You can make your dreams come true, and I promise to be there every step of the journey. Congratulations!

47. It’s hard to believe it’s the end since you first received your acceptance letter and began your journey to become a Doctor. I am so proud of you! You are the best daughter I could ever ask for! I love you! Congratulations.

48. I couldn’t be more proud of your accomplishments, and you have worked so hard for this day. You have accomplished so much, and I am so happy for you that you have found a wonderful person to love and marry. Congratulations on your graduation.

49. You are more than just a girl, you are more than just your technical abilities; more than your grades; more than the fact that you get straight “A”s; more than how wonderful you are at tennis or how amazing you are at making me laugh like no one else ever has. Congratulations as you graduate.

50. You did it and I’m so proud of you. I know we had our ups and downs, but we made it. You reached for your dreams and even though we don’t see eye-to-eye on everything, I can’t help but see your faith in yourself in the big picture. Keep pushing!

My darling daughter. I’m so proud of all that you have accomplished! You are such an incredible woman and you know it. It kills me sometimes to think about the day we will no longer be able to share our lives together. But we will always remember each other. I love you so much. Congratulations on your graduation from college.

51. Happy graduation to you, my sweet daughter! I am so incredibly proud of the young woman you are. You are so smart, to boot! Happy graduation, dear girl, and good luck in whatever path you choose to take. Your dad loves you.

52. I am so proud of you. You are my daughter, my friend, best friend, lover, and now college grad. You have accomplished so much in your life and I am very proud of you. With this moment comes a new chapter, but it also brings me closer to you! As your mom, I’ve always loved you more than life itself. Congratulations!

53. I wish that your future would be filled with many successes and happiness. You are an inspiration to our family and I can’t wait to see what the next chapter in your life brings. I love you, baby! WITH ALL MY HAPPINESS!

54. I want to wish you a wonderful life as you head out into the real world. You have been such an incredible daughter whom I love so much. After travelling all over the world with you, I realized that the most important thing in this world is family and friends. I can’t thank you enough for being my daughter and for being the greatest mother that anybody could ever ask for, and I hope that we can keep up this strong relationship into your 30s and onward. Congratulations on this day!

55. Happy graduation! You’re such a good person, and you know that I love you forever! I want to give you a hug. Congratulations on your graduation, keep your head up and the process may not be easy but it will be worth it in the end.

56. I know you are already working on your next degree, but this is just to say how proud I am of you. Your good nature, hard work and determination to get up every day is inspiring. You are a bright shining star in my eyes, and I can’t wait to watch you grow into the amazing person that you are becoming. I love you so much!

57. I couldn’t be prouder of you. You are well on your way to all the dreams you hold, dear. The world is your oyster, you can do anything you set your mind to. You are an amazing lady, I have nothing but love for you. You have truly made me proud. Congratulations!

58. I can’t wait to watch you walk across that stage and change your life forever. You will now be able to wear whatever you want and go wherever you want. But as much as you will be moving forward with your future, I will always welcome you home as my little girl who also has a big world to conquer.

59. I’m so proud of you! I remember how nervous you were when you were getting ready to move across the country, but it is so rewarding to see all the hard work and effort you put into your education. You deserve everything on this planet and even more! I love you more than anything.

60. You are my best friend, my inspiration, my travelling companion. Your smiles light up my life and your hugs make me feel safe. I can’t wait to see you grow up! Congratulations on your graduation from college.

61. You are a beautiful young lady… You stand at a crossroads where God has given you a heart to love and a mind to believe. And He has a plan for your life even far beyond my understanding. May He guide you in every step of your journey, and may you walk with Him always. Congratulations on your big day.

62. Honored that you follow in my footsteps, I know that sometimes it is hard, but you’re doing a fantastic job. Times may not be easy but one day we will sit and look back at the choices we made, and how we overcame the difficult ones together. Know that when you make a mistake, I am here for you in a heartbeat. Always happy to listen- happy to care- happy to support anytime! Congratulations!

63. I couldn’t be more proud of you. You always make us laugh and I know that life will not be the same if you don’t go to college. You are an awesome daughter and a beautiful young woman. We love you very much, and we are so happy for all that you have accomplished in your life so far. Congratulations!

64. You are truly an amazing young lady. You have grown so much during the three years you have spent at college. I am so proud of you and grateful to have you in my life. Every day is a blessing, and you are the only one who makes me feel this way. I look forward to seeing more of you.

65. Graduation day is here and when I look at you I see myself when I was your age. And I think “thank you for spending your life in school”. Even though you found school boring and made some great friends, we wouldn’t change a thing. You are our pride and joy and we couldn’t be happier that we had the chance to raise such an amazing young woman.

66. I want you to know that you are the most amazing girl to ever walk the planet. You’re smart, funny and beautiful. You make me proud every day and I couldn’t ask for a better daughter. Congratulations on your graduation from college.

67. May you have many years of happiness, may you find the work you are passionate about, may you always feel safe and happy. Love to you today, tomorrow and every day. I hope that one day I will be able to give you what you deserve. This graduation day, I wish for all the world to say…my daughter is beautiful!

68. You get to be you. You get to love and live your dream! I am so proud of you knowing no matter what happens, you will always find a way to make it through it. Your life is full of possibilities and we want to be there for each and every one of them, and we will! Love you.

69. I couldn’t imagine a better time than this to get together with all your family and friends to celebrate not just your graduation but also your marriage. I can’t wait to see you all again soon. Congratulations!

70. Happy graduation to my baby. You may be moving away from me and your family, but we will always be mother and daughter. I am very proud of you and love you more than you will ever know. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished and so thankful for all you give to everyone around you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a good girl and giving me 25 years of happiness.

This year, as your daughter graduates from college, you want to make sure that your wishes to her are as awesome as she is, full of the personality and style that she’s always had.

As she finishes college, don’t settle for the cookie-cutter congratulatory speech. This is her moment. Write something more meaningful and have her read it aloud on stage with the rest of the graduates. And with the congratulations messages up there, you are good to go.

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