Consumers’ Perception of MTN Advertising Slogan Changes

Consumers’ Perception of MTN Advertising Slogan Changes


Slogans are embodiments of brand essences. They are thought to have potential to induce emotional responses that may steer consumers toward certain products.

The aim of this study was to ascertain consumers‟ perceptions of the frequent changes in slogans of heavily advertised brand like MTN GSM Network.

The objectives of the study are, (i) to find out students‟ frequency of exposure to MTN slogans;(ii) to ascertain students‟ reaction towards the frequent changes in MTN slogan;

(iii) to find out students‟ preference of MTN slogans;(iv) to ascertain the recall rate of MTN slogans among students; and (v) to determine students‟ perception of MTN advertising slogans.

The study employed survey design with structured questionnaire as the instrument. The populations of this study are undergraduate students of Plateau State University, Bokkos.

The study sampled 323 respondents using multi-stage and stratified random sampling techniques. The data gathered was analyzed using cross-tabulation, correlation and percentages to analyze the frequency.

The findings indicate that, frequent changes in MTN advertising slogans seem to affect students recall ability negatively.


Cover Page        i

Title Page              ii

Declaration       iii

Certification       iv

Dedication              v

Acknowledgements           vi

Table of Contents              viii

List of Tables                     x

List of Figures             xi

Abstract          xii


  • Background to the Study………………. 1
  • Statement of the Problem………………. 6
  • Aim and Objectives of the Study…………. 7
  • Research Questions……………. 8
  • Significance of the Study…………… 8
  • Scope of the study……………….. 9
  • Limitations of the Study…………. 10
  • Operational Definition of Terms……… 10


  • Introduction…………………. 11
  • Conceptual Review……………….. 11
    • Advertising……………….. 11
    • Role of advertisement in influencing Product Patronage………… 12
    • Advertising Slogans……………… 14
    • The Influence of Slogans on Product Patronage…….. 15
    • Characteristics of Advertising Slogans……. 16
    • Consumer Perceptions of Slogans………… 18
    • Consumer Perceptual Process of Advertising Messages………. 20
    • Advertising Slogan‟s Technique……. 24
    • Advertising Slogans and Consumer Perception…………. 25
  • Empirical Review………… 26
    • Studies on Advertising Slogans and Recall…….. 29
    • Advertising Slogans and Language……….. 31
  • Review of Theories Related to Perception……. 35
    • Cognitive Response Theory (CRT)……… 35
    • Cognitive Dissonance Theory…………… 37
    • Theory of Reasoned Action……………. 38
    • Elaboration Likelihood Model…………. 38
  • Theoretical Framework…………………. 40
    • Critique of the Theory………….. 42


  • Introductions…………………….. 44
  • Research Design………………… 44
  • Population and Location of Study………. 44
  • Sample Size and Sampling Technique………… 45
  • Instruments of Data Collection……………… 45
  • Method of Data Collection…………………..46
  • Validity and Reliability of the instrument………46
  • Variables and their Measurements……………….46
  • Technique for Data Analysis and Presentation………..47


  • Introduction………………… 48
  • Data Presentation and Interpretation……….. 48

4.3       Discussion of findings…………………..56


  • Introduction………. 62
  • Summary…………… 62

5.3       Conclusion………..63

5.4.      Contribution to Knowledge…………… 63

  • Recommendations………………………….. 64
  • Suggestions for Further Studies………… 64

References……………………… 66

APPENDICES…………………….. 73


Background of the Study

With the liberalization of telecommunication industry in 2001, mobile telephony has rapidly become the most popular method of voice communication in Nigeria.

Growth has been rapid that Nigeria was described as one of the fastest growing worldwide market for Mobile telecommunication.

Through the Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) the regulatory body, the Nigerian Government modernized and expanded the mobile telecommunications network and services by granting global system for mobile telecommunication (GSM) license to three service providers in January 2001.

These providers included Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) Nigeria, Econet Wireless (now Airtel), and the first national carrier, NITEL (Mtel).

In 2002, the second national carrier, Globacom, was additionally granted license to commence operation.

Since then the Global system for mobile telecommunication (GSM) services and several other fixed wireless telecommunication services deliver telephone services to Nigerians and the world.


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